
Feb 28, 2020
End product is a bit rough around the edges, mainly in the animated scenes and backgrounds, but given all the context you presented us (by the way, your game avatar is perhaps the hottest model of all lmao) this is already a big accomplishment. This first release (not really first, but you get it) already has more content and variety than many completed games. And on quite some aspects your artwork is indeed already above average, as in the wet skin texture and the cumshot design.


Jun 25, 2018
Yeah the game is already very enjoyable and more people should know about it.


New Member
Jan 29, 2018
Agree with all of the above. This is one of the better games I have played and now am eagerly awaiting the next installment. Hoping the game goes all the way to completion (and then new games as well).


Jun 11, 2017
Finished playing episode one. As I saw in the beginning of the game, you asked for a feedback, i can give it to you. Preemptively sorry if some of my words hurt you in any way, I just want to give my feedback.
Like some reviewers said, at first, pros.
Renders are awesome. Really. And not only renders of the characters (users of this site see standard DAZ models quite often), but anything else too. Buldings, interiors, characters too, of course, all visual part of the game is beautiful. Then music. You can never go wrong with classics. And your game is another good example of that. Oh, and some dialogs looks like it's from real life, it's good thing too. I'm sorry but that's where pros ends.
And now, cons.
I repeat, I played only episode one, maybe later it will be better. There's something wrong with the lightning in renders, most of renders are really dark, even when it's broad daylight on the scene. It's minor thing, of course, but it's still not a positive thing.
Story. Well, to be honest, game has one. Sadly, that's all the good things I can say about story. When I began playing I felt like I was in the middle of TV series. People know each other, MC has history, Paolo has history, but I have not the slightest idea about that history. That's not cool. At first, I thought that dev has some pity and will explain us, players, on some stage. Episode one ended. I know that MC and Paolo are best friends, I know that MC had an addiction (to what is still a question), I know MC saved Paolo's life (how? from what? WTF?) and that's all. Oh, and Paolo is so much loaded, he lives like Bill Gates's daughter but MC, his best friend, have no idea about that. In the end of the episode you add some more depth to the whole picture, besties knew each other in years, they drifted apart (why?) and their past history has much more than we thought they had in the beginning. So my feeling "I watch TV series from the middle of the season" become much more real. Well, with the fact that MC is dumb depressing loser I still don't know what his addiction was (and MC's best friend have no idea too). And the only fact that MC is a virgin at 24 is not making him depressive idiot, it fact, changes in behaviour are so small that not every woman can sense it, and we, men, can only spot a virgin if we know the signs. It's certainly not dumbness or depressiveness (or problems with memory for that matter).
Map. It's good there's map, it's nothing good we totally don't need map.
There's a problem with storytellind as a whole. Usual approach, story is divided on a number of scenes, each scene has the same features as a scene in a movie or TV show (transition between previous scene and this, reason for the scene, scene itself, transition between this scene and next), it can vary based on player's choices. Choices will be later, now scenes themselves. There's no transition between scenes (beside map), all the presumed actions goes without saying or render (player must suppose they were). You ignore explanations as a class, here's a thing, then next thing, deal with it. Again, not cool.
Maybe it's small thing, but MC dealing with drugs with no choice? Are you sure you want that in your game? I don't want anything related to drugs IRL, and you showing me how my alter-ego have nothing against using drugs, distributing drugs. No choice given. That's just sick. I don't want to sound like a brainwashed goody-two-shoes, but drugs really kill people. My friend lost his relative due to his relative's drug addiction.
Choices. In short, they are meaningless. Maybe one or two (like red or black door) has a real meaning, but I see no effect from the most of choices. Especially, choices in porn scene, there's no need for them, 'cause that choices don't mean anything.
That was my feedback after episode one, I go on with epidosode two.
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Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
most of renders are really dark, even when it's broad daylight on the scene.

Sadly, that's all the good things I can say about story.

Map. It's good there's map, it's nothing good we totally don't need map.

There's no transition between scenes (beside map)

Are you sure you want that in your game? I don't want anything related to drugs IRL.

