Apples to oranges. An indie developer announcing a game halfway through its development and the game being incredibly simply designed does not equate to what we're attempting to do here. It takes a long time, because we're putting FAR MORE DETAIL AND QUALITY into our work than "A Robot Named Fight" which is just a 2D platformer.
Just one of our character models with its 8 directions and amount of bones/rigging is infinitely more complex than most of the artwork in that game. You see, there is a vast difference in effort and technical prowess required. I can't expect you to appreciate the complexity of the game we are creating, but surely you can see the difference in quality.
We work 8-10 hours per day doing nothing but developing this game, the models have hundreds of moving parts per angle, this quality will be staggering when it comes together, but until it comes together you have two options, either wait patiently, or wait patiently and support our development. I recommend the latter because it allows us to develop the game faster with more resources.
Im not saying I dont appreciate the work that is put into a game and the technical prowess behind it. Obviously some games are more complex than others, I get that. But there are a couple of points you should also try to see from the perspective of the outside (potential) consumer.
1. I can only appreciate things I actually end up experiencing myself. So yeah, when I see it I can appreciate it
2. Does it actually
have to be that complicated? I love going for extra detail in animation and game system, but from a business POV you should always ask yourself "how much is too much?" and "what is the purpose of my game and how can I fulfill it in a satisfying but also cost- and time-efficient way?"
Ultimately, the plans you guys have sound good on paper. And I dont think most people disapprove of that. I think most people are just highly cynical of the surrounding circumstances, especially since game development has always been a thing where you can only see the work that has been done once you are able to play the game. I personally dont have any connection to you guys, I dont know you beyond your public faces. I dont know if you are working 10+ hours a day or 3 hours a day. And you telling me you are working that long cant be taken at face value. Im not saying you're lying, mind you. Im just saying I can only see the hard work put into this project and appreciate the technical aspects behind it when it comes out.
How many systems are there? Do you have the foundation for efficient animation-creation beyond the demo? how long will it take to make an animation scene in future updates? How regular will updates be? How much content will they have?
Do you branch out and try to include every system, 10 mini games, 50 backgrounds and 12 routes,leaving the game with a lack of focus and leaving the game to be a "work in progress" for years to come? Or do you focus on the main paths and have a robust animation system that makes it easier and faster to make animations after you build the initial system or made the base animations?
How much writing goes into the game? Again, a content update with 3 CGs/Animations doesnt have to be bad if you have pages upon pages of story content and interesting dialogue/interactions to tide you over to the next update. Sometimes words are sweeter than visuals.
Its a lot of things. I think people are concerned because some of us (not all) know how MUCH work really goes even into simple games. With the vision you have thats a substantial amount of work, and you are starting from scratch with the content. So obviously some people are impatient, others are worried about the quality and quantity, and about reliable updates.
Thats why many are holding out on (monetary) support for now and see how it goes.
But - as you can see - discussions are still ongoing here. So its not like we are not interested in the game. Just doubtful.
Which I am sorry for, but based on the experiences I made with this project I think I have my right to be careful and skeptical until I see the Demo and a few updates after that.