Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
I was reading something several pages ago about how we can potentially donate to you directly rather than going through the Patreon. Is that something you prefer or would you rather us go through Patreon to sub?

I have cut back on my avocado toast and coffee and would like to sub beginning May 1. I'd rather pay $60 and donate once for 12 months but either way is fine.
Hey! Yes, I also accept PayPal donations for yearly subs since they're not activated on the Patreon page. (The reason they're not turned on there is so I can get a better understanding of monthly cash flow so I don't wind up throwing too much money away at once). You just might have to send me a message on here when new updates come out if I forget to send you the link. If that's something you're interested in, feel free to DM me and I can give you my PayPal info. And thanks so much for considering donating!


Active Member
Apr 28, 2018
i am now played hmm part 8 the beach and heart strings were pulled badly... kirin and ayane scene at room *shivers* and rin later with sensei... made me wonder it there were someway to avoid those scenes. I am saying it second time this is really well written, there are couple girls that have really grown to be my favorite like rin, sana and futaba. Molly and tsuneyo are fun, Miku is energetic tomboy... each girl has own personality.

I definatelly play second time from the start and try somehow get different more happier outcome for end of beach vacation for rin and ayane *fingers crossed* Cant wait to see what are in store for halloween christmas and 13 and 14 update. Thank you selebus for update :)
You, my friend, have the exact same taste as me it seems.

Glad you're enjoying it. I'm gonna put whether there are happier outcomes in a spoiler, so if you wanna find out yourself, feel free to ignore it, but if you want to know now, you can.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
This is why having the dev being the person setting up the thread is a bad idea. 0.15 has long been out but we won't get an update since the dev won't let it drop. Maybe set up another thread with different person so we could actually get the update??
Incorrect, it is a great idea for that exact reason, the only time it is a bad idea is with bad developers who go out of their way, and spend a majority of development time, trying to stop piracy with built in DRM or similar like School of Lust does to stop people from modding in content they took out to comply with Patreon. You will get it when it goes public. There is no exclusive content, all updates go public when the next update after is released for patrons.

I would be curious to know the relationship between updates that leak and Patron increases. This would imply that
enough people know about the avenues of piracy and don't become Patrons as updates are provided for free. But at the same time, how much worse would the game be without piracy and websites like these?

Interesting :unsure:
The relationship is basically this, when a program leaks, people flock to the leak instead of the official source to get it. When, instead, the program does not leak, the same people flock to the official links. This either pulls money away from the official source, as some people may not be aware of it without going to the official links, or it pulls money toward it as people find the official links, play the game, and then decide that this developer has done work worthy of pay.

Because this game is being developed by a developer that does what they want and the only real influence the players have is who comes into the game when for new characters, the game would not change. It might have taken longer because of needing a separate source of funding that would take time away and might not have even become a public project, instead staying local on Selebus's machine, but he wanted and still wants to do this for himself, so it makes sense that it would be the same as it is now.

I'm just happy he decided to share it with the world because it really is an incredible project. It is going to be a sad day when this project ends, even through completion, as I will miss the days when I was anxiously awaiting the next release. That said, at the same time, and assuming Selebus does continue to develop in public, it will be a happy day because there will be a new project to look forward to in its place and that cycle will repeat until the day he says enough.

Agreed, maybe I'm just too old for the Discord crowd but it's a little overwhelming. Though I like reading through the spoiler chat after I play the updates, there can be some good speculation hidden within all of the junk posts. And the stickers are super cute.

Too add onto the leak conversation - I think this game gets leaked less than others because Selebus is so respected by his community. Over 1300 patrons and nobody decided to leak it, that's pretty awesome IMO.

Some other devs go months with zero content and a million excuses, no shit some unhappy patron is going to leak it.
I would absolutely agree with that respect part and Selebus has most definitely earned a great deal of that within the player base if not further. I am definitely one who would pirate and Selebus has earned such a deep respect from me that I can't even bring myself to post any fan projects based on the game anywhere without getting an actual green light from him let alone post the actual game. My respect runs so deep that I would never do anything he didn't approve of. I do think respect, once earned of course, goes a long way in determining how often or even IF a game gets leaks and I do think that might be what is happening here. Very rarely does leak prevention happen as a result of the developer being in control of the thread and that is definitely not the case here.

I'll say this, I'm both pirate and supporter, piracy for testing the game out at first then giving what I'm capable of safely if it meets a certain level of expectations of quality. Can confirm, Piracy is a double edged sword of more exposure for a creator, but we all know that too much exposure is deadly and actually paying even a paltry bit of cash is highly appreciated.

