Fire Lord Zuko

Active Member
Aug 20, 2021
Kyoto takes place roughly a year before Ami was born, which would make Akira around 12, and Niki around 10.
Actually Akira would be around 15-16 in that case. He’s 31 in the present day, and assuming Ami is around 15: 31-15 = 16.

So I think Niki and Akira are 14 and 16 respectively. Kitty’s right, though. The Noriko thing still doesn’t add up. I legitimately didn’t think of that.

Even assuming Noriko is a year older than Ami is, she would have just started walking not long ago. So…


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Would it be possible/explainable that the pregnancy Sekai was mentioning in Kyoto is her second pregnancy rather than Ami?
No, because she's not taking Ami to Kyoto. Also Akira's reaction would make no sense if it's the second child she's having of that asshole. The hidden meaning of the scene (as I understand it) is that Sekai is waiting for Akira to ask her if it's his child in the end, but instead he asks if she's never going to leave him. This is a callback to something he says earlier in the update out of nowhere "I'd be a terrible father".

Plain and simple, Selebus really screwed up. The issue was including Noriko, she should never have been mentioned.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
No, because she's not taking Ami to Kyoto. Also Akira's reaction would make no sense if it's the second child she's having of that asshole. The hidden meaning of the scene (as I understand it) is that Sekai is waiting for Akira to ask her if it's his child in the end, but instead he asks if she's never going to leave him. This is a callback to something he says earlier in the update out of nowhere "I'd be a terrible father".

Plain and simple, Selebus really screwed up. The issue was including Noriko, she should never have been mentioned.
I wonder if anyone in the discord will bring this up. If they do will Sel address it or just ban them? Maybe we're all missing something. What ever happened to Deskel BTW? I feel like he would have the best chance of explaining this.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
Much as it might seem so, and it very well could be, i would caution anyone against jumping to the conclusion that this is a plothole, there's enough reason for Akira's past to be subject to a level of suspicious scrutiny given the time fuckery we've already seen and i would think it very plausible to expect at least some aspects of his past that we've been shown to be either false or twisted by god bullshit.

Identify the supposed gap, point it out, sure, but hold off going further cause it might actually turn out to be a little clue left as a breadcrumb for a later reveal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
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lemme get my changelog real quick:
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So, from this, I can assume that Ayane and Maya will probably be undertaking their respective journeys alone. Or, at the very least, they have enough individual events to do so.

Makoto has less events, maybe cause she'll be with Akira for most of them and thus enter into the main events category.

From this screenshot of Maya at school with the freaking moon, I think it's plausible that the end for each of their journeys is getting back to the current timeline through maybe the roof? Not as a reset, mind you, I think it's more likely that they'll learn how to slip back.

These last few updates have been heavy on the mechanics of slipping, and as Himawari's plan comes to fruition on the next update, and that she's been trying to save people (Ayane and then Nodoka), I think it's possible that they'll either slip back themselves or that she'll do it for them. To what end though I have no idea. What does she want, and to what extent it was against what Pareidolia wanted that she had to bail and abandon Nodoka?

Maya could also finally get into what the boxes hold, since she's at school at night. Pareidolia did say he left gifts for Akira at different times.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
No, because she's not taking Ami to Kyoto. Also Akira's reaction would make no sense if it's the second child she's having of that asshole. The hidden meaning of the scene (as I understand it) is that Sekai is waiting for Akira to ask her if it's his child in the end, but instead he asks if she's never going to leave him. This is a callback to something he says earlier in the update out of nowhere "I'd be a terrible father".

Plain and simple, Selebus really screwed up. The issue was including Noriko, she should never have been mentioned.
I see what you're saying; yes it'd be odd for Sekai to abandon Ami and run with Akira, and yes it'd be odd to react this violently toward his brother only when Sekai was pregnant again (though another excuse would be something like Nozomu only started committing DV some time after marriage, or even after Ami's birth if I intentionally want to be alarmist)

Nevertheless, I feel like not mentioning Noriko still wouldn't be enough help. I assumed that Kyoto flashback was chronologically after Spotless Mind flashback due to the advancement in Akira x Niki relationship. If such thing is true, then Noriko should already be born and somewhat old enough to try to sit in Akira's lap. And because of that Ami should also already be born. Due to me deeming the aforementioned as the unshakable truth, I arrive to the excuse that "this pregnancy in Kyoto should not have been Ami". Selly would have to not mention Noriko in both events in order to sufficiently blur the timeline issues.

