- Sep 17, 2017
- 4,702
- 13,440
dont give me this bullocks. the game is not more complex with these updates, it's just more annoying to play now. wanna get new serums? well fuck you, you need weird points that you can only get via sexual intercourse. and you need to have TONS of it, so prepare for having a fucking monotonous gameplay for the next 10 hours until you get some serums that are interesting to play around with. but guess what, you can't experience with serums either, cause that also costs a lot of fucking points, so instead of playing around with different mixtures, you gotta grind your shit to get recipes that are of outmost importance to you and save the rest of your points for research. at the end you need every lil shit point for getting new recipes after all. some even cost over 3000, ffs.It's become fashionable in this thread to shit on Vren's attempts to make the game more fulfilling through a little added complexity for those who actually play the game instead of dumbing it down for the idiots who are just going to console their way to riches and faps anyway, but I've played with duties a little and they look like they're going to be good for increasing productivity, relieving maluses, and if he doesn't fix one exploit I think I discovered, creating mixed department employees lol. The game is easier since the contract patch by far. I haven't found an impossible contract in weeks, and I'm swimming in cash through legit play, allowing me more time to work on corrupting everyone
vren accomplished it that intercourse in a game became a chore and a grind instead of a reward.
game itself is piss easy btw. this is in no way a management game. i have so much money, i could run that business for a 1000 years without making money and i wouldnt get broke. can't do shit with my money though, cause everything is paid with that new fucking point system!
and boy, without mods this game would break in half. so many broken shit, holy cow. so many errors. wanna have younger employees but smart? game breaks cause it was coded badly. employing a new girl? game can break. employing sis and mom? game can break or glitch out in hilarious ways like mom asdking you two employ her SECOND daughter.
trance state is at least okay'ish, but you gotta pay with those FUCKING POINTS again. more grind. im pimping girls now just for the points and not cause i wanna. i just press forward to get it over with, ffs. after doing it a fucking hundred times, you just danna wanna read the same crap they are saying over and over and over and over again. it's not fun, it's not sexy, it's piss boring. im glad that we have modders who repair vrens coding crap and actually add interesting bits and DEPTH to the game. or else the game ould simply be unplayable. fucking hell, even most rudimentory things like a useable gym to increase stamina is missing in vanilla. modders had to implement it. enslavment, hair cutter or changing thjat super stupid progression list in order to increase your stats. boy this is another chore. sell x amounts of meds in order to get +1 stat, flirt 20 times, fuck 9 different girls, generate 2000 research points... what time waster is this??? i basically just click for ten minutes straight by standing up, going to work and clicking "research2 for the whole day and then go back to sleep. rinse and repeat til i've done the task. another chore and time waster. absolutely uninspired task. once you are don with all your stats you can't do dogshit with the stat points you gain afterwards. you can however buy more useless statpoints by buying it with... can you guess? eh? ... those stupid points from earlier! hooray!
just so we are clear. i dont play with cheats here either.
edit: after reading Ambir 's post i agree that i was a bit too harsh on vren here. i apologize. take my ranting as a frustrated outcall for seeing a good foundation of a game that gets held back by the things i mentioned before.
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