
Sep 28, 2022
Yes, you don't see the logic in that because of reality, but the game is not reality, the game is fucked up.
Just as Akira said, nobody holds him acountable for his actions, they just acept him and feed into depravity, if the game had any semblance of logic it wouldn't happen.
You are right, you did say that, and it's true. Should have taken that more into consideration, my bad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
I don't think anyone disputes the idea of a choice in theory, but rather its history of being applied in this game. Don't get me wrong, I do hope it turns out to be brilliant this time because, in my opinion, so far, every time he presented a choice, what followed ranged between mediocre and awful.

When comparing both paths of the Nodoka's blackmail, if Yumi stormed out then the following events barely make sense. If Kirin didn't blackmail Ayane, you lose Ayane fighting back and Kirin actually being human trash instead of just talking about it. If Akira was a bad homie, then the game just forcefully brings it into a stalemate between the two of them anyway, after you miss a bunch of stuff.

And it's always about missing. I have stated this before, you cannot make a good branching narrative on a game where branches only ever go one way. Io's third event is supposed to happen - and if one chooses to "miss" it then her eventual development will either not make as much sense as it should have, or there will barely be any development either way in order to maintain narrative cohesion.

That's the point I think most people are making. It's a worry about where this will go from here, rather than what happened right now.
We have a new translator in the thread.Finally!
  • Red Heart
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New Member
May 19, 2024
Welp, time to stop lurking and get active I guess. Just gotta say I love the game and the collaboration in this thread. Also the shittalk and internal memes. (Yeah, that especially includes you Bingoogus <3 :KEK:) Kinda on the fence of starting the update or not. I've been holding off since 0.39 and am literally edgemaxxing the LiL cravings right now. Might make it until 0.42, might die along the way, who the fuck knows. :PogChamp:


May 30, 2018
Io event too brutal, so thoughts on the sudden beach orgy:

-Imani deserved this, but she also deserves to actually get railed.

-Wakana notably can't finish until Akira is having sex right next to her. I'm not sure the Osako cuck arc is over.

-Rika's next event is going to be so fucking funny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
-Wakana notably can't finish until Akira is having sex right next to her. I'm not sure the Osako cuck arc is over.
I missed an earlier opportunity to talk about this, I apologise to whoever it was that brought this point before, I'll answer it here. I think for sure her cuck arc isn't over. What follows is my preliminary interpretation however, I haven't replayed the event and welcome points I may have missed.

Well, prior to the beach event, we've seen how Osako has an issue with their relationship. What we saw in this update is how Wakana does. Wakana comes to terms with the fact that she has never being able to make Osako understand that she's enough, and that if she couldn't until this point, that is very unlikely to change. Wakana would never betray Osako because she does love Osako, and her sense of duty supercedes her sexual urges. That takes a dark turn however if Wakana understands that she is not enough for Osako.

That's what will break up their relationship. When Osako says that to Wakana, the only issue is that Osako can't accept the truth that Wakana is satisfied with her as a partner (maybe not sexually, but Wakana has truly made her peace with it). But when Wakana says that to Osako it's a recognition of reality rather than a refusal of it. Nothing Wakana can do will be enough for Osako, because Osako's issue has to be fixed by Osako herself, it's not up to Wakana. And since Osako can't deal with her issues, it damns their relationship as a whole.

Their walk on the beach was the beginning of the end. From the moment Wakana realised the truth it's all downhill from here. It's no surprise she felt horny by having Akira there, and Akira seems to actively perceive that it was the two of them that should have been together there. It's because if Wakana is the one making Osako's life miserable, and the only option to make her happy is to leave it (since Osako can't fix her insecurities while by her side), then why is Wakana resisting exactly? Doesn't Osako want her to experiment with Akira? Doesn't Wakana heavily care for Akira already and most likely wants to be with him anyway? Isn't her relationship with Osako doomed by her presence as someone that can't give her partner the trust she needs in her feelings?

The foursome, for me, is based on desperation/recognition of defeat. They're going to break up, and it will fall to Wakana to force Osako into a healthier life she doesn't have the courage to reach for in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
I missed an earlier opportunity to talk about this, I apologise to whoever it was that brought this point before, I'll answer it here. I think for sure her cuck arc isn't over. What follows is my preliminary interpretation however, I haven't replayed the event and welcome points I may have missed.

