Yeah, you'd think for $10,000 a fucking month, they would, you know, do some actual goddamn work. That's a full time job at that point. Development is hard for sure, but there's not been really much of anything tangible done for several months. If people were paying me $10,000 a month to make a goddamn porn game, I sure as fuck would be doing a helluva lot more work. That's $120,000 a year. Do you people not think that much money is worth AT least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? Do you people not realize that if they were putting in JUST that much time there would be more obvious progress? How many hours do you think the average person making half of that works a week? I guarantee you it's a lot more than 40 hours a week.
This exact scenario is a trend with "creators" on Patreon: "Hey, pledge a shitton of money for me to work on this thing, but I'm really going to draw it out for as long as possible by making excuses to maximize my profits while you dumbshits keep throwing dollah, dollah bills at me until the gravy train dies or I FEEL like actually doing something. But then maybe I'll get "sick" or my computer will crash and die and I'll lose all my files and shit because I'm a computer dev that doesn't know what a backup is or that Dropbox is free."
You can go into so many game threads on this site and it's the same thing over and over again and some poor kool-aid drinking victim will, without fail, always jump up to defend the dev. "Oh, let's give them the benefit of the doubt and keep showering them with money. Surely they'll be honest and totally do the WORK THEY'RE BEING PAID TO DO and not sheist us in any way! How dare you say something derogatory about this hardworking person who's doing this labor of love for us!"
If you pay someone to do a job, they need to do the job in a timely manner or they don't get paid. It's as simple as that, and that's how every other job in the fucking world works. And actions speak far louder than words. These type of devs PREY upon fans because they understand most people are easily tricked and a lameass apology or a promise to do "better" or any other myriad of excuses that make most reasonable folk FEEL bad about being upset in the first place is guaranteed to work most of the time. Especially when some fan REALLY, desperately wants to see Krystal fucked in the ass by a lizard dude.
On a related note, I was around when Playshapes first started doing the original flash games and shit on the LOK Forums and it is beyond hilarious to me how many times this game has changed hands, versions, engines, etc. and it's still nowhere near being completed in any of it's iterations. Never finished, always abandoned. Think about that if you've pledged to these guys. How easy would it be to resurrect something a boatload of people have been wanting completed for close to ten years now and milk them of even more money based on those fans' excitement, nostalgia, and desire to see this thing finally finished and finished right?
Obviously it's pretty fucking easy.