VN Ren'Py Law School [Ep.1] [MisterMaya]

4.20 star(s) 26 Votes


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
There is also a rewrite going on with parts of Episode 1, that will be changed to make the story flow better with the release of Episode 2. What affect this has on the Aurora path specifically we will have to wait and see. So I'm reserving judgement on her for now.
o really had no idea not really keeping up with the devlogs on this just been glancing at the render count haha. So gonna be worth doing a replay then


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 26, 2023
o really had no idea not really keeping up with the devlogs on this just been glancing at the render count haha. So gonna be worth doing a replay then
I'll be starting again. It may be nothing, but his comment 'decided to go back and rewrite the whole first chapter' makes me plan to do it. And he's adding scenes too. Check the full paragraph in spoiler if you want more info.

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Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
I'll be starting again. It may be nothing, but his comment 'decided to go back and rewrite the whole first chapter' makes me plan to do it. And he's adding scenes too. Check the full paragraph in spoiler if you want more info.

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thanks for this I would of never known and just played Episode 2 without realizing haha
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Nov 1, 2019
I'll be starting again. It may be nothing, but his comment 'decided to go back and rewrite the whole first chapter' makes me plan to do it. And he's adding scenes too. Check the full paragraph in spoiler if you want more info.

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Yeah makes sense what he says + better to rewrite it now than later when more story has been written even if it's small changes hopefully it helps explain why everyone act that way.


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 26, 2023
Yeah makes sense what he says + better to rewrite it now than later when more story has been written even if it's small changes hopefully it helps explain why everyone act that way.
And I'd rather re-start after 1 episode, then find out in Episode 7 a decision changed something and have to re-start again, especially when I already have 5 paths planned (maybe more, depending on who the 3 new LI are).


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
And I'd rather re-start after 1 episode, then find out in Episode 7 a decision changed something and have to re-start again, especially when I already have 5 paths planned (maybe more, depending on who the 3 new LI are).
for sure while im someone that probably would replay the game every 2-3 updates if it's a game I liked enough but only my favorite path haha can't imagine replaying every path everytime I replay a game.


Aug 18, 2022
Oh. A MrMaya game that gets remade while only an episode or so in?
Will this one actually get an actual ending?
I mean... It "only" took 6 months from the Demo to this episode...
Seeing how The Entrepreneur kinda fizzled into a rush fake end, I don't hold much hope tbf...


Jun 15, 2023
Law School Episode 2 - Progress update #15

Hey everyone,
Last week went pretty well. I was still a bit under the weather, but I gradually felt better each day. Today, I'm finally back to my usual routine—waking up early, eating normally, and doing some light training—so I think it's safe to say I'm over the illness.
I'm happy to report that, despite being sick, I managed to keep up with my daily quotas, except for Thursday.
However, I've now caught up to the scenes I've written, and I've been finding it a bit challenging to keep writing lately. Since we're nearing the end of the episode, I need to adjust the pacing to ensure it flows smoothly without an abrupt stop, and my imagination isn't as efficient as normally lately.
Every day and every scene I work on is diving deeper into the plot and the LIs' paths. It feels like each new scene brings more excitement than the last, so I'm trying to handle this carefully.
I also want to finish all the renders before my holiday, but my mind keeps coming up with new, little ideas—nothing major, but still things that could be fun to add. But these small additions often end up taking more time than planned. I might think, "Oh, this could be funny!" and before I know it, I've spent three and a half days on a scene—half a day writing, and three days on renders, when it was supposed to take two at most. Not exactly what I intended!
So, long story short, work is going well, but there's always more to do than I initially plan for. You'd think I'd know this by now, having released five episodes and a Christmas special. The closer I get to the finish line, the more I want to add. Why? Honestly, I have no idea.
Last week, I mentioned that Day 5 would have 10 scenes, but I decided to cut it down to 9. I felt like the day was too packed with events, so this change made more sense. It's a small adjustment, but I thought I'd share since this is a dev log!
It took me 7 days to create 3 scenes for Day 5, when I had planned for 5. So, my goal of finishing Day 5 in two weeks might be a bit ambitious, but we'll see!
But yeah, I'm continuing to create scenes, write content, and render images. I'm nearly done with the re-rendering of reworked night images, and I have a few animations to re-render. By the end of this week, that should be wrapped up. I counted, and there are 679 story static images of episode 2 left in the queue, so my machines will be busy working non-stop for the 9 days I'll be away!
Now, let's talk numbers:
  • 1,429 story static images
  • 47 animations
  • 30 scenes fully written
As you can see, we've made great progress on the statics. I'm putting animations on hold for now since I still have 5 left to render. My focus is on getting the reworked night images and animations done so I can maximize the number of static renders across both my computers while I'm away.
Once all the statics are rendered, I'll have a clearer idea of how many additional animations I can squeeze in before releasing the episode. Many of the animations are transitions, so because they aren't as crucial as the story statics, I've prioritized the latter for now.
That's it for today's update! I was moving a bit slowly today, so I think I'll take the rest of the day off and come back stronger tomorrow.
Wishing you all a fantastic week!


