Not sure where but I got the patch notes over in their Patreon, one of the users posted it.anyone know when change log is being updated?
0.5 change log CONTENT -
- Vanlen task: upon reaching 100 Respect, K will start working tanning hides for Vanlen, the "smith" of the tribe. There are 2 Lust-based events for succeeding and 3 Submission-based events for failing. 0.5.1 will complete this chain with lewder variations of the previous scenes and one more event in the success outcome.
- Nesi event: after several night chats Nesi offer K to try something. Repeatable event.
- Eri event: K will need her approval for something, and she'll want some kind of compensation for her "act of kindness". Non repeatable.
- Keakrix and Golak: new characters arrive after some chats with Nesi. Both of them are just at their introduction stages, though Keakrix will have more dialogue added in 0.5.1.
- 1st stage ripped bodysuit: after some encouragement from Nesi, K will be able to cut her suit to a more sensible length to stand the temperature and humidity (hint: you need to talk with Keakrix and have shown your panties to Cenvir for enabling the option)
- Day/Night cycle: the night is now a day stage and you can walk around the map. Nesi is now the character you need to talk to to advance to the next day and/or interact with her. You can also skip a whole day (from day 2 onward) by using the pitcher in the female tent.
- Wardrobe system: the basis for a very flexible outfitting system has been laid out. We've just started with a ripped variation of the initial bodysuit, but now it's possible to implement any number of additional outfits.
- Flexible tasks: not too noticeable at the current stage, but the internal quest system has been changed so you can pick any number of tasks and they're counted towards the end of the day. This will allow players to focus on tasks they actually want to see more.