3.60 star(s) 32 Votes


May 6, 2018
Oh wow, I love that you guys (the devs) are communicating so much and sharing all that information.
If I had to give some feeback as Kuja asked for, it would be that the new ears from the side look kinda gigantic and it's a bit difficult to imagine the shape of the head cause they take so much space.
But they look great looking at the camera (Idk what the proper term for that is)


Jun 29, 2017
Ok, let's go through my points and what I meant, because I can see that you overstepped my meanings a little bit.

Why do you take ME3 and DA2 as examples? I never said ANYTHING about those specific games. I gave as examples specifically ME2 and DA:Origins, not 3, not 2, not Andromeda, not Inquisition. I gave specifically ME2 and Origins because these EXACT specific games have the best content in terms of their execution. Don't strangle away from my examples, otherwise my entire post doesn't work. No post works. If you have something to say about those specific games that I mentioned - go ahead, but keep in mind that I never mentioned ME3 and DA2 because unlike their previous parts these ones were made with a corporate influence in mind, which b.t.w. are somewhat equal to the polls, due to taking developer's vision away for the sake of someone else's side opinion.
These 2 specific games are my golden standart and no other game. I didn't mention other games.

Same concerns about the Hobbit. I never talked about it. Why do you think I said specifically "Lord of the rings Original Trilogy"? To enlarge the sentence? No, I specify that I meant ONLY original trilogy, not Hobbits.
Don't do that.

When giving examples I'm being specific for a reason. For a reason that their continuations have corporate influence and much, MUCH less clear vision and a lot of contradictive things. Stay on the track with me next time please.

Now, did they have some things that had minuses? Of course they had. Some parts of their mechanics weren't finished or weren't detailed enough to make much of a sense (for example mining in ME2 was just horrible and no fun; not sure about DA:O though, can't remember any mechanic that would be insignifficant). But those are little details and they dont ruin the overall result which was the game.

Can't say much about it, because I never gave MGS or any part of MG series as an example.
I gave Kojima's name as an example, to give you an example of a game designer's role and an importance of his unique and uninterferred vision forthe entire franchise. I never said anything about the games themselves because personally I see MG series a little bit flawed and I dont have them as golden standarts for myself neither. But the man himself do I recognize as an invaluable part of the team.
And my point was that just one man with clear vision can create an entire franchise that is taken by the majority as something holy and instantly recognizable, just because one man can do so much for the project. I also ask you to see beyond "I like or dislike" and look into modern culture to see other people as well, and not only you or me as a 1 uint.

This is where you are only partially correct. Bioware Montreal because of ME:Andromeda is not agreed to your comment (closed), Visceral games and Dead Space franchise are not agreed (closed), Star Wars and Han Solo are not agreed (continueations no longer in production due to low profits). Studios are being taken down, people loosing their work even in the big companies, not only because game was "bad", but because its corporate decided "it wasn't good enough" because it didnt make as much money as they hoped, or because it doesnt have a field to insert enough dual practices in it. AAA field can be much more harsher than indie and much more unforgiving. And even though such cases as SW Battlefront2 and its backlash, Bioware and Anthem's total failure, Battlefield V and its marketing failure, Bethesda and Fallout 76 failure didn't close down the entire studios, but its because they have much more bigger financial support from the start. If those games didnt have it, they would go fucking bankrupt. Yes, they do still exist, but their reputation is in total shithole as if right now. Its the already established brand, popularity and strong neck of a corporates that hold them swimming. Non the less their stupid choices braught some of those games to their financial underwhelming state. Their situation is far from good. Trust me, some people were fired, some people lost their jobs.
Hell, some people loose jobs just "because", without any reason at all. Like Blizzard laid off !800! employees without a good reason. Just because they freaking felt so.

Sure, its hard to be your own studio without a constant income coming from a certain financial supporter, but that is also their plus. Their desicion is what decides their fate, not some unknown guy in the director financial committee to which noone has access. They are their own bosses and they can decide what to do to make those money. But making polls is not what brings them popularity or money or a good will of the people. A good, well-thought out and executed game will.
Sure marketing is also a very strong tool to gain finance, but polls once again is not a big nor a substancial part of the marketing strategies. And its not worth to dump your own game just to make some fans go "UWU", by sacrificing your own vision.

tl;dr: there are minuses ofcourse, but there are also pluses in being self-employed.

