
Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Man all this User talk has got me confused smh.My understanding of it is this.

>User 1
This is legit the most confusing.User1 has been used by mutliple people at multiple occasions to fuck with Akira.As both Moonflare and Aramaug have pointed out,User1 has been used by Pareidola,Maya and Hope.Impressive.

Now this is interesting.I am assuming with quite a bit of certainty that User3 is the only good guy here.As far as im aware he hasnt done anything explicitly good but the reason why im calling him good is this.Pareidola was FURIOUS when we had the choice to kick him out and let User3 resume control of the terminal or Connect to talk with us.Now you could say that that is just Pareidolas obsessiveness at hand(Funnily enough thats one trait that he shares with both Sekai and Hope) but thats the only time where he is this furious.My interpetation is tha the feels threatened by User3.

This is the newest player here.We dont know who what or why.What we do know is that for whatever reason he is working for us(directly or indirectly),to help us and that he is using Nao-chan as his proxy to influence real world events
I'm confused. Let's start from the assumption that USER1 = HOPE. USER 2 = Wires. USER3 = Pareidolia.

That being said, Pareidolia may have hijacked USER1 a couple of times. We've mentioned "ad infinitum", which could be him using some sort of hack on USER1 during the event, and then switching over to his own USER3 at the end. The same routine can be observed in "trinity pt 3: non est deus", he narrates the event, flees when HOPE shows up, then switches to USER3 at the end of the event.

One other time when HOPE was hijacked from his controls was during the backwards bus ride. I can't remember the event name. It happened after they visited Sekai's grave, and following Ami's date on the same day in which she tries reading him a poem. Akira starts to blackout and something takes control over Ami (?), HOPE tries to connect and is denied multiple times.

USER2/Wires is probably the one you mean by "good guy". Unless he was the one responsible for "scary room", which I still don't buy, he only ever tried to help. His connection is so weak though that we just don't understand his intentions. If I recall correctly, during one of his resets he tried leading Akira to Tojo Ramen during the reset. Him leading Akira to the "writing room" with Nao-chan is probably the first time we've seen one thing that he wanted to do coming through. What does that even mean I have no idea though.


Feb 6, 2023
Man all this User talk has got me confused smh.My understanding of it is this.

>User 1
This is legit the most confusing.User1 has been used by mutliple people at multiple occasions to fuck with Akira.As both Moonflare and Aramaug have pointed out,User1 has been used by Pareidola,Maya and Hope.Impressive.

Now this is interesting.I am assuming with quite a bit of certainty that User3 is the only good guy here.As far as im aware he hasnt done anything explicitly good but the reason why im calling him good is this.Pareidola was FURIOUS when we had the choice to kick him out and let User3 resume control of the terminal or Connect to talk with us.Now you could say that that is just Pareidolas obsessiveness at hand(Funnily enough thats one trait that he shares with both Sekai and Hope) but thats the only time where he is this furious.My interpetation is tha the feels threatened by User3.

This is the newest player here.We dont know who what or why.What we do know is that for whatever reason he is working for us(directly or indirectly),to help us and that he is using Nao-chan as his proxy to influence real world events
If I recall, User3 is just the Concerned God. He's always been my favourite, I suppose. He's sort of hinted to be the one who prevented Akira from assaulting Yumi, but that's more of speculation.

User4 is supposedly the god who just stopped showing up one day? I'm unsure.
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May 9, 2019
Hei fellas I want to ask your opinions the often mentioned phrase "Something is buried underneath your feet." in Chpater 1.

What do you think that "something" could be? My thought lingers between Sekai and Pareidolia (Or real HOPE that is User 1? Which god is actually dead?). Though Wire or The Unnamed Baby could also be the answer. I'm very uncertain on it.


Jan 24, 2022
Regarding the voice beneath the maggots / bed of worms, I think it might be more figurative than literal, as in literally having maggots or worms above it. If it's below us or inside the Earth, it might anyway, but it could just mean below. Both words, maggot and worm, also refer to people quite often in a negative way, so it could be "festering underneath the human trash."
I believe the same for the whole 'more than one god in the dark' thing. In the dark can mean literal darkness, or uncertainty. Speaking of ad infinitum, I think this sums it up well:
Pareidolia especially seems to fit into "something in between" (and uncertainty, hidden motives/true face)* rather than "the dark." He's not darkness, he's the rogue, emerging from between the others, coming from behind, something between light and dark. Unnoticed because he was behind the others at first, until he peaked his head over their shoulders, grew stronger, took control. Pareidolia (noun) itself requires light, some times a heavy absence of it, some times just the right amount to highlight the right features for us to think "human."

I used to have saves filled to page 4k to halfway through 4k pages before I went on the thread and asked for help (thank you lord of crust) deleting all my saves since it took a whopping 12.5 gb and delayed the game.
Also, what the FUCK
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Sep 27, 2020
Hei fellas I want to ask your opinions the often mentioned phrase "Something is buried underneath your feet." in Chpater 1.

What do you think that "something" could be? My thought lingers between Sekai and Pareidolia (Or real HOPE that is User 1? Which god is actually dead?). Though Wire or The Unnamed Baby could also be the answer. I'm very uncertain on it.
I would say it seems to be Sekai, but I guess it could encompass more than just her depending on the context it's used in. On top of that There was a line about hope not wanting to wake something up that is buried/at the bottom of the world, something along those lines anyway (don't remember the event). Then later in the "all for you" event there is a few lines about a thing that "sings in its sleep" that's goal is to find another "resting place". Which I think must be about Sekai and Kaori given the amount of times Sekai appears to have possessed her now. Although whether or not Kaori is the intended "resting place" or just a means to reach it I'm not sure.
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Sep 5, 2021
There is a mythical function in these hallowed realms known as 'search'. Rumour has it that it resides somewhere to the North East of this page. Legend tells that when used one can find the answer to all your desires.
Dude this almost 2k page, how should i search to find the comment that have the file i need. That why i ask you guys, so some one have dowload the compress ver may tell the number of the page for me.


Active Member
May 25, 2022
Dude this almost 2k page, how should i search to find the comment that have the file i need. That why i ask you guys, so some one have dowload the compress ver may tell the number of the page for me.
Number of pages means diddly squat for using the search function. Advanced search, search threads, enter in the search field Lessons in love compressed, order by most recent, and its the second entry on the list. Took me a grand total of 5 minutes to figure out and I've never searched for the compressed version of this or any game before. A bit of thought goes a long way.
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