Tis why I spend more in porn games than I do paying my car off lol, which reminds me to up my pledge for this a bit more now that I'm back to playing LiL more again.
Same, I don't just pirate to get things for free, but for testing. However, most games do not meet my criteria.

So you are saying we should have an inferior system in place where we don't get to play the latest updates as supposed to getting to play them sooner? Really low IQ from you. This is a piracy site. I doubt you are any different to the rest of the goblins here and never donate yourself. You are shilling for an inferior system.
You will get the latest updates when they are publicly released, there is no inferiority to this system, the only system with inferiority to pirating in that aspect is one where there is something the public version never gets. In this game, everything the patron version gets goes public the next update. The only difference between patron and public release is time, just two weeks more.

How can you be so entitled? "Supposed to" smh. You yourself don't contribute to developer, nor site, nor anything else, and hope everything is served to you on silver platter. Calling someone stupid because they respect a person enough not to steal from him? Pathetic. What is more, you are the dumb one. Changing the author of the thread would change nothing, as someone said before. Moderators update links if anyone uploads the leak, but it turns out Sel's patrons (over a thousand people) have more decency than yourself (who is so cheap that 5$ is too expensive for him. lame.)

Also, you are wrong. This is not a piracy site. This is an adult games site. Not all games/updates on here are even locked behind a payments, nor does this site takes pride into providing leaked versions. Just because this site doesn't ban leaked versions but accept them, it doesn't mean everyone here is on a mission to provide you a leak just because you can't wait two fucking weeks.

Sorry for the rant, but I can't stand how entitled you are
Calling this site a piracy site because some games here are leaked is like calling supermarket a butcher's because it sells meat. This site isn't piracy site, it's an adult games site.
1. Not all games are leaked. Some games here are public versions (like this one), some of them are free to begin with. Compare it to igg games, where every game uploaded is paid game. That one is piracy site.
2. This website offers not only pirated games, as you seem to think, but also a rather convenient way to search for new games, as well as it provides a place to give reviews and talk with other people about adult games

Don't call me a hypocrite, as I don't download leaked stuff and as thus will not be happy seeing a person bashing the developer for not giving the fruit of his labour for free. You are a hypocrite, demanding for paid things while offering nothing.

As regards to your whining about "supporting a dev is incentivizing a game to not be completed" -thanks to patreon, the rate of development doubled, at first we got an update a month, and now we get an update every two weeks - and they are great, better than the ones we got when there was only one update a month

And sure, dev may prolong the story so the game lives on longer and he earns more money. But why should dev (or us) feel bad that the game will have more content than it was originally planned? I understand your disappointed regarding milfy city, but Sel provides his updates regularly every two weeks, so your point is invalid.
No, he is correct that this is a piracy site, not just an adult games site. That is a common misconception, but it is why the 'no sexual content' tag exists, to try to stop people from complaining when a game has no sex content in it and gets uploaded here. Developers didn't always upload to here, either. The whole 'public versions' part is actually not that old a thing on here as most developers don't use this site even today. It doesn't matter that they are here or that one cansearch for new games here, both came after the original purpose of the site, which was piracy. Also, whether a game is paid or not does not matter, piracy is the upload or download of software without the consent of the developer. It can be totally free, but without the permission of the developer, the version here is pirated. Also, I wouldn't go around patron shaming people, that might get you in trouble if a mod sees comments like that. That said, I agree that he does seem entitled and that there isn't really any reason to not at least wait for the official public release, but would not try to stop a leak much like how Selebus won't. If it happens, it happens.

This can't be a serious post... How is respecting someone's wishes to not leak their game "inferior" in any way?

Bruh, I have donated, because I'm not an entitled leech.
It may not be or it might be, but one thing is for sure, he is incorrect on the inferiority of the subject.

it's a literal piracy site. You think the Kagura devs are consenting to all their games goin in this site for free while they charge money for it on steam. You lot are a hypocrites. At least I'm an honest pirate
You are correct on that one, Kagura doesn't like it, no developer does. I may be a hypocrite for disliking anything that threatens this game while happily downloading practically everything else here, but I can live with that for this game.

If you donate to patreon then you are incentivizing a game to not be completed. There is an option on patreon to only charge per content drop but guess why devs don't it use lol otherwise how would milf city chan make his money when he does nothing kekeke
Wrong, it takes a special kind of lazy to not complete a project you've committed to for monetary gain, but Selebus has shown absolutely no indication of that laziness, which is unusual for a Patreon developer, most of which show it by the third update at the latest. We are now 15 updates into the game and Selebus is still going strong.

