
New Member
Apr 26, 2021
As a Wise Man once said:
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Also, this lives rent-free in my head:
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Must protect.
this made me remember a dream i had a month ago about Sensei and Yasu (i'm so addicted to this game to the point where i'm seeing dreams about it yes) where the the two of them were standing at the church's door (their casual hanging out area) and for some reason i decided to approach them to see what they're talking about (I also exist in kumon-mi for some reason) and once i'm close enough to hear their conversation it was like this:

Yasu : if this continues your soul is going to stray even farther from his light and then the darkness is going to devour it piece by piece.

Sensei : I had no idea that my soul is still there nor did i know that my soul really is MY soul to even begin with so i don't really mind it getting eaten.

Yasu : lost lamb you're looking for someone to save you, to rescue you.

Sensei : Well not right now but maybe when the next reset comes i may need some help.

Yasu : it is HE who can help you. but you're too far away from his light. so he told me to help you. to guide you back to his warmth. for HE is the one that saves us all from our terrible fate.

Sensei : and how are you going to "guide" me? i told you that i'm not a religious person so i won't -

-Suddenly Yasu reaches for Sensei's hand and puts it on her left cheek.

Sensei :... uhhh.. your face is surprisingly cold despite blushing like that.

Yasu : I am aware that i am too undeserving to be ordered by him but his words are absolute for when HE speaks i listen and obey.

-Yasu then gets on her knees facing Sensei's crotch.

Sensei : ok hold on Yasu. if Touka found out about this she's really going to assassinate me herself.

Yasu : do not be afraid little lamb for this is for your sake and yours only.

Sensei :... whatever. just tell touka i didn't make you do this.

-Then Yasu unzips Sensei's zipper to meet his shaft.

-BUT THEN SUDDENLY THE CHURCH'S DOORS SLAM OPEN FROM THE INSIDE WITH HITMEN IN BLACK SUITS WITH PISTOLS ON THEIR HANDS POINTED AT SENSEI AND A DAMN CHOPPER APPEARED ABOVE THEM. then SOMEONE dramatically slides down that chopper using a rope. in tight clothes and ridiculously huge boobas she stands menacingly (yes that's her).

Touka :I told you i'm not going to let anyone hurt Yasu anymore Sensei. and i really meant that.

-Touka then approaches Sensei bare handed with a killing intent.

Sensei : Would you believe me if i said that i didn't ask h-

-Then Touka delivers a left leg to Sensei's head and he falls down unconscious.

after that Sensei wakes up in a white space ( cliche i know) and suddenly HOPE appears. but that's all i remember from that dream/nightmare.

the next day i woke up and decided to decrease the amount of time i spend on playing visual novels.

I've realized that I may have accidentally wrote a terrible fan-fiction here but eh~ it's not like LIL is a wholesome SFW game anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Some thoughts on the Yasu plotline in the upcoming update:

Yasu has apparently been severed from HOPE but is still hearing someone:
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The Emissary of Pegasus appeared during Pareidolia's reset event:
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There are prior indications that Yasu could have been "infected" by the restored Sekai:
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Yasu told the emissary of Pegasus that she has laid the foundation for a New Hope populated by sunflowers, again connecting to Sekai. It seems to me like Sekai/Pareidolia are trying to corrupt Yasu's church and use it for their own purposes.

And who do we have visiting the church:
  • Sensei: has Sekai/Pareidolia inside of him
  • Kaori: has Sekai/Pareidolia inside of her
  • Sana: Pareidolia has been fucking with her mind and probably isn't done, given her rapid personality shift in Chapter 4
  • Nodoka: has apparently been receiving instruction/information from The World/Sekai
That leaves Touka as the odd one out. The Emissary of Pegasus did demand a sacrifice...
I keep questioning who the emissary of pegasus is delivering a message from anyway. I do agree with the notion that Kaori's presence there is going to be a big deal, as she does not seem to have been invited and probably stumbled there guided by SeKaori.

Touka is just Yasu's mother and the one that suggested her using pamphlets - the reason as to why she was allowed inside is curious, but maybe cause HOPE really is cut off.

Unrelated, but I had forgotten about this:
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Also, if you're right about Sekai launching an invasion of New HOPE church, Nodoka hearing the World Itself doesn't even need to be a thing since:
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Some thoughts on the Yasu plotline in the upcoming update:

Yasu has apparently been severed from HOPE but is still hearing someone:
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The Emissary of Pegasus appeared during Pareidolia's reset event:
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There are prior indications that Yasu could have been "infected" by the restored Sekai:
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Yasu told the emissary of Pegasus that she has laid the foundation for a New Hope populated by sunflowers, again connecting to Sekai. It seems to me like Sekai/Pareidolia are trying to corrupt Yasu's church and use it for their own purposes.

And who do we have visiting the church:
  • Sensei: has Sekai/Pareidolia inside of him
  • Kaori: has Sekai/Pareidolia inside of her
  • Sana: Pareidolia has been fucking with her mind and probably isn't done, given her rapid personality shift in Chapter 4
  • Nodoka: has apparently been receiving instruction/information from The World/Sekai
That leaves Touka as the odd one out. The Emissary of Pegasus did demand a sacrifice...
Touka actually seems likely related to The World Itself/Sekai.

Sensei seemingly saw Sekai in Touka's place recently:
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There's apparently a "ghost" that wants her baby at the Tsukioka manor:
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And Yasu seemed to suggest that the Tsukioka manor shouldn't exist (or was at least related to something that shouldn't), like she seems to do with Sekai later:
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(It happens to be that Yasu mentioned an Interference and the ocean after implying the Tsukioka manor shouldn't exist in Chapter 3's 'Somewhere Far From Here', and Sekai later gets restored at the beach, by the ocean, and seemingly around a restaurant Touka had brought to the beach prior.)

