
Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Um... kinda just want to say, Makoto's dad isn't dead, he isn't anything, he's functionally non-existent, from the moment the game starts he is never corporeally factualized, the only thing we have is his apparent history pre-spacewar and a short automated message about his 'death', that's it, so i kinda figure speaking about anything to do with his actual death is completely meaningless, all that matters is the message, who sent it, and it's effects... no? Kinda weird using his 'death' as an example of observed deaths in-game given that no?
If someone was specifically talking about seen deaths, in game, sure. We never seen it, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen or is irrelevant to deaths as a whole. That's without getting into the whole "perception" angle.


Jan 13, 2023
Even the first event has Ami mentioning the plot and telling Sensei to ignore the space war. I think everyone's been suspicious of her since the get go, tbh. Kind of hard not to be.

We do finally a reason for her to do bad things though. Knowing about the resets triggers her to become violent. According to Maya, anyway.
Yeah in hindsight there's plenty of clues, you're right

But I'm talking about actual good writing that's dropping subtle hints that you catch first time around.
For me anyway, i've been getting strange vibes from Amy from around Chapter 2 onwards. During chapter 1 I wasn't as invested in the lore/story etc. I'm sure it's there. I just didn't see it.

I think it's a mark of a good story teller to drop those moments in and have player pat themselves on back for putting it together. I don't have a really good imagination and I picked up on it, so most players will. It's impressive story writing for sure.
you guys reminded me that celebus also gave the intelligence rating for side characters.
here it is: View attachment 2702453
Interesting... I mostly agree.
Probably just bump Chinami up a bit and Sara down a bit. Rest seems pretty accurate.

Did they ever do one for the main characters? That would be far more interesting.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
I think the death of Makoto's father (and i agree that he was never real to begin with (which might count for almost all Kumonmi inhabitants)) was an ingame "plot device" to make Makoto act a certain way, or to initiate a specific chain of events.
Maybe crafted by one of the "gods".

And while the Oak Door event is missable, it might be the outcome of her fathers death. Missable but still happening behind the curtains nonethless. What i mean is, Akira "implementing" his "DNA" into her.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I don't understand what is your point. That Maya have seen broken people before? It would be strange if she wasn't. It would be more strange that she haven't seen something which we assume to be possible. My point was that she haven't acted like "holy shit, something attempted to kill Makoto" when she saw her broken.

However, the more I think than more I want to take that argument back, because Maya could just act as she don't know to protect Sensei from understanding what have he done. But it cannot be evidence for "nobody can die" theory anyway

This scene has same meaniing as bluejay: when specificly Makoto tries to kill herself, she rollbacks. It is not like she rollback from the point she actualy dead. It is not like it is not specific to suicide attempts. It proves nothing but that some supernatural shit rollbacks specificly Makoto when she specificly attempts suicide.

And theory "nobody can die in Kumon-mi" might be a good generalization of specific evidence, but people actualy die. As long as we have only two cases and they are so similar, there is no way to reason any distinguisher between people who can die and people who cannot.

Can you please explain "obviously new"? If you mean it is first time her father is dead, wouldn't it imply that he obliviously cannot die twice?

Also, what makes you think that direct evidences agianst you theory are exceptions but not counter-proofs

Yep, Maya could be lying. It is not a big secret, that Maya is extremly cryptic about any knowledge that could damage her friends or Sensei. It would not be too hard to hide a secret if psyco Ami haven't occured in centuries

Same argument, Maya is not a reliable source. Event that pieces of information was taken from her under serious pressure

It is safe to assume that Maya would not remember her own death if she ever died, so it is more like proof that Ami never truly wanted to kill specificaly Maya.
The point was that Maya implied she had seen changes to others, which were similar to a Makoto that committed suicide before. Meaning changes like Makoto's which happened due to her suicide, are not just specific to her.

It's definitely evidence that what happened to Makoto isn't actually something new in Maya's point of view. Maya didn't think much of it at all because of that. Also keep in mind that Maya doesn't actually see the other girls as real, and just assumes they'll be reset back to normal. Makoto dying, likely doesn't matter to Maya, especially considering Maya doesn't particularly seem to like her.

So, now you're saying that Makoto is an exception and death by suicide is what can't happen? I can see the logic behind it but there's nothing that actually proves it. It's just an assumption. There's also no actual evidence that Makoto doesn't actually die, before coming back. She notes it's like she hallucinated doing it when she tries, but we also know the world can alter memories and injuries. We've also seen her fall out of frame during her first suicide. It didn't seem like she came back until after she went splat.

Technically, no "people" have died permanently within Kumon-mi since Current Sensei showed up, except maybe those janitors Ayane murdered if that's meant to be taken seriously. Makoto's father was technically outside Kumon-mi and Todd is an energy draining chicken. There's nothing really similar about them beyond that something likely killed them off screen, and they aren't even considered side characters.

