Man, this game is super ridiculously short. If you play it straight and don't lose or get caught up in the 'Lan Mei makes retarded choices' side-events, you can finish it in ~30-40 minutes. That's with reading all of the story and stopping to talk with various random NPCs...
They could have thrown this into a CG set, and it'd have probably been worth more than in its current incarnation as a game. It's not like there's much to the story, and the setting isn't explored at all. Just 'Random China-Expy with random Martial Artists.'
Sure, the way they handled 'combat' was mildly interesting... but that's it really. Gallery with a few extra steps. Well. At least they let you unlock everything at the end, so it has that going for it beyond what plenty of other games do.
It makes me question why they even used RPGM if they didn't use any RPG elements at all...
Oh well, at least the art was nice. It's got that going for it at least... but it's also one of those 'Your mileage will vary.' sort of things too...