Such polls shouldn't have happened in the first place.
Remember "Feet Wars"? Remember how fucking absurd and insane that crap was? Yeah, that shit shouldn't have happened in the first place. If developers had a clear and strong stance on that question, no poll would've been needed, no opinions would've been required and no additional development time would've been neccesary.
I'm not talking about "Make a poll and then say to the voters "We wont be doing this because we decided so, because my left ankle doesn't want that". No, what I mean is that such polls shouldn't even start.
Making a poll is a big thing, you dont just start it and then suddenly go away - you stick with it. Yet, even with that said I bleive that IF developer suddenly realized what is better for the project in any possible way, he should stick with it no matter what, because his vision works only when all parts of his vision work together.

And if you do, yet still the wrong choice is being made, what do you do then? Do you celebrate?

Imo some wrong choices have been made even though I participate them to not take a place, yet they are done. At the very least as a person who is interested in the product one should have a possibility to voice one's opinion and reasons why he thinks some things work better or worse.

Also, finally, a discussion.
People dont allways argue, they might just discuss why 1 thing works well, and why 2 doesn't. OF course in such a conversation there are going to be 2 opposite sides, but just because people are not agreed on something doesn't automatically mean they are project's mortal enemies and they should be instantly shushed/ignored/exiled by the community. Instead community could listen to the critics and think about them, what if a person suggsting it ight be right? But in our world people instantly think that such a man is a hater and his thoughts bring only negative reputation and tarnish good names of developers, so he should be dealt with asap until he hurts someone.
Stop it. Discuss things. People who spend their time on forums are not your enemies. At least they dont want to be. They are simply engaging in a conversation. Sometimes their phrasing might be too agressive, but we should remember that its Internet - a collaboration of different cultures and ages all over the world, and in other culture such a behaviour might be normal. Just take it easy and remember that one shouldn't answer with insults on insults. You, as a person, can be better than this.

B.t.w. shout out to Valaska for his community approach. Once he joined the conversation this thread became extremely civil. Thank you, man.

I dont mean to be rude nor anything, but its entirely on them. Its their job to make their project profitable, yet nobody really requested Kuja himself to come and inform us. Props to Kuja and team for doing that of course, but I dont feel like communty of the site should be ecstatic as much, after all the negatives that came from the developers in the first place. Before Valaska, Vlad came here to argue, to throw some accusations and to say if people wanted info - go to discord and only to discord, only then to go back to that discord and throw tantrums at F95 to his own crowd that also keept on throwing tantrums (even up to this date).
I love Kuja and I allways appreciate him and the work that he does, but saying critics to improve his work has nothing to do with unpreciating additional work that he chose to do himself, from hiw own good will.
Because of the unprofessional behaviour LOK team has somewhat tarnished its reputation here and they would need some time and some actually finalized product to restore/improve it.

To that I agree, only #demo will show what that whole ordeal is about.
So yeah.



"Phantas has made it clear that a designer should not be influenced by the results of a survey, but should stop and look at the comments on his design and assess the reasons to see if what is being said is a good reason to improve his work."

Hey man, I'm glad to see that we think alike, but just take a note that everything that I say is just my opinion and in no way is that a strict rule to be followed without a step to the left/right.
It may be a strict rule for me, because I have a game development expirience and I know how it works behind the stages, also because I'm passionate about games and this is the way I would choose to run things if I were to develop my own game, but still... Its only me. This is only my take on things, so please don't take it as a rule that shouldn't be contradicted.
I may as well be wrong, because I'm only human afterall.
Well first off, f*** me for inviting you to that discussion. Second, f*** you for doint it so nice visually, that makes me look like a caveman with a keyboard ^^ I try to go through your points because its late and well, the looks dont decive this time.