Choices. In short, they are meaningless.
Hey, thanks for your feedback. Don't worry, you don't hurt me with your feedback but thanks.

Thanks for the praise on the renders. As one, if not the main goal in the beginning was to learn daz, I'm happy to hear I learned a thing or two. You have to keep in mind, I'm teaching everything myself.

The story.. well let's say, it will make more sense if you play the whole picture in version 1.0. I tease the ending more than once throughout the game but as I'm now working on E3, I don't remember every tease from E1 clearly. But that doesn't mean the story will be the best one you've ever played.
It's a personal one. The game is also more about many many personal references to my life and not just about the story. The story is a tool, as are the renders. I create this game to talk about my thoughts about my life.

The map.. well as I said in the game and I think as you played E1 you read it, it states I just wanted to implement a map. If you played the game Sisterly Lust, my map is similar how he did his game. In his game you're often in your room and then you have a menu with multiple options of scenes, which you can play after another. That's also how the map works.
Why the map though? Because I wanted my game to have a map as I had fun with a map in Milfy City. No other reason. I do things in this game because I want to, not because I need to.

No transition.. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, because I tried to take care of transitions between new sections of the game, like when you get a new map with new icons. There should be little transitions scenes. But I'm not sure what you mean exactly.

Drugs in my game.. yes. Yes I want them in my game. Well, it's not like they are everywhere, or are they? But yes. This is my game and I want them to be in the game. If you don't like it, I'm sorry but as the game is free to play, just delete it. I'm sorry for your loss but again, yes every thing that's in the game, is there because I want it in the game.

Choices.. when I upload E3 you will know more about how I handle choices in my game, please keep in mind this is version 0.3 and you said you only played E1?
E1 is more of an introduction to the game than anything else. Even in E2, you will see that there are choices which will get you entirely different scenes, even longer ones and on multiple occasions. If you want even more than that, I'm sorry.

Please keep in mind that I really just started on the spot with this game with no prior knowledge in any of the big 3: daz, renpy and creative. I improvised the whole of E1 while also learning this stuff. E2 should be a little more structured and I hope the later versions even more so.

Thanks for your feedback. I'm making good progress in E3 and I think the game will just make more sense when you play all the way to the ending because again, I tease the endings multiple times through E1 to E4. There will be two endings by the way. Take care.