By obviously new, I mean in the countless resets that have occured, Makoto's father's death has never came into play before, according to Maya, and he still hasn't came back multiple resets later, which is also something odd. Meanwhile Maya has confirmed others that have died have came back, just based off how Ami has apparently butchered others, and she's noted Sensei has died more than once:
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and he's obviously came back.

I've already explained how your direct evidences are flawed, at the least. I mentioned a few others in this comment though. Makoto's father wasn't even in Kumon-mi, and Todd is a chicken. There's also how neither of them are even considered side characters in this game technically, and we don't actually know how or why they died. You also seem to imply that Makoto is some special exception, yet here you are thinking that her father we've never seen, and a chicken, aren't? Doesn't make much sense.

You do realize that you kind of need Maya to be considered reliable for your "Psycho Ami is why there are only 10" theory to be plausible, right? The only evidence we have that a Psycho version of Ami actually exists is because Maya said so. There's not really evidence that Ami has actually tried to murder others before, beyond Maya's words. Still, just because she could be lying or wrong, doesn't mean she actually is.

Maya not being able to remember her death, is just an assumption of yours though. It's not "safe" at all when Makoto remembered stuff like her suicide multiple resets later. It also wouldn't explain why she could "guarantee" she'd be dead. On top of that, it assumes Ami has never truly wanted her dead, when even Sensei apparently couldn't escape her wrath, which seems unlikely. It's a possibility, but nothing about it seems "safe".

Overall: I can agree that the rules behind dying are not fully explained. There can definitely be some exceptions or conditions that we aren't even aware of.

I do doubt that Psycho Ami killing others is the reason that Sensei only had 10 initial students though. At least, based off my current knowledge.
  • Thinking Face
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Honestly, I think it's "The World" or maybe Sekai, that tends to speak to Yasu at times which causes her to foreshadow things.
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Similar happened with Makoto's dad:
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and presumably with Rin around the Sensei Quiz:
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Both of which, like the phone call with Otoha, has Yasu seemingly foreshadowing bad things happening which ended up with girls sad.

Yasu's also mentioned an interference that's related to the ocean:
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I'm assuming she's referring to the beach, where sad things tend to happen, and it just so happens to be where Sekai got restored, then ended up seemingly claiming Yasu. Could be wrong, though.
I also assume that what Yasu referred to "Something is here" has a high chance to be Sekai; I guess I was more confused about what she (or it) tried to or could accomplish with this tiny mom-daughter quarrel over the phone.
I think it's not really mind manipulation. My theory is that after years of taking care of Sensei, Ami knows exactly what to say to shut his brain down so she can make him more obedient, which is what happened in Mama's girl.
The thought of it is quite the scare for me (now that the scene where broken Akira massaging Ami’s shoulders was no longer wholesome; she was already trying to replicate what Sekai once had wasn’t she…). It’s like a “It’s not the dead you have to fear. It’s the living”

I like this theory way better than assigning overboard superpowers to Ami, even though the girl is suspicious af.

This, plus the willingness of indulging violence when necessary is what makes the tiny human niece a intimidating giant of LOVE.
  • Thinking Face
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
If someone was specifically talking about seen deaths, in game, sure. We never seen it, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen or is irrelevant to deaths as a whole. That's without getting into the whole "perception" angle.
We've been informed he's dead with zero evidence to back it up. We've been informed Haruka's husband is alive with zero evidence to back it up. Both statements may be true. Both statements may be false. "Remember to smile" is a big clue that the phone calls are God Fuckery, not official communication from the military.

The calls are stimuli to push the character's story forward, but that doesn't mean the contents of the calls are factually true. All that matters is that the characters BELIEVE they're true.

Also, "death isn't allowed in Kumon-Mi" isn't going to be disproven by the potential death of someone outside the Kumon-Mi bubble, as the bubble wouldn't affect anyone outside it.


Jun 8, 2017
Speaking of the Maya event in the scary room. Wouldn't that scene imply that she has these black-out periods as well?


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
So I don't think Ami has mind control powers or anything like that, I think she is just now starting to take advantage of Akira's blackouts.

She has become increasingly frustrated with him lately and during Mama's Girl she accidently triggered a blackout by mentioning her parents. During the blackout Akira kept going on about how much he loved her and she said that was like heroin for her.

In a later event she casually mentioned her parents again while riding Akira's shoulders and when we cut back she is lying with him and asking him to tell her he loves her and whatnot. I don't think she has been doing this the whole time, she's just now reached a point where she feels the need to break his brain so she can feel loved.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2023
The point was that Maya implied she had seen changes to others, which were similar to a Makoto that committed suicide before. Meaning changes like Makoto's which happened due to her suicide, are not just specific to her.

It's definitely evidence that what happened to Makoto isn't actually something new in Maya's point of view. Maya didn't think much of it at all because of that. Also keep in mind that Maya doesn't actually see the other girls as real, and just assumes they'll be reset back to normal. Makoto dying, likely doesn't matter to Maya, especially considering Maya doesn't particularly seem to like her.

