
Jan 24, 2022
nah that's too many people and just because you're paying money doesn't mean that you'd get to interfeere with a works still not completed.

In any case, I am surprised nobody questioned just how fast and consistent Selebus is at not only writing the story but also making it "come to life"
Obviously not really, but I do enjoy the mental image of 31 dudes on discord begging Selebus to include events with their favorite fictional character and fuck with the ones they don't like. Also, to be fair, Selebus does tend to write dialogue like "Pretend I said something meaningful about lambs here." (Hey, it's another segue into my pseudointellectual theories on symbolism) ((For legal reasons this is a joke and I'd appreciate not being banned from the discord for a 3rd time. I'm down $6,000 in patreon charges and my life revolves around video games))

Yumi Yamaguchi is USER1. Mystery solved. Next!
So basically Yumi really wants to make Akira fuck other girls and she's a confirmed cuck. Maybe banging Yuki before her isn't such a bad idea after all.
Oct 1, 2023
So, basically what you're saying is that this was a reveal of Yumi as a user.
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I guess that leaves figuring out which of the users she is, but no sweat, I got you covered:
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Yumi Yamaguchi is USER1. Mystery solved. Next!
What was the name of that event? Now that I think about it, these girls might not be entirely related to the USERS but maybe there's a clue about who the 4th is, if there's finally a 4th

Yumi has grown so much on me that I don't even know if Rin is my favorite of the three anymore
Jul 23, 2023
So we finally have an anal scene after 4+ years of development, and true to his word it was maki. Should the thread have an anal tag? Feels like playing for like 50 hours+ just for one scene with a side character would be kinda misleading lmao
Its about time and Next we need watersports added. Sell should really stop being so vanilla with his game
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Sep 5, 2021


Jun 28, 2019
I would say it seems to be Sekai, but I guess it could encompass more than just her depending on the context it's used in. On top of that There was a line about hope not wanting to wake something up that is buried/at the bottom of the world, something along those lines anyway (don't remember the event). Then later in the "all for you" event there is a few lines about a thing that "sings in its sleep" that's goal is to find another "resting place". Which I think must be about Sekai and Kaori given the amount of times Sekai appears to have possessed her now. Although whether or not Kaori is the intended "resting place" or just a means to reach it I'm not sure.
I was under the impression that the thing that sings in its sleep has something to do with USER4, since the same narration talks about forming a "fourth form" and how there is a fourth side to the cross.
1. Pareidolia: Lying or not lying about Wires being behind the Molly Sacrifice in "Paranoid"?

2. If Wires is innocent over what happened to Molly, then what is his end goal and motivation? He requires a sacrifice just like the rest of the trinity as far as I'm aware, does he not? So why hasn't he ever tried nudging Akira in the direction of getting one for him? You can probably count the Yumi incident, but nothing has really happened since then that I can recall, and that didn't even happen during his season.

3. What role do you want to see the Wire God play in the near future? He's seemed the most 'dormant' of the trinity thus far, but now that he's 'clawed his way out' (See "TH15 15NT M3"), I think he's gonna finally start playing a more active role pretty soon.
1. I think Pareidolia is probably lying and he's the one behind the rape.
2. Wires does seem to feed off of sacrifices and worship like the other gods, but he's content not to receive them.
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3. We're told that Wires's reason for being is to maintain order and to fix errors. I think he's becoming more active because Pareidolia's "infinite spring" threatens to completely upset the order of things.
Sekai was literally called "Teacher", in a moment that Akira couldn't deal with her name yet.
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In the event the "letter T", the random words make AGAIN SHE LIVES, while Maya says that there is something buried underneath Akira's feet.
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"T" is directly related to SeKaori.
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I'm not convinced anything else comes close to this amount of evidence.
I also lean toward the person whose name begins with the letter T being connected to Sekai, but I personally refuse to believe it stands for Teacher. Maybe I'm just in denial, but that would be such a dumb reveal. Akira has no reason to have called her Teacher or to think of her as Teacher; even if he was one of her students, that would make her his "Sensei". My best guess is that whichever "real world" person corresponds to Sekai had a name beginning with T, and she's called Sekai in the "simulation" because she was Akira's whole world. I'm also open to "real world" Maya (narrator Maya?) being somehow connected, as daagagsdgd suggests. After all it is Maya who is crucified on the giant T and who Akira watches have sex before masturbating to the memory of the person whose name begins with T.
I don't have any doubt against with Wire and Pareidolia being User 2 and User 3. But HOPE being User 1 (that is Nozomu) or not is a thing I'm constantly on. After all I would consider Nozomu as the dead god but I failed to comprehend the essense of HOPE.