Jun 11, 2017
Played till the end of episode 2, so now I have even more feedback :)
There quite a progress from the first episode to the second, it's like you leveled up doing the second one. But I have some things to say.
Thanks for the praise on the renders. As one, if not the main goal in the beginning was to learn daz, I'm happy to hear I learned a thing or two. You have to keep in mind, I'm teaching everything myself.
Renders still good but troubles with lighting still goes on. Even on one scene, dinner with Caro, on one angle it's a bright day, in another angle it's already twilight.
The story.. well let's say, it will make more sense if you play the whole picture in version 1.0. I tease the ending more than once throughout the game but as I'm now working on E3, I don't remember every tease from E1 clearly. But that doesn't mean the story will be the best one you've ever played.
It's a personal one. The game is also more about many many personal references to my life and not just about the story. The story is a tool, as are the renders. I create this game to talk about my thoughts about my life.
Well, it's good you're making the game to not just make some money or gain popularity, you're trying to say something to people who play.
Storytelling in second episode is much more like storytelling. Problem with transition still goes on but now I see story, I see MC's development, I see relationship blossom. And at last, for the first time MC asks for a phone number, in previous episode girls just say "Call me" and no one gives MC her number. I even say I like it now (unlike episode 1). Maybe because it's no fun to play as dumb depressed loser, maybe because story has some structure at last. But unresolved issues from the 1st episode are still lingering over me: unknown addiction, best friend who, it seems, only briefly know MC (and vice versa), MC's history before Hawaii is still a mystery. Second episode is better than first but I believe you can make both episodes good. Both are parts of one game, it's only good if the first one will be no worse than the second.
The map.. well as I said in the game and I think as you played E1 you read it, it states I just wanted to implement a map. If you played the game Sisterly Lust, my map is similar how he did his game. In his game you're often in your room and then you have a menu with multiple options of scenes, which you can play after another. That's also how the map works.
Why the map though? Because I wanted my game to have a map as I had fun with a map in Milfy City. No other reason. I do things in this game because I want to, not because I need to.
I played Sisterly Lust and I see no resemblance. You see, Perverteer's game is room-centered, one scene always going on in one room (not literally sometimes), no movement between rooms in one scene. Game has a really simple story with choices centered around making some points with girls player like, nothing more. It seems your game has more serious story and there's movement between locations in one scene. Approach Perverteer used just cannot be used in your game, it's like slicing a bread with the axe. You can do that, but it's better with the knife.
And in the choice of scenes in Sisterly Lust... well, not long after beginning of the game choices become matter, if you choose one scene, you don't see another, player must choose one girl over another. Not that's really matter in the game, it's harem game and it means happy end in unavoidable. Again, your game looks more serious, with actual story.
Thing I don't get with the map is why names of the scene in upper right corner are not clickable. It takes time sometimes to find clickable icon on the map and player needs to guess what scene is hiding beneath icon. It's confusing. Maybe it's better to give player some direction (not names of the scenes but something self-explanatory, for example, not "Happy ending" but "Trip with Paolo") or make names of the scenes clickable. So if player wants to find an icon, he will do that, if player don't - he'll click the name of the scene he wish to play. Or maybe combine both variants.
No transition.. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, because I tried to take care of transitions between new sections of the game, like when you get a new map with new icons. There should be little transitions scenes. But I'm not sure what you mean exactly.
I'll try to explain. Your game lacks one character - it's storyteller. You may think it's MC but there's a thing: MC tells us his thoughts, he speaks with others, we are making choices for him, but he's not telling us what is going on. What does it mean? Here's two examples:
Scene in your game
MC thinks
MC talks
NPC talks
MC thinks
Scene in many other VNs
MC arives on the scene
MC thinks
MC talks
NPC talks
MC thinks
MC doing something
MC leaves this scene
It may seems small, the difference only in few strings but these strings are storyteller's words. Players don't watch a movie, we see static pictures and some text, nothing more. So we need to read what's going on, what our alter-ego is doing. Usually it's MC's words pointed at reader. Something like "I arrived on a place of our date late, she already stood there. She's here before me, I certainly late, isn't it?" And in the end "I kiss her goodbuy and left". Without these transitions changing location is really confusing, like some date with a girl in your game, one frame - they're are going to eat, next frame - they're somewhere else deciding where to go next. It's like player is walking in the darkness and he/she is sometimes seeing flashes of lightning. Story (just like spice) must flow, not jump like rabbit.
Choices.. when I upload E3 you will know more about how I handle choices in my game, please keep in mind this is version 0.3 and you said you only played E1?
E1 is more of an introduction to the game than anything else. Even in E2, you will see that there are choices which will get you entirely different scenes, even longer ones and on multiple occasions. If you want even more than that, I'm sorry.
Yes, in episode 2 choices matter. But what abour earlier? I chose variant with MILF to not continue, then suddenly she's still in MC's life, he knows her number (he never asked for that) and both want to go on. If there's no real choice why making choice at all? What's worse, choices in sex scenes. Player must guess what's hiding behind your desciption (and I never could have guessed that "be courageous" means anal), choice has no meaning, player needs to click it all anyway to see choice "Cum". Frankly speaking, such system is a turn off by itself. Sex scenes are beatufilly rendered (beside one animation where girl unnaturally flying over MC), together with text it's exciting to see/read but then I see that stupid menu. In such games sex scene's choices needed for direction, for maximazing player's pleasure. If player wants to fuck that beauty in missionary position then he choose "Missionary" (not something like "I want to lead") and after that he supposes he can choose where to cum. Maybe there are individuals who wants to see all animations and poses, but for part of players inability to continue after one pose and a necessity to see it all is a turn off and not something exciting.

