
New Member
Apr 3, 2019
How to deal with this new Attention thing? Suddenly Ms Orion Shows up and seize recipes declare stuff as illegal and so on. I have her nearly every 2 days.


Jan 13, 2020

I am going to gather that you skipped the tutorial when you started this game correct, need to know which version of the game you are running. just to make sure nothing broke, since this is like the first 5 mins of the game
newest version


May 4, 2017
How to deal with this new Attention thing? Suddenly Ms Orion Shows up and seize recipes declare stuff as illegal and so on. I have her nearly every 2 days.
In the beginning, don't sell anything with Attention as a trait unless it's big money, and do it manually so you can stop it from going over the threshold. Attention decays at 10 per day, with a cap of 100 attention at first.

With upgrades, you can make the cap 200, and ignore up to 3 points of attention in a serum, allowing you to sell some shady stuff in bulk. Once you have confirmed through manual sales that you won't generate heat from a formula, set it in the production menu to sell automatically.

Leave the stuff that still generates attention on manual so that you're left alone.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
In a well organised entreprise we would be able to limit the number of sales/day for each product, this UI is far to be complete.


Jun 30, 2021
newest version
ok, two stipulations. Steph, must not be active on any serum when attempting to complete this or all presented serums no matter if they are correct or not will show as invalid.
going to go thru all the steps.
In R/D
first, assign research suggestion drugs, when it completes
want to create a serum with the primitive serum production and the suggestion drugs. (create a new serum design)
then assign research for whatever you name that serum
usually 2nd day you have that serum Steph gets all excited and tells the serum is completed
go to production, access production stockpile move serum to personal possession
return to Research, talk to Steph, select ask about advancing your research.
with the serum in your personal stock, you can begin experiment and should step thru to
tier 1,

Although I would do the things with Steph to rise her sluttiness and love etc. before the begin experiment.



Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
Please don't give Vren to many more Ideas, I have worked in Manu for over 35 years coming home to play a realistic porn game based on my day job just wouldn't be a fun enjoyable game.
To remove your sadness I would say that after working in software development fot 30+ years I can't understand how we can code such a thing without automation of quantity and ordering how sales are planned :)


Mar 18, 2019
How to produce tier one serums?
I 'm stuck in producing tier zero serums, though I researched tier one traits!


Jun 30, 2021
To remove your sadness I would say that after working in software development fot 30+ years I can't understand how we can code such a thing without automation of quantity and ordering how sales are planned :)
oh we do, in real time, although the current disruptions in logistics are a pita at a global scale, each time I start a game of Labrats and hire HR, I keep wondering why I am the one having to do the reviews at that point.
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May 4, 2017
There's a business policy in serum section for what tier of serums your manufacturing facilities can produce. You have to pay to be able to make t1, t2, and t3, because equipment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I just looked at how contracts are generated. File "_contracts.rpy"
They are completely random. They aren't even based on what the serum traits can actually produce.
It would have been better if he used a list of the serum traits then created a random combination based on them and used that to generate the contract. At least then the contract would actually be something you can produce.
But he doesn't do that.
He does this horse shit instead.

 primary_aspect_amount = ((contract_tier+1) * (contract_tier+2)) + renpy.random.randint(-(contract_tier+3), (contract_tier+3))
        secondary_aspect_amount = (primary_aspect_amount/2) + renpy.random.randint(-(contract_tier+1), (contract_tier+1))

attention_tolerance = contract_tier + renpy.random.randint(-contract_tier/2,contract_tier)
If that isn't bad enough. Lets say you decided to work smart and start researching stuff on the next level tier>
Well that is going to fuck you over even harder. Because he based it off that and not the tier of serum you can produce in the production process.
It would have been better if he used instead of self.max_serum_tier when generating the contracts.
There is pretty much ZERO chance a person has enough funds to surviving jumping to hire level than his production process to meat a contract.
The purchase cost and added upkeep cost is going to be really hard to have stored up.
If you want to change that for yourself. You can do so in Business.rpy around line 499 you will find


#change to this
Contracts also only are generated on Mondays. line 226 of Business.rpy
You can make that every odd day by changing it to "if day%2: or every 3 days with "if day%3 = 0:"
With the shit way he is generating contracts and the probability they can't even be made the more times it is generated the higher the chance you might find one you can fill.