However, I really think current HOPE (remember Pareidolia always tried to log in account of User 1, and he finally succeeded at the end of Chapter 2 Somnambula) is nothing but a dummy of Pareidolia. To be complete honest the way HOPE talks in Chapter 3 (dominant and vile) feels stark different with that of Chapter 1. Where did we see him at last time in Chapter 1? Trinity III where Akira literally said "my hope is lost." And the church is called "New Hope" in Chapter 2, but HOPE is nowhere be seen except for the end of Chapter 2 right after Somnambula.
I agree that there's a lot of weird stuff going on with HOPE/USER1:
  • When we're told the story of the god Nozomu/Hope, we're also told that he is dead. We're told that he was the first god so it's logical to assume that his account was USER1.
  • There are hints that the HOPE we physically see in Chapter 1+2 is not a god at all, and is possibly some sort of automaton.
  • It's implied that it's possible to create a new god Nozomu/Hope, starting with AmIOkay saying so in "Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock".
  • Someone new has been able to access the USER1 account as early as Chapter 1's "Window of the Waking Mind". The most likely culprit is Pareidolia.
I'm not sure what to think about Yasu's god. It seems unlikely to be the same as the physical HOPE from Chapter 1 and 2, because as you say their tone/personality feels drastically different. It's possible that it was Pareidolia all along, playing an extremely long con. It's also possible that this is some fledgling "New Hope" who is a new character and whom we don't know anything else about.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
1. Pareidolia: Lying or not lying about Wires being behind the Molly Sacrifice in "Paranoid"?

2. If Wires is innocent over what happened to Molly, then what is his end goal and motivation? He requires a sacrifice just like the rest of the trinity as far as I'm aware, does he not? So why hasn't he ever tried nudging Akira in the direction of getting one for him? You can probably count the Yumi incident, but nothing has really happened since then that I can recall, and that didn't even happen during his season.
I've been struggling to answer this. So, what happens in Lavender's Green is somewhat similar to what happens in Abyss. We should start from the event prior to Lavender's Green actually, when Molly is drunk but still at the party:
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This font is also used here:
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Both these messages are basically the same thing, an entity takes hold of Akira. More specifically, someone has hands on his shoulders and leads him to force himself on people. Let's go to the Abyss.

Akira's being controlled (and was made to go to the old district), then Pareidolia appears masquerading as Wires.
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In both Abyss and the Molly situation, it was the hands on Akira's shoulders that were controlling him. Also, Pareidolia may know Yumi by a different name, but he also could be confused because he thought Akira was talking about the person with him other than Yumi, that being Sekai.
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Yasu sees someone, probably Sekai.
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Later we see the exact shame huh.
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So all of this is to establish that a Sekai could very well always have been around Akira. Or, an even more terrifying possibility is that Akira could be Sekai himself (in the sense that he was so groomed/traumatized by her, that at times this shadow takes over). It would certainly explain why AmIOkay calls him Sekai in "turn off the lights".
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Well, when Akira gets to finger Sana he has a long conversation with Sekai, in which she says this:
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So, what do we take from all of this? The Molly thing counted, and the sacrifice did not go to HOPE. What happens after Lavender's Green? Which god benefits from it? Well, Wires goes to sleep since Summer arrives. However, Ayane survives the reset, and during chapter 3, both Pareidolia and Sekai are restored.

By process of elimination, the sacrifice either is one of the conditions for Ayane to survive the reset, or it was important to power Pareidolia and/or restore Sekai.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I also lean toward the person whose name begins with the letter T being connected to Sekai, but I personally refuse to believe it stands for Teacher. Maybe I'm just in denial, but that would be such a dumb reveal. Akira has no reason to have called her Teacher or to think of her as Teacher; even if he was one of her students, that would make her his "Sensei". My best guess is that whichever "real world" person corresponds to Sekai had a name beginning with T, and she's called Sekai in the "simulation" because she was Akira's whole world. I'm also open to "real world" Maya (narrator Maya?) being somehow connected, as daagagsdgd suggests. After all it is Maya who is crucified on the giant T and who Akira watches have sex before masturbating to the memory of the person whose name begins with T.
She's not sensei because she's his English Teacher - hence Teacher being in English. Her name would also begin with the letter T, because it would be Teacher Sekai due to naming conventions. Akira is Arakawa Sensei, but if he was an English teacher his students would call him Teacher Arakawa. No student would call her Sekai, they'd either call her Teacher, or Teacher Sekai (actually they might have called her Teacher Arakawa as well). Akira reprimands even Noriko for not calling him Sensei instead of Akira during the flashbacks, and repeats it with Tsukasa/Chinami if I recall correctly. It isn't mandatory, but that kind of behavior could also have been copied from Sekai.