Well, prior to the beach event, we've seen how Osako has an issue with their relationship. What we saw in this update is how Wakana does. Wakana comes to terms with the fact that she has never being able to make Osako understand that she's enough, and that if she couldn't until this point, that is very unlikely to change. Wakana would never betray Osako because she does love Osako, and her sense of duty supercedes her sexual urges. That takes a dark turn however if Wakana understands that she is not enough for Osako.

That's what will break up their relationship. When Osako says that to Wakana, the only issue is that Osako can't accept the truth that Wakana is satisfied with her as a partner (maybe not sexually, but Wakana has truly made her peace with it). But when Wakana says that to Osako it's a recognition of reality rather than a refusal of it. Nothing Wakana can do will be enough for Osako, because Osako's issue has to be fixed by Osako herself, it's not up to Wakana. And since Osako can't deal with her issues, it damns their relationship as a whole.

Their walk on the beach was the beginning of the end. From the moment Wakana realised the truth it's all downhill from here. It's no surprise she felt horny by having Akira there, and Akira seems to actively perceive that it was the two of them that should have been together there. It's because if Wakana is the one making Osako's life miserable, and the only option to make her happy is to leave it (since Osako can't fix her insecurities while by her side), then why is Wakana resisting exactly? Doesn't Osako want her to experiment with Akira? Doesn't Wakana heavily care for Akira already and most likely wants to be with him anyway? Isn't her relationship with Osako doomed by her presence as someone that can't give her partner the trust she needs in her feelings?

The foursome, for me, is based on desperation/recognition of defeat. They're going to break up, and it will fall to Wakana to force Osako into a healthier life she doesn't have the courage to reach for in the first place.
So waht youre telling me is...that theres still hope for Akira to cuck Osako? ill drink to that


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
I missed an earlier opportunity to talk about this, I apologise to whoever it was that brought this point before, I'll answer it here. I think for sure her cuck arc isn't over. What follows is my preliminary interpretation however, I haven't replayed the event and welcome points I may have missed.

Well, prior to the beach event, we've seen how Osako has an issue with their relationship. What we saw in this update is how Wakana does. Wakana comes to terms with the fact that she has never being able to make Osako understand that she's enough, and that if she couldn't until this point, that is very unlikely to change. Wakana would never betray Osako because she does love Osako, and her sense of duty supercedes her sexual urges. That takes a dark turn however if Wakana understands that she is not enough for Osako.

That's what will break up their relationship. When Osako says that to Wakana, the only issue is that Osako can't accept the truth that Wakana is satisfied with her as a partner (maybe not sexually, but Wakana has truly made her peace with it). But when Wakana says that to Osako it's a recognition of reality rather than a refusal of it. Nothing Wakana can do will be enough for Osako, because Osako's issue has to be fixed by Osako herself, it's not up to Wakana. And since Osako can't deal with her issues, it damns their relationship as a whole.

Their walk on the beach was the beginning of the end. From the moment Wakana realised the truth it's all downhill from here. It's no surprise she felt horny by having Akira there, and Akira seems to actively perceive that it was the two of them that should have been together there. It's because if Wakana is the one making Osako's life miserable, and the only option to make her happy is to leave it (since Osako can't fix her insecurities while by her side), then why is Wakana resisting exactly? Doesn't Osako want her to experiment with Akira? Doesn't Wakana heavily care for Akira already and most likely wants to be with him anyway? Isn't her relationship with Osako doomed by her presence as someone that can't give her partner the trust she needs in her feelings?

The foursome, for me, is based on desperation/recognition of defeat. They're going to break up, and it will fall to Wakana to force Osako into a healthier life she doesn't have the courage to reach for in the first place.
Pretty much lines up with what i was thinking, but expanded well beyond what my smooth brain was coming up with. That moment when Wakana said "maybe you're the one who needs someone else" i saw where it was all going... cause she really hit the nail dead center on the head... Osako needs someone who she can make cum, cause this is an insecurity she just cannot get over/pass and it's something Wakana just cannot provide, despite loving her so much.


New Member
Jan 28, 2020
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In addition to Wakano-Osaka talk, Sensei now really showing his affection towards Wakano. He was almost constantly worried about her during this update events. Plus, in new Dive Bar events, he really enjoys spending time with her and wished that it was only two of them. So he may actually try go after Wakano or suggest cuck plan after learing about their problems
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