There's also how it seems more or less confirmed that the everblooming tree in the Tsukioka manor is likely related to Sekai and maybe Nao:
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With Sensei implying the tree was related to a former lover of his:
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Then after this, and the mentioning of a ghost, a Narrator called him "Aki-kun":
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In Tsukasa's 'Blood and Sunset' Chapter 4 Event. (Btw the Emissary of Pegasus showed up with Masks(?) from Sekai's 'Something Everyone Knows And Ignores' Happy Event:
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And it happens to ask about the sunset which may be a Sekai thing. In other words; it may be related to her, and Yasu may be getting manipulated in many ways.)

Overall: I'd be a little surprised if the Tsukiokas aren't linked to Sekai/The World Itself.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I get she can be boring but I'm still glad something is happening. Hopefully it won't just be sex and her story will move forward, maybe more about her and annoying girl.
I agree, the only thing worse than devoting time to a boring character is for that character to remain boring. Since we're getting something from her, I hope it's interesting cause Futaba really needs it.

She seems to always be on the verge of getting something done, and then it just evaporates. The finale to a whole bulimia arc is: "I'll start going to the gym!" poof, storyline dropped. Then we have: "I am so mad at Nodoka!" And following that the story misses a thousand opportunities for her to find stuff about Nodoka and do something about it, and she's already somewhat speaking to her.

The latest is: "I have a thing I share with Imani!" Well, that was more about Imani then herself (since Imani was the one that actually summoned the courage to expose herself and be an awesome teacher, kudos Imani btw) - there's not much on that from Futaba, unless this new update is about the aftermath of that, and she'll learn to better accept her body following that conversation.

If I had to bet, and given the sex scene, it's probably the last one. I'd rather she straight up asked Akira what Nodoka has been doing (following the Io incident), but yeah, I don't think that's happening.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
...but i like Futaba. :cry:
I mean, I just wish she had a better storyline. But we don't judge here, DeSkel likes Nodoka and we haven't risen against him yet.

Edit: I do wonder though if the lack of Futaba content may be due to some of her stuff being transferred over to Nodoka. I think someone has already pointed out that possibility. Somewhere out there may be a universe where it's Futaba that hears the World Itself and goes on writing rants.


Active Member
May 27, 2020
Why so many previews of the least interesting girl.
Right now that title belongs to Kirin. At least Futaba has some sort of lore significance with the room of clocks. Kirin's whole my parents don't love me I'm a terrible person but I'm wanting to be a better person because I fell in love with my teacher schtick is getting kinda old.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
oooooh, I smell a new game in our hands! What is something that annoys you in not having been resolved yet? It doesn't have to be the most annoying thing in terms of the whole story, it could be something small, but what just annoys you personally?

Like you think to yourself "for how long are we gonna have to wait yet?" or "Man, this situation is just getting ridiculous..."

For me, it's the Chika thing - I thought it was bizarre from the first scene when she overreacted by Akira mentioning Niki, and it's been seasons of everyone accepting that he dated her, and yet here we are years later.
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Well, what's yours?


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
oooooh, I smell a new game in our hands! What is something that annoys you in not having been resolved yet? It doesn't have to be the most annoying thing in terms of the whole story, it could be something small, but what just annoys you personally?

Like you think to yourself "for how long are we gonna have to wait yet?" or "Man, this situation is just getting ridiculous..."

For me, it's the Chika thing - I thought it was bizarre from the first scene when she overreacted by Akira mentioning Niki, and it's been seasons of everyone accepting that he dated her, and yet here we are years later.
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Well, what's yours?
Yumi, it's always one step forward two steps back with her.


Dec 2, 2022
She seems to always be on the verge of getting something done, and then it just evaporates. The finale to a whole bulimia arc is: "I'll start going to the gym!" poof, storyline dropped. Then we have: "I am so mad at Nodoka!" And following that the story misses a thousand opportunities for her to find stuff about Nodoka and do something about it, and she's already somewhat speaking to her.
Yeah I've ben disappointed that not much seems to have happened with that and the fact no one has found out the truth about the Yumi stuff. I want to think these things just haven't happened yet but I just feel they will not be dealt with. Really frustrating to have big drama events like that and then just minimal follow up.

Edit: Just read your other post. I think the Yumi/annoying girl stuff is what I want to come up again/blow up.


Active Member
May 27, 2020
oooooh, I smell a new game in our hands! What is something that annoys you in not having been resolved yet? It doesn't have to be the most annoying thing in terms of the whole story, it could be something small, but what just annoys you personally?

Like you think to yourself "for how long are we gonna have to wait yet?" or "Man, this situation is just getting ridiculous..."

For me, it's the Chika thing - I thought it was bizarre from the first scene when she overreacted by Akira mentioning Niki, and it's been seasons of everyone accepting that he dated her, and yet here we are years later.
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Well, what's yours?
THIS....THIS RIGHT FUCKIN HERE! Chika skating around Akira's infidelity has gone on for too long. The perfect opportunity arose when she says "OTHER GIRLS HAVE BEEN SENDING YOU NUDES" but Chika's post-gyauru brain somehow manages to ignore it because PLOT.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
DeSkel likes Nodoka and we haven't risen against him yet.
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oooooh, I smell a new game in our hands! What is something that annoys you in not having been resolved yet? It doesn't have to be the most annoying thing in terms of the whole story, it could be something small, but what just annoys you personally?

Well, what's yours?
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In actuality: Probably Yumi as a whole.
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Jun 28, 2019
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I've been thinking some more about Ami's apparent mention of TERMINAL 24, and how the other things she says in the same event could be clues regarding what a TERMINAL is.
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That analysis might feel pretty tenuous. So of course I'm now going to double down and use even flimsier evidence to speculate further.
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