Besides, "waiting for Akira to ask her if it's his child" and "I'd be a terrible father" can still work even if the pregnancy in question isn't baby Ami. But I agree with you; something just doesn't feel quite right.....originally I just defaulted this pregnancy to Ami and didn't even challenge the idea until you guys brought it up lol.
Feb 17, 2024
I'm gonna flip if it turns out the Kyoto event is fake. But leaving that aside.
It was mentioned before, but what if it was a second pregnancy, but both Sekai and Akira resented Ami's existence which tied them to Nozomu? And him not doing anything with wizard Ami specifically because of that resentment against his brother? Though even as I type it, it doesn't track because I think Akira would still see Sekai on her, unless the Maya thing started at almost the same time or she convinced him to take care of Ami.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I wonder if anyone in the discord will bring this up. If they do will Sel address it or just ban them? Maybe we're all missing something. What ever happened to Deskel BTW? I feel like he would have the best chance of explaining this.
The explanation is that Selebus added a line about Noriko that shouldn't have been there. The scene is about Niki and Akira getting interrupted by her mom. There should be no Noriko mention, but he chose to add it anyway and that was a mistake, because Noriko was a toddler.
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I don't care if Noriko is 2, 3 or 4. It just makes absolutely no sense for a 4 year old to try to constantly sneak in on her sister and her boyfriend. And she's obviously not 4 if Ami hasn't been born. More likely she's at most 2, and how does a 2 year old sneak in anywhere? She would have been with her mom.

My take is that Selebus went from "Noriko always tried to hang around Akira when he visited their home", and yes, that tracks. But do you want to get into even more of a mistake? During the first flashback we get, which is supposed to be about Niki and Akira's first kiss, Noriko is also mentioned as trying to hang around him.
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In spotless mind, Niki and Akira are even younger, haven't kissed yet, and yet Noriko is "some kid", not a toddler, not an infant, a kid. That would make her 4-5 years older than Ami at least. in fact, if she's already a kid when both of them were kids, when they get to Kyoto, she'd be even older.

So I can see two ways to explain this: Selebus is a big dumb dumb regarding Noriko's age. Or they don't actually exist. Now, calm down, it has been theorized that they really don't exist:
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At the same way, the fact that Noriko wasn't one of the original characters to LiL (to my knowledge), could have messed things up slightly that Selebus just got his timeline wrong. I don't know. And since I have nowhere to put this, have this too:
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Do these seem like real people to you? (last one might just be nothing tbh). Anyway, other than the last one, these are the facts as we have them now.


Sep 5, 2021
Yumi is in the know, but she's unaccounted for at the end of Restart.
Every previous Halloween has a flashback except the 4th Halloween.
I simply put 2 and 2 together and came up with a number. Maybe it's 4. Maybe it's 22. We'll find out in 30 days.
Really i thought next month will not have update?


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Maybe it was a barely-able to walk Noriko trying to get a peek
Really i thought next month will not have update?
The update we're not getting is the one that would be released on 12/1, the 11/1 update is still on.

And for the record -- we were never getting a 12/1 update. That was a reminder, not an announcement. He always takes time off for the holidays.
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Jun 20, 2023
Would not put it past Selebus to fuck things up. How many years will this story go on for? Eventually things will start to slip here and there, it is a guarantee after so much time. Too many chekhov guns lying around and there are more after each update. I just hope he will not fuck up "Trinity" aspect much. It is a very good way of making fun of polytheistic and heretical "Holy Trinity" aspech of catholicism. Father, Son, Holy spirit. GOD, God, god. 3 gods when there should be one, it is a "God of Abraham", not "Gods of Abraham". More religious, morality aspect of story and less teenage drama, that would be cool. I sure hope my boy pareidolia is safe too, there is a bit of concern for his well-being judging by spoilers


New Member
Oct 3, 2024
the boxes contain memories of every timeline, even if the world gets hard reset, how are you going to delete an object that gets slipped while the reset is happening?
both prime maya and ami have the ability to slip


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
With all that came out this update I estimate the timeline to be something like:
1)Akira is born and around 0~3 years draws the affection of his half-sister Sekai. (she is playing peekaboo with him)
2)He is around 12 and hurts his leg, Sekai offers to take care of him bringing the two together.
3)Akira and Niki get together too, probably when he is 13~14, when he is 15 Sekai gets pregnant and tries to take him to Kyoto.
4)Akira is 16, Ami is born in august, Noriko should already been born in july.
5)Two years later Niki is 16, brags about having an older boyfriend, Akira should be 18 and in colege.
6)Teacher course is around 4 years, Ami and Noriko should be 6 when Akira finishes colege.
7)Around a year after Akira finishes colege, he should be 23 and Ami is 7,Sekai dies in a car crash, Akira breaks up with Niki and boards the depresso expresso stuck in bed station, only enough of will left to get Ami from the orphanage.
8)Notices he should earn a living if he wants to feed himself and Ami, starts tutoring, finds Maya, and Noriko finds he is tutoring and convinces her parents to sign her.
9)Around 3 years later Maya works her magic to make him disappear from Noriko's life. Ami and Noriko should be around 10 now.
10)Sometime during the last 5 years he starts teaching in Kumon-mi High, and we reach the time of the start of the game where Ami is 15.
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