Also, I feel like you're overlooking the fact that Akira is referred to inside the simulation, and even in this thread, as if his name was Sensei. To say that "Teacher" isn't a real name when the main character uses the exact same thing as a "real name" to such an extent isn't congruent imo. If Akira can be "Sensei", Sekai can be "Teacher". In fact, I see this parallel as another case of him becoming her through grooming - it makes complete sense to me.

I mean, I'm not really defending this point as if it was mine - I just haven't seen enough of an argument that would make as much sense coming from the other direction. It's not impossible that Sekai's name isn't Sekai, in fact I'd prefer if that was the case. Yasu seems to agree in a recent event that names inside this bubble aren't that important.
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But even if her name isn't Sekai, it doesn't equate to "T" having to be her real name. She could have been called Tiffany, sure - but she could have been called Sakura just as easily. There's also the issue that it doesn't make sense in a narrative sense to drop Akira remembering that her real name started with a T, being it either Maya or Sekai's real name, and for that to be abandoned - when everything in that moment of the story was related to the "Teacher" character.

Akira wondering if people are really called what they are isn't a plot thread in LiL yet. It would be nonsensical to drop that so early in the story and abandon it. Lastly, "T" being related to Maya only makes sense to me if Maya is Sekai. The Kaori event links T with SeKaori so I can't see how it relates to both Maya and SeKaori, when the razor would dictate that it simply refers to Sekai, and then it's used as a reference for the Sekai inside Kaori.


Sep 27, 2020
I also lean toward the person whose name begins with the letter T being connected to Sekai, but I personally refuse to believe it stands for Teacher. Maybe I'm just in denial, but that would be such a dumb reveal. Akira has no reason to have called her Teacher or to think of her as Teacher; even if he was one of her students, that would make her his "Sensei". My best guess is that whichever "real world" person corresponds to Sekai had a name beginning with T, and she's called Sekai in the "simulation" because she was Akira's whole world. I'm also open to "real world" Maya (narrator Maya?) being somehow connected, as @daagagsdgd suggests. After all it is Maya who is crucified on the giant T and who Akira watches have sex before masturbating to the memory of the person whose name begins with T.
Everything you just said there can be interpreted to support T being Sekai. The happy events in question all seem to strange representations of Akira's lost memories or the emotions connected to said memories. Maya Is crucified on a T in said strange manifestation of Akira's lost memories because Maya's suffering can be viewed as a result of what Sekai did to Akira. Or as I have previously worded it, Maya is crucified by the love that T (sekai) taught Akira.

The happy event where Akira is watching himself fuck "Am I okay" also appears to, in part, be a strange overlaping memory/representation of Nozomu, Sekai and Akira's relationship, how that influenced him, and how that influence is passed on through him to others in his life. The part that gives that away most obviously to me, is when Am I Okay turns away to look towards Akira's pov and we get the lines; "ask her why she turns away from the eyes of her GOd. God? Nothing works. HOPE." - "What are you looking at?" - "Nothing... Its easier for me to cum this way.". (HOPE=Nozomu). Then "I sit in my chair and I masturbate to any body that appears before me. Today it was the body of a girl who died a long, long time ago. Her name begins with the letter T."

I don't see how its a dumb reveal to be honest. The obfuscation and the conveyance of Akira's messed up broken memories through the early happy events, and the insight/immersion into his toasted brain that you get from the shared journey you go on alongside his character to understand those thoughts/memories, through the fragments on information you are both drip feed, is one of my favourite parts of the game.

I was under the impression that the thing that sings in its sleep has something to do with USER4, since the same narration talks about forming a "fourth form" and how there is a fourth side to the cross.
The first part I'm very sure is about Sekai I cant see anything else that would fit. I suppose it could be about more than just her, but it definitely has to include her in some way.

I'm not very sure about the meaning of the part of it with "forces to form a form of force that will form a fourth form, forced outforth before the fourth can form its course is" and everything after that. But my vague reading of it is foreshadowing ether User 4/ 4th god or chapter 4. Then generally reiterating the "everything is connected" / "there is only one god which one will you choose stuff" in a more abstract way. And maybe hinting that all the gods are part of the same whole, which seemed to be expanded on a bit in the last Halloween reset.

Actually, speaking of that event ("all for you" chapter 3) did anyone ever come up with anything about this line. I remember thinking about the obvious stuff like eye colour or all the blue negative images that pop up but nothing ever felt right.
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I don't know, maybe none of this makes sense if you are not in my head because I'm not very good at expressing my thoughts in writing, but I'm just going to post it anyway because I spent too long typing it out.
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