
Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Yours truly agrees too. This game looks really good and smells like serious stuff.
The only thing I hope is it won't be just a covid thing as the dev's notes on the OP imply. Hopefully you'll get decent support (y)

Oh BTW Connor looks so much meeker in his new role :HideThePain:

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
After playing I can honestly say it was confusing much of the time, felt a bit too much like a kinetic novel until near the end, and I wish I could avoid content with Jenn as I'm not interested in dicking the same chick as the best friend (thank the heavens for that out with Caroline.)

I like Sarah, Caroline (best), and Lynn but not a fan of Jenn or honestly the on-rails interaction with the hooker/prositute.

Not sure what to make of the Gym situation either but with the choice being between Lynn and the instagram ho I went with Lynn.
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Active Member
Oct 24, 2018
game looks promising so far!
small feedback for you..
1)clicking on an arrow to progress when there is only 1 choice seems pointless...
2)animations could use some work in the earlier ones but for someone who is new to making them its a very good start!
3)when asked to keep Sarah secret about the money.. would be nice if you added some text of the MC telling Paolo about the money if we pick that option..
4)Q.Save is only useful if you also have Q.Load function in my opinion...

looking forward to E3 road trip :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2020
Dev asked for feedback, so here are just a couple thoughts:

-Basically liked the game: main characters are interesting, girls are attractive, Paolo is a good "Bro" character, his money is a bit of a deus ex machina at times, but we can go with it.

-The basic plot of the game seems to be the tension between pursuing a relationship(s) with the main girls vs fucking around/partying. Not sure how the road trip is going to help with the second part. We've spent the whole game so far getting attached to at least one if not all three of the main girls, but now we're gonna have a huge part of the game where we can't interact with them at all. This may be fine for many players, but for me, it seems like it may lose focus. MC has momentum with all three of them at the moment. Three weeks of them being apart and apparently fucking other people is going to kill any relationship momentum.

-The "Sarah is bisexual" line kinda came out of left field. I don't remember seeing any indications of that earlier. I mean, is that really necessary? It's not like it's a complete turn-off for me ( It is for some players though!), but if it's part of the story, I'd rather it came up organically in character interactions rather than a throwaway line from the friend. Maybe after Sarah and MC start having sex, she can propose a threesome and they can talk about it...

-For me personally, while I like all three of the main girls, Sarah is my "best girl". Maybe it will be possible to get all of them, but if forced to choose, so far I would choose her. With the second and third items above, my interest in her could take a hit. Maybe I'm too focused on the pursuing a relationship angle, and that isn't where you are actually seeing the game going.

-You are dealing with some heavy issues with depression/mental illness in this game. Sounds like you are dealing with some similar issues in your real life. I hope that you have a good support network around you, and please, if you have feelings of hopelessness or despair, seek help immediately. We are living in fucked up times, and our social networks are strained and frayed. It's easy to feel alone, but we rarely really are.

Be strong. Work smarter, not harder! Good luck with whatever challenges you are facing (school?), and I hope to see a continuation of this story soon! Stay healthy! Stay safe!


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
Dev asked for feedback, so here are just a couple thoughts:
Hello, thank you very much for your input. I'm new to this and did a lot, really all of it, very spontaneous so the pacing is sometimes off and stuff, but I can live with that.
My main goal with the game is the focus of the character development of the mc and hopefully also some of the other characters. That's really it. I don't try to create the most realistic or best VN out there, just some stuff I wanna write about.
I agree that it came a bit out of the blue, but I decided for a path with the main girls (I don't want to spoil to much) where they remain a really close group.
I thought about splitting it up at some point, like some other games do but I have so much fun with them interacting, I don't really want them to.
Over the development of the first two episodes I removed and added a whole bunch of stuff, so maybe I change my mind again but that's where I'm at at the moment.
The road trip idea was, like many many other things in the game, again a spontaneous idea and you won't play this part yourself. It's rather a way for the girls to form a closer relationship while they are on their trip, as I myself formed always really close relationships in my life whenever I was with friends or girls on vacation.
Similar to the mc and his friend, who just have some fun.
E3 will begin after they return from their trips.
It's difficult to say what's exactly 'wrong' with me at the moment. I'm not in a terrible situation. I can hopefully finish my studies next year, I'm in a field where you can easily get a job, I have decent money reserves (I'm gambling a lot on wall street but I don't really feel anything investing or losing money). I don't have that many close friends anymore as I maneuvered myself in this situation, but I still got some and without them I couldn't even finish my uni.
Thanks again for your feedback. I try to have some fun with the game. I don't have any plans that go beyond.


Nov 30, 2018
How do you get points in this game? Just came across two scenarios where I needed perv points and fit points but I didn't have either so not sure where to get them.


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
How do you get points in this game?
There are 13 decisions over both episodes where you can pick one of two options, excluding the main girls, and in those you should be able to gain points. You can also take a look at the source code and search for 'score_perv' to see what triggers it.
I just skipped through it and for me it worked if I picked the perv decisions. But of course it could also be bugged.


New Member
Feb 3, 2020
I loved the scattered Forsen memes that only a true Baj could spot. Had fun playing it. Good luck FeelsOkayMan

Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is?
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Aug 3, 2018
Hey guys, anyone else getting a Generic\Trojan.be3 quarantine from the LADYINBLUEE2.EXE? It's more than likely a false, I just want to check.


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
Hey guys, anyone else getting a Generic\Trojan.be3 quarantine from the LADYINBLUEE2.EXE? It's more than likely a false, I just want to check.
After all the shit I downloaded and torrented over the years, maybe there's stuff like this on my pc, but I hope it's a false if you really got that. I haven't heard it from anyone else thus far though.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2019
When MC met Lynn, he said having been to the island for few days. But then meeting her in the cafe for a date, MC thinks he learned something in the last FEW weeks. So, how much time was between meeting Lynn and the date? 3-4 weeks? And before that Amy chatting with MC having seen him often working out in the gym... I didn't notice how weeks just flew by. ;)


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
I didn't notice how weeks just flew by. ;)
You're right, I wanted to make it like a week after he met her, so he would've been around 7 times to the gym every day and been on the island for around a week and a half, but that's what happends without a proof reader :D. I'll change it for the later versions, thanks man
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