First point is part of my fault, because i dont distinguish greatly between the Mass Effect and Dragon Age triology. That was my personal standard, because i like their storys and see them as their major point. Especially Mass Effect 2, which was my first, is great to start without knowing anything of the story, but its much more fun if you do. And with the endings and DLCs provided the conclusion that the story goes on in a new game, so thats why its not easy to pick one out and leave the rest aside. Yet you are right, if its alone, it can even get over the "flaw" that there is an existing universe with deep lore for a new player. DA:O is a master piece, having every trophy on ps3 and the fact nothing comes to my mind till the end of this post proves this i guess. As for the Hobbit, that can be put in the same category of my mistake. I could find you flaws to the original triology though, but that would be hipocrisy... Lord of the Rings is the only book which i can say its a good story, but so boring to read that i only bothered once. The movies made the best out of it, thats true.

The point with Kojima i cant let you slide by. If you put out his name and dont be prepared for MGS, than i cant help to dismiss your argument. Dont get me wrong, i love him for what he created and some of my friends suffered from my passion enough. He is what you said in every point, but this didnt made him or his work bullet proof. They are still master pieces, and the Phantom Pain was actually vision coliding with business interest... well its a long shit show.
But you had one sentence which i dont accept at any point. I also ask you to see beyond "I like or dislike" and look into modern culture to see other people as well, and not only you or me as a 1 uint, to quote you. Well heres one thing, i advocate all the time to see things from different angles, try to put myself in the shoes of others and even try to find out why someone thinks the total opposite from my deepest believes. The other thing is that i think you are wrong to the core with your statement. Im only 33, but has this modern culture not become this black or white thing these past years? I hear so many people to put facts aside for their feelings, that i cant come to your conclusion, neither in real life or the internet. But maybe thats because the loudest gets the most hearing, or the things i just think of are such polarizing subjects.

What you said in your part about the people at major companies loosing their jobs, thats abosulutely true. Not long ago i watched a documentry on the working conditions, and to put it frankly, their horrible. But here we would go into a discussion about ethics at work in general. That they have terrible payment, no securtiy, can be fired in no time, everything true, but not only for the gaming industry. This shit happened to me not long ago, and if you have a lawyer and an unemployment agent fromt the government both saying you its ethical wrong to the fullest, but legally barely ok doesnt help you anything. But thats how some big companies work, doesnt matter which branch. Shouldnt be like that, but i put the blame on money and the worth we give it to, otherwise this whole world would need a redesign.
Cant say something about being self-employed, never was. Guess like you said, +-

To the polls. Well, i only heard of feet war afterwards, and i found it disturbing and funny for the same part. I dont fucking care for her feet was my first suggestion, but then i realised there could be people who are into it, so for them it would be a "worthy" fight. Still dont know and still dont care in detail. While you are right that you should stick to a polls result to not undermine their meaning and that not everything is pollworthy, my point was that there was one with a majority and some went up against that. Which then would be a violation of not taking a poll seriously. And well, since it is their project, they can go and make them like they want. I validate your opinion on it, just saying its not up to you if they make some or not.

To the hardest question, what to do if you are a minority in a vote... and just to get back to you, where did i say that? I clearly stated if you dont participate :p but well, for the sake of a discussion, here is a take, only considered for polls in creation of this game: make your case as best presentable, give the developers your feedback and hope that your arguments are better than the polls majority. Remember, we think that if you do a poll you should stick with it, so having your opinion be better must have some valid points. After that, wait for the result. There are other options like raging, shitposting, crying, you name it, but i think this would be the most effective and civilized way. Although my first post here was a critical rant against Vlad, which blurred some of my better intentions mentioned with later worse option

Regarding your part with discussion, i would sign that with my name. I hope the quote from you with the modern culture thing was a misinterpretion on my side, yet i let it stay the way i wrote it since i think my point has more validation ^^

Further discussion not related to the game i would prefer private or in another thread, since you seem to be energetic enough to make your points good enough
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[PFF: Avarice Dev]
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2017
But traffic is diverted. There will be projects that more, projects that less, but is diverted... There will be some with 6% and others with 45%... it all depends on several things: the quality of the work, personal taste, development progress... F95, whether it's better or worse for the developer, allows me to see a number of jobs each day, filter my interests and decide whether to collaborate or not.