That's a really long post, it's better to finish. There's two little things. One: MC with Caro near the pizzeria. There's a menu with prices. And I saw prices in euro. In Hawaii islands. I don't remember ever seeing a price in cents in modern USA, but I suppose it's not cents. Second thing: when MC riding a bike with someone he always give his helmet to passenger. Bike has no windshield. Is it supposed to look that stupid or there's something I don't see here? It's not a care for passenger, 'cause in that way there's high risk of traffic incident where passenger can be hurt. Helmet on driver's head protects not only driver but his passenger as well, wind in the face is not some trifle you can forget about.


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
Played till the end of episode 2, so now I have even more feedback :)
You have some awesome feedback my friend and I have to think about a few things but I want to answer you.
I don't have as much time as I would like with the development of the game as I'm working a little against the clock and I want to align the completion with the game with some bigger events in my life where I may or may not need a lot of spare time to think and to act on things in my real life.

I started E1 with no real experience and it shows in places. Maybe, but that's a big maybe, if I finish the last episode earlier than I expect to, I can work a little extra on E1 and change or add some things, but I hear you. If I cannot it has to stay like it is and that's also okay for me, as you already said yourself I'm making this game more for me than anything else.

Transitions like you mean is a difficult thing for me and I have to think a little more about that.

I understand the criticism you have about the map and I hear you. Nonetheless I think I will let it stay in the game but clicking on the descriptions to get to a scene is a very good idea and if I find the time in the end, I'm gonna put a few days into implementing that, but I can't promise it. But I stand by my point that I just wanted to have a map to have a map :D.

Sex choices. That's really a personal opinion and I also hear yours. I liked the choices in some games where I could decide between some and not have zero control but I could change it so you can skip it completely if you don't want to play it. Do you think that would be okay? I just hope I don't bug the game out if I change that lol so I have to think about that. But for the future it could absolutely be done.

Small details: yes I also noticed the euro but I let it in the game as a fun discovery. It shouldn't distract to much or if you think it does, I could photoshop it. Helmet, yeah he's driving slow and you can drive a bike without a helmet - ask our american friends but I get what you mean.

The ambiguity, the mistery is planned. But I get why you would like to know more background.
Your post is not to long, I would love to read even more of your opinions as you seem to be invested in the game and that's really cool. Thank you very much for playing and for taking your time.
You can write as much as you want, I will read your text. Take care.
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New Member
Jan 29, 2018
And again - I say for a first game it really is something special and already one of my favourites. Given that the things like have been highlighted above are already improving repidly, I am eagerly awaiting progression of this story, and also any future games that the writer wants to put out there.
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Jun 11, 2017
I started E1 with no real experience and it shows in places. Maybe, but that's a big maybe, if I finish the last episode earlier than I expect to, I can work a little extra on E1 and change or add some things, but I hear you. If I cannot it has to stay like it is and that's also okay for me, as you already said yourself I'm making this game more for me than anything else.
I understand that advice "go and redo" is the worst, but you see, 1st episode is a start of the game. And if you start "on a wrong foot" all day goes down the pipes. Proverbially speaking. 1st episode makes the scene, it's deciding factor if player will go on or don't. And now the start is the worst part of the game. Sincerely, I thought about quitting, I thought about not starting 2nd episode, it were that bad. I guess, my stubborness won. And seriously, you don't need to redo the whole episode, if you'll just add transitions, you'll make many people happy. Your story will have a flow. You mentioned some devs and their games in the end. Perverteer and Dr.PinkCake both uses room-centered approach, Philly games uses the same scheme you are, just look how he does transitions. Then look at some other games with changing locations in one scene, there are many on this site, I can name.. well, many.
Sex choices. That's really a personal opinion and I also hear yours. I liked the choices in some games where I could decide between some and not have zero control but I could change it so you can skip it completely if you don't want to play it. Do you think that would be okay? I just hope I don't bug the game out if I change that lol so I have to think about that. But for the future it could absolutely be done.
You can get everyone their piece of a pie. Just add one small change - after the first choice player can choose "Cum", he/she doesn't need to click every choice. So if players wants, he clicks every choice in menu, if he doesn't - he chooses what he likes and then chooses to finish scene. You can just leave desicions in sex scene to player. We, players, like that.
Small details: yes I also noticed the euro but I let it in the game as a fun discovery. It shouldn't distract to much or if you think it does, I could photoshop it. Helmet, yeah he's driving slow and you can drive a bike without a helmet - ask our american friends but I get what you mean.
Well, you can always consider euro prices an Easter Egg (just for fun), you don't need to photoshop it. About bike, yeah, you got it. I actually was on passenger's seat, holding on a driver. Yes, without a helmet. It's just reasonable for driver to have it. And if at that time I would given a choice - I would pass a helmet to driver. I don't know about American bikers, but in Russia no reasonable biker will sacrifice safety for passenger to have a helmet on.
The ambiguity, the mistery is planned. But I get why you would like to know more background.
OK, let mystery be planned. But maybe there's a way to sweeten the deal. Every mystery have a reason to be there. If dev hiding from player a fact he constantly reminding him of, them there's some motive for that. Look at that situation as a storyteller (and you are telling us a story) and do it another time as a player. Look at collegues of yours. If MC don't remember his addiction - it's one thing. If dev is hiding the explanation of story-matter thing from players - it's quite another thing. And the second is just plain wrong. It's crippling players and we don't like to be crippled.