He should have used the way serums actually are made as a guide to determine what is possible to create the serums.
Tier of the fabs production process should determine tier of contracts.
Use that to select the serum base and number of slots for traits.
determine if "High Capacity is used" if it is add the values that go with it and adjust slots for traits.
Pick the rest of traits on that tier that can fit in slots available.
I made a mod that does exactly what I said.

That way he generates real serums that you can actually produce.
The current way he does it a good number of them can never be produced because the specific combination doesn't exist in what serum traits have. Then it is compounded by what he is basing the tier level off of.

How the fuck he doesn't realize that is beyond me.
Frankly, it resembles a lot of his code where he gets lazy and relies on pure randomness were he shouldn't.
He does the same shit when it comes to character stats, characteristics and skills. He doesn't make the effort to connect them together so they make any sort of sense.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
ok I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if glitched but I'm stuck on serum research tier 0 and I think I've tried every combination to make the right serum to get to the next tier but none of them work anyone knows the right one because I'm stuck
I assume you are talking about production tier 0.
Meaning the production system won't let you create above tier 0.
You have to go into the "main office" and "Manage Business Policies" - "Serum Policies". Then by "Tier 1" upgrade for $750.
Warning: There is a $100 dollar a day up keep fee when you upgrade. That is in addition to cost of labor you have.
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
I just looked at how contracts are generated. File "_contracts.rpy"
They are completely random. They aren't even based on what the serum traits can actually produce.
It would have been better if he used a list of the serum traits then created a random combination based on them and used that to generate the contract. At least then the contract would actually be something you can produce.
But he doesn't do that.
He does this horse shit instead.
The more I looked the code, in many versions, the more I'm sure the objective is quick code to be able to give stuff to patreons each month at fixed date, there are many examples like the code you quote in the game, and I'm pretty sure he don't have enough time to really play the game.

I just hope all this won't finish on a burn out before the mechanics are finalized.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
The more I looked the code, in many versions, the more I'm sure the objective is quick code to be able to give stuff to patreons each month at fixed date, there are many examples like the code you quote in the game, and I'm pretty sure he don't have enough time to really play the game.

I just hope all this won't finish on a burn out before the mechanics are finalized.
I guess it might not be laziness as I stated above but poor forethought is definitely at play no matter how you look at it.

If we assume you are correct and he doesn't change it this game will end as a steaming pile of shit that isn't playable at the rate he is going.

He created everything for the most part he needs to do what I suggested above. He just didn't do it.
He has all the traits as an object with all the attached variables.
He created a list even containing all of them. They are even ordered in order of Tier 0 up.
So you know 0 to 10 are tier 0 traits.
It would have been better if the base and high capacity were put in a separate list.
Either way. It can still be used as I said in the prior post. if random comes up 1 then add its stuff and increase slots by 2 for 2 new traits.
0 - 10 tier 0
11 - 29 tier 1
30 - 46 tier 2
47 - 51 tier 3
52 - 55 Nora

Make a few added lists
Serum_Bases = [0,11,30,47]
Serum_HC = 1
Max_Trait [10,29,46,51,55] #used to tell the max level a trait can pull from per production level
Use that to set the max random value (2,Max_Trait)
If it happens to come up one of the bases reroll.
Also role a separate role to see if high cap is used first.
I went ahead and did this.
That's the modded file.

The other option is he has to generate a table at the start of the game based on the traits.
The table would include the maximum levels that can be achieved in the various combinations and he would need to ensure any random value he selected is below the max or the serum would be impossible to produce.
That's actually a lot more complex. Because any selection you make as a trait is going to limit the other areas of traits. Because you only have so many slots. Example: if you select a trait that has 0 med. It then limits the serums max med level because that slot is used. Same goes for sex, physical and so on.

Though what I proposed above is vastly better than what he did it is still a poor solution in my book. Unless the player is near completing all of his research in a level there is a good chance he won't be able to fill any contracts for half of the time in that level.

There isn't really a good way to fix this because of what he chose to base around.
There are other issues with the system. Such as in the early game the contracts also prevent you from running anything else for a period of time to fill them. So doing work on stuff you need to or should be working on is put on the back burner to fill a contract. You don't have the money to hire enough staff early on and run more than one line.

The market system for this contract is entirely backwards of what it would be in reality in a lot of aspects.
There probably isn't a large number of companies producing the same thing. So this would be more of a situation of you advertise the product and people wanting it bid on it because there is a limited availability.