The amount of projects in Patreon is overwhelming, everyone wants to be in Patreon, but the important thing is not to be in a place, the important thing is to know "what is being said about your project"

If you make me a survey with two designs: A and B, then I have no choice but to decide between A and B. Now, if I tell you there are things about B that are better in A... what do we do? Well, we'd better debate them, I say... and I think that's what we're doing here.

Uno dice que el culo es pequeño, otro dice que la cola es enorme... The idea is to "tell" the developer that A or B is not always the best choice.
I feel F95 is a good place to discuss with and provide information to people looking for more about something. New Grounds, for amazing as it is and I love its still a thing haha. But it is quite hard to reach out and discuss with people on Newgrounds or give them proper interactivity. Forums really are the best way of having a permanent source of discussion and information.

I do think a few tempers are running hot atm but it is still civil and valid discussion around here. LOK hasn't been abandoned, but it is heavily changing. That's definitely a lot for some people to accept, and I get that. It's up to us all as fans of the old project, whether to accept the new or not. I am going to give them a chance.


Jul 23, 2018
Can someone put this game like abandoned, so much time and nothing came up
The game isn't really abandoned their re-making it the game and it does look a lot more similar to Price for Freedom than the Lok that we played.
It's up to you if want to see the re-make as a new game that needs a new thread.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I do think a few tempers are running hot atm but it is still civil and valid discussion around here
Ha. Things only get heated if the spontaneous guy comes along and says things like, "That's it," "There's nothing to be done here" or "Can we talk about something else?"
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Aug 23, 2019
Where are these pics uploaded anyhow? I check the discord every now and then but unless there's a technical problem messing with me this one isn't there for example
This one was uploaded in the patrons teasers channel, so it's not visible if you don't support the game.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
Yes, the design is fine, but they look like breasts, I would remove the outline right down to the beginning, just like the rib part.


Oct 8, 2019
That's one of two pictures of Sek. Kuja threw this one into the regular non-patron chat channel "The Jungle":

And this is his previous v0.8 design:


There is also an updated look at Keakrix:


For comparison here is her old v0.8 design:


And at some point today, provided he remembers or is reminded, Kuja will be showing a preview of Uylani's updated design. For those who don't remember who that is, this is her v0.8 model:

I will update this post with the new Uylani render when Kuja shares it.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
I don't think Keakrix her hair matches in all three positions. From the side you can see that the longer hair goes all the way to the back of her head, but the view from her back does not reflect that.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I like it, but this designer has a problem with the leg thing, XD. He always puts his thighs ahead of his body.


New Member
Mar 26, 2020
I don't think Keakrix her hair matches in all three positions. From the side you can see that the longer hair goes all the way to the back of her head, but the view from her back does not reflect that.
You're absolutely right, thanks for pointing it out!

I like it, but this designer has a problem with the leg thing, XD. He always puts his thighs ahead of his body.
Some but not all stuff like that is done in order to ease the animation part. Joints mainly.

I was just about to mention how I feel the nipples position are the biggest issue, not the outline, they should be lower, and I was making an edit to illustrate it :ROFLMAO::
I actually used a IRL picture as reference for it. I'm not sure but I may have re-positioned it in the wrong place so I'll check it later when I have a bit of time. Thanks for the feedback anyway.


I just have to add that I won't be checking these forums as often since I'm under a heavy workload atm. If there is any other feedback I'd appreciate if it was done in discord just for the sake of speeding stuff up. Also, I don't want to be a pain in the ass but I would really really appreciate if this kind of feedback was done during feedback time (we had some weeks for that!) because it's really hard to re-ship models for the animators to work with or tell them to edit parts that are already done or finished since the rig is so freaking complex (watch one of the animation streams!). Thanks and sorry for the trouble. I really appreciate all feedback!


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Also, I don't want to be a pain in the ass but I would really really appreciate if this kind of feedback was done during feedback time
I totally understand. However, I don't follow this game (or any H game for that matter) that closely besides reading threads here. So this was the first time I've seen those images. I know I can have more influence, for the lack of a better term, on the game's development in Discord, but I'm okay with missing out on that. Besides, I don't really do well in live chat environments.
3.60 star(s) 32 Votes