Jun 15, 2023
Law School Episode 2 - Progress update #16

Hello everyone,
This past week has been great! I'm happy to report that I kept up with my workload. Even though I took it easier over the weekend, I still made solid progress.
First off, all the images and animations I reworked are now fully rendered, and I'm back to rendering new content for episode 2. I’ve got 5 animations queued up, which should take about 10 days—perfect timing. After that, I’ll just need to add in a few blinking animations I created, which will let me create more static renders to add to the hundreds waiting in the queue; before heading off for my holiday.
Secondly, I managed to complete 6 out of the 9 scenes for Day 5 over the last two weeks. I originally aimed to finish all of them, but new ideas and last-minute changes took more time than expected. The good news is that the remaining 3 scenes are shorter, so I’m confident I’ll finish them this week—unless I jinx it!
After that, I’ve got just 8 days of work left before I leave. I know those 8 days won’t be enough to complete Day 6 (which is one gigantic scene), but that's alright. I’ll only need a few more days when I return to wrap it up, review all the content, tweak a few scenes from episode 1, and then I'll be able to start the post-work. Since I’ll be back on the 17th, I’m aiming to begin post-work before the end of October, or at the latest, early November. From there, it’ll take roughly 10 to 15 days before testing begins. After the first testing phase, modifications on my end, and a second testing round, we’ll finally be ready for the early release phase of episode 2.
So, we're on schedule, and I'm really excited—I’m sure you are too!
During my holiday, I’ll still work on my laptop in the evenings. I’ll be focusing on coding, specifically reworking how Facegram functions. This won’t affect you, but it’ll make my job much easier and allow for translations into other languages. Right now, it’s built with loads of PNGs, which blocks translations.
I’ll also be reworking how choices are handled in the game to fix some issues with translation compatibility. Again, nothing will change for you on the surface, so no worries. This is what I’ll be focusing on while I’m away.
To be honest, I’m not sure I’ll finish everything during the holiday, which is why I’ve planned a more extensive post-work phase (10-15 days). I've talked about it before, but normally, I go into “hell week” for post-production, where I work 18-20 hours a day for 5-6 days, sleeping only three hours. This is how I’ve done it for every post-work phase of The Entrepreneur and for episode 1 of Law School, though I had to take a break during episode 1 due to unforeseen circumstances. It’s tough, but for some reason, this method works for me. However, given the extra coding adjustments needed for episode 1, I know I won't be able to pull off 10-15 days of “hell week”.
Now, let’s dive into the numbers:
- 1,576 static story images
- 50 animations
- 32 scenes fully written

As you can see, good progress was made, even if the weekend was a bit slower. I also created three new small animations, which makes me quite happy.
I only have the big scene of Day 6 and a small one for Day 7 left to write. So, unless I decide to add more content, this episode will have 34 scenes. Episode 1 had 43 scenes, but many were short, and I always planned for episode 2 to be "slightly shorter" in terms of content. Still, this episode will be larger than any from The Entrepreneur, which remains my standard for Law School.
Finally, some exciting news: I recently worked with a singer who created a custom soundtrack for Law School. It will debut in the big scene of Day 6. I’m really proud of this song, as it’s canon—meaning it’s not just a background track, but relevant and important to the story. The singer understood exactly what I wanted, and I’m thrilled to continue working with her on more custom tracks for the game.
That’s all for today’s update! I’m off to get back to work. In the meantime, I hope you all have a great week!
4.20 star(s) 26 Votes