So, now you're saying that Makoto is an exception and death by suicide is what can't happen? I can see the logic behind it but there's nothing that actually proves it. It's just an assumption. There's also no actual evidence that Makoto doesn't actually die, before coming back. She notes it's like she hallucinated doing it when she tries, but we also know the world can alter memories and injuries. We've also seen her fall out of frame during her first suicide. It didn't seem like she came back until after she went splat.

Technically, no "people" have died permanently within Kumon-mi since Current Sensei showed up, except maybe those janitors Ayane murdered if that's meant to be taken seriously. Makoto's father was technically outside Kumon-mi and Todd is an energy draining chicken. There's nothing really similar about them beyond that something likely killed them off screen, and they aren't even considered side characters.

By obviously new, I mean in the countless resets that have occured, Makoto's father's death has never came into play before, according to Maya, and he still hasn't came back multiple resets later, which is also something odd. Meanwhile Maya has confirmed others that have died have came back, just based off how Ami has apparently butchered others, and she's noted Sensei has died more than once:
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and he's obviously came back.

I've already explained how your direct evidences are flawed, at the least. I mentioned a few others in this comment though. Makoto's father wasn't even in Kumon-mi, and Todd is a chicken. There's also how neither of them are even considered side characters in this game technically, and we don't actually know how or why they died. You also seem to imply that Makoto is some special exception, yet here you are thinking that her father we've never seen, and a chicken, aren't? Doesn't make much sense.

You do realize that you kind of need Maya to be considered reliable for your "Psycho Ami is why there are only 10" theory to be plausible, right? The only evidence we have that a Psycho version of Ami actually exists is because Maya said so. There's not really evidence that Ami has actually tried to murder others before, beyond Maya's words. Still, just because she could be lying or wrong, doesn't mean she actually is.

Maya not being able to remember her death, is just an assumption of yours though. It's not "safe" at all when Makoto remembered stuff like her suicide multiple resets later. It also wouldn't explain why she could "guarantee" she'd be dead. On top of that, it assumes Ami has never truly wanted her dead, when even Sensei apparently couldn't escape her wrath, which seems unlikely. It's a possibility, but nothing about it seems "safe".

Overall: I can agree that the rules behind dying are not fully explained. There can definitely be some exceptions or conditions that we aren't even aware of.

I do doubt that Psycho Ami killing others is the reason that Sensei only had 10 initial students though. At least, based off my current knowledge.
Okay man, you are right and I am wrong. Calm down a bit. Your post would have same effect if it only contained that "Record Breaker" reference, but I almost droped reading before I get to that part.

I see no point in futher critique on your post, but this wasn't a healthy discussion


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I also assume that what Yasu referred to "Something is here" has a high chance to be Sekai; I guess I was more confused about what she (or it) tried to or could accomplish with this tiny mom-daughter quarrel over the phone.
I have no idea what Sekai actually wants, but she seems to see the characters as toys to play with. She is even responsible for Futaba's "Toys" event where she forces Sensei, Makoto, and Futaba to have a threesome.

Sekai might have just thought Rin and Otoha having relationship drama, would be entertaining to watch. Overall: Sekai seems to just enjoy being a horrible person.

If she and "The World" are synonymous, then the idea of Makoto finding out her father died, excited Sekai:
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She looked forward to a girl finding out she lost her father.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2020
Bingoogus Just out of curiosity, how far are you into your replay, and how much time would you guess it's taken you to get that far? Are you playing any certain way (good/bad uncle, etc), and did you use URM to skip the affection/lust grind?


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
I have no idea what Sekai actually wants, but she seems to see the characters as toys to play with. She is even responsible for Futaba's "Toys" event where she forces Sensei, Makoto, and Futaba to have a threesome.

Sekai might have just thought Rin and Otoha having relationship drama, would be entertaining to watch. Overall: Sekai seems to just enjoy being a horrible person.

If she and "The World" are synonymous, then the idea of Makoto finding out her father died, excited Sekai:
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She looked forward to a girl finding out she lost her father.
Maybe she knew broken Makoto would basically r*pe Akira? Still messed up any way you slice it. We all knew Sekai was a terrible person though.

butterfly boy

Feb 13, 2023
Bingoogus Just out of curiosity, how far are you into your replay, and how much time would you guess it's taken you to get that far? Are you playing any certain way (good/bad uncle, etc), and did you use URM to skip the affection/lust grind?
Not Bingoogus but my reading time for each chapter is 20, 27 and 19 hours with the setloveandlust mod on the front page


Active Member
Mar 15, 2023
You overestimate time spent to grinds. You only have to play ~500 generic events during full walkhrough, which can be done in a hour. It is boring, but would not significantly affect total game time


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Maybe she knew broken Makoto would basically r*pe Akira? Still messed up any way you slice it. We all knew Sekai was a terrible person though.
Actually, in retrospect, Sekai may have even persuaded Makoto to use Sensei.

Makoto seems to think "the world" was speaking to her in "White Oak Doors":
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