Special contracts could ensue if someone wanted some sort of change to the product. That's more how this would work in the real world. Your sales department would most likely need to travel outside the office pedaling it like actual pharma sells reps do in real life.

But I do understand why he didn't base it on reality for this game purpose. He was trying to make money harder to get.
He went about it the wrong way. He could have limited a lot better if he used a more realistic and complex research system like the one I suggested in the past. One were you hire women and sponsor expeditions and so on to find items that process properties to created the desired traits. They could loose money on expedition even staff. What they return with may not be as good as they hoped and only have a very mild effect instead were some other item may have a much greater effect.
The best part is this can be randomized for every game so each time you replay the game its is different and you can just min max the game by remembering all the good items vs all the bad items.

So as long as he keeps it this way its going to be poor to mediocre at best. That's even if he fixes it to what I suggested basing it on actual producible serums and not pure random as he has.
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Jan 13, 2020
I assume you are talking about production tier 0.
Meaning the production system won't let you create above tier 0.
You have to go into the "main office" and "Manage Business Policies" - "Serum Policies". Then by "Tier 1" upgrade for $750.
Warning: There is a $100 dollar a day up keep fee when you upgrade. That is in addition to cost of labor you have.
I have that it is when I give it to Stephenie she says it is not the right one so i cant advance to the next level


Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
Here are some modified files permitting to limit the auto-sale of serums with attention to the max - 5 ( on/off ). Caution, the value by default after installation is OFF, like it is in vanilla.

With this you can use auto-sales with all your serums.

Installation : unzip and erase files - ONLY FOR 0.47.0 Vanilla Version

View attachment LR047-LimitAutosellWithAttention.7z
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Those of you who are unsatisfied, tell me, who is the demographic he needs to keep happy?

Especially after so many years of development there is only one demographic he need to keep happy!

Are you part of that demographic?

What reason do you give him to keep you happy?

Other than that, ideas and testing the implementation of those ideas need time to mature :)
who cares? we are in a forum he doesn't own, so everyone can talk about it and say his opinion.
and yes i'm pretty sure everyone here knows that we can't change whatever the fuck vren is going to do in the future, but it's still nice to talk with others about ya frustration in a game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Those of you who are unsatisfied, tell me, who is the demographic he needs to keep happy?

Especially after so many years of development there is only one demographic he need to keep happy!

Are you part of that demographic?

What reason do you give him to keep you happy?

Other than that, ideas and testing the implementation of those ideas need time to mature :)
I just seen someone else's reply to this that's what drew my attention to it.
By demographic I assume you mean patrons. Some of were and there are some who still are.
But that is beside the point. It's not really a discussion form if everyone posts the same thing. Ooh I like it.... Type crap.
A discussion involves different opinions and observations.
Who the fuck cares if the developer sees it. There are people who creates mods for the game. I'm one of them.
Even if I choose not to implement something doesn't mean another mod developer might not like the idea.
But discussing what is wrong with the game and his programming belongs here.

That said I also submitted a bug report on the issues I found so he can choose to fix them or not if he wants I told him he can even contact me and have access to the code I did in my own mods to fix some of the more glaring issues without really changing game play.

As for your idea about time to mature and test. Eh not really. From a developer stand point I could have told you simply looking at the code it was a bad idea to start with the way he implemented a number of things. You can chalk those types of decisions only up to a few reasons. Laziness, inexperience, lack of forethought...
That said I know he has enough programming experience to know by now or at least he should a number of things he implemented are pure crap. Maybe, he didn't care or doesn't actually listen to any feedback.
Either way the result stands for itself.

Like I pointed out I'm more than glad to give him a hand to fix some of the stuff. The issues are fixable. But if he waits to long it won't be. Programming like this like a ball of yarn the more you pile on top the more you have to untangle to get to the root of it.

Here I just made the mod to fix what I was bitching about above.
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Dec 7, 2021
Morning All
After playing this Game with the Mods, I wanted to get a better understanding of Renpy, and had two questions on the game design. I hope it is OK to ask here.
1) Where are the Main Charters (MOM, SISTER) Defined. I can't seem to find where the Faces are defined... I assumed there would be a 'Def Person" that would have the Basic's.

2) why is there a script.rpy and a script.rpyc? I decompiled the script.rpyc and it looks like it has the same code as the script.rpy. Am I missing Something?

Thanks for any help
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