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2020
I can name.. well, many.
Hello, I thought a little more about what you said and I decided to go back and add and change some stuff for E1 before I upload the next game version with E3. The plan right now is to finish E3 and then take a week to work a bit on E1. I now have a much more clear vision of what I'm going for, so I think you're right and I should modify it a bit. It's not ideal but I'll delay E3 a week for that.

Sex Choices. Yes, that's where I also agree with you. I'll add this to all scenes where you have choices and in the next version you can skill all of those directly.

Helmet. Haha okay I get you. Whenever I rode my bike in the past I was uber reckless. I don't know. My drive to live should be way higher I guess. Here in germany you can drive your 200 on the autobahn and then I'm still going to blink you to the right side and if you get with 140 on the left side when I'm approaching I have to brake so much and you can be sure I'm just behind you until you go away. I'm stupid. But maybe it's also age. I'm gonna buy a bigger bike next year which drives and accelerates even fast. I wanna go 240+. Let's see if I survive but don't tell my mom I drive without protective gear on country roads and in cities.

Story mistery. Could you write me a Dm where you tell me more about this? I have some struggle understanding what exactly you mean and as I now know a litte more in which direction I'm going maybe we can talk a bit more about that in a Dm.
Anyways you have already changed the game a lot or at least when I get to work on it more after I finish E3. You're really cool man. When I finish the game and I will, it will also be because of you. Maybe I can build in a small reference of you? :D
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May 2, 2020
End product is a bit rough around the edges, mainly in the animated scenes and backgrounds, but given all the context you presented us (by the way, your game avatar is perhaps the hottest model of all lmao) this is already a big accomplishment. This first release (not really first, but you get it) already has more content and variety than many completed games. And on quite some aspects your artwork is indeed already above average, as in the wet skin texture and the cumshot design.
what is the name of this game? 1598905763402.png


Apr 30, 2018
I've just played EP1 / EP2.
Overall it's pretty good.
It has it's Flaws.
The English is definetly not bad.

The Animations are ok, but feel "robotic".
Sceneary and Models loog good. Even tho some of the Girls i would like to change a bit.

The biggest Flaw for me: Many Scenes end so damn abrupt...

The Biggest Pro for me: The Story. (Sadly) i can relate to it / to the Dev / the MC.

When you feel down: Talk! Don't hide.
I know it all to well...


Sep 1, 2020
It didn't have "Multiple Protagonist" tag before right? Sigh... So who do you play as now? I am probably done with the game anyway because I don't like to play as multiple people but still.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
Game looks good, nice screens, like the tags but haven't tried yet because of my severe allergic reaction to games with multiple protags. Since everything I'm reading alludes to the game having a single male protag, can anyone elaborate on that tag?
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4.00 star(s) 30 Votes