This is probably the single funniest quote I’ve ever seen
It is somewhat true, not to you, but to a good chunk of Patreon developers. Patreon developers have a VERY bad reputation here because 90% of all Patreon funded projects either go silent by the fifth update never to be heard from again or they have something that Patreon doesn't like and get shut down. Very few of the projects in that second batch go to a different site to continue, most just surrender the project and potentially their entire development operation. There is also a pretty common issue with developers taking an extremely long time for what is obviously the purpose of milking money out of their patrons. You don't do that, but there are games that have been through maybe a third of this game's number of updates and have been going for years now. At this point, I can name several developers that would either already have those projects done or at a significantly later point in development.

Some pirates still have morals, unlike you. I can't imagine how you must be in real life if you can't even wait a mere two weeks for a game to become free. Two weeks! You can't even wait that long? Even my 10 year old cousin has more patience than you!

And also, check how much Selebus is earning per month. It ain't a lot in the big picture, considering this:
"According to a 2018 report from the Pew Research Center, 19% of American adults live in “upper-income households.” The median income of that group was $187,872 in 2016. Pew defines the upper class as adults whose annual household income is more than double the national median."

And there's nothing worse than stealing from a middle-class income dev who's trying to bring much joy into this world.

You should use this site is to pirate the games that never become free, or pirate from the devs who have mind-boggling annual incomes (like fenoxo, $384,000 per year).

Grow up, mate.

Right, right, of course. Suppose nobody donates to Selebus on patreon; he makes $0 a year. That's a surefire way to compel him to make a high-quality game as fast as possible. /s
You got that right. Unless I set out on a project out of my own desire, I'll be damned if I'm going to maintain high quality with no income for it, it just isn't worth the cost of developing, which yes, it does have a cost even if no money is involved in paying for something in the project itself. We all have bills to pay, some have mouths to feed, and money is the only way those get done. Not to mention the time and social costs of doing a long term project, I do hope Selebus isn't suffering in that regard. Those are 100% more important than any game development, so if worse comes to worst and Selebus somehow loses all that income he has now, I strongly urge him to drop everything and focus on getting an income he can support his living situation on. As good as this game is, it isn't worth the life of its developer and never can or will be.

Not to mention that Selebus doubled the number of heroines too, thanks to the donation of the various patreons.
An excellent point, it was because of Patreon stretch goals that we will have up to 20 main heroines, that's two per room at ten rooms total, plus several side heroines.

lots of ego in this thread.
Not really

Is it just me or this type of arguments on this site are popping up more and more since last 2 months ? Whenever talking about Patreon subscription or releasing updates, I see the word "Pirated", and it's getting annoying.

I just sit here watching the meat heads fighting with our fellow players, and then I'm no longer horny, thank you.
It's usually when a thread doesn't get a leak every single update that this happens. With piracy comes the potential threat of the pirate gaining a sense of entitlement. That seems to be the issue here. Under absolutely no circumstances is that sense of entitlement warranted with piracy, we are literally stealing games, that's what piracy is. The only people who should ever feel entitled are the ones who buy a product, no, patrons don't count unless the developer says the subscription is paying for the game itself. That last line comes up all the freaking time with the game Lilith's Throne, whose dev actually explicitly said subscribing is a donation, and it gets old VERY fast.

Well, to be fair, Selebus already planned for this game to be long as hell, so your can have your cake and eat it too. You can have a a game, that would remain in production for long ass time to drain your bank account dry AND have a regular content, since dev is pretty consistent on that front. Win-win.
Very true, this game is going to take several years just by the actual plan with no real additional content that wasn't already there.

Lets be honest. If Selebus keeps this game going on forever as long as we're donating, at this level of quality, I fail to see anything wrong with that. I mean, except for the lack of a conclusion, but I mean...who wouldn't want to spend more time with these girls?
That's because there is nothing wrong with it. With developers who are adding more just to keep it going and not putting in the effort to make the quality rise to at least decent level, length of development is an issue, but it is not with a game this good.

The most hilarious thing about this comment is that beyond not understanding how the thread system works, you are complaining about no one leaking a game when it wasn't even requested in the Game Requests forum. If you want to play it for free so much, you could at least make a modicum of effort and post a thread there.
Indeed, the level of laziness in this user's complaining is typical Patreon developer level, no offense Selebus, you aren't a typical Patreon developer.

Can we talk about the game on this, I don't know, forum about the game?
I mean arguing and giving each other opinions (hopefully) makes us smarter, but personally I would prefer to see us (as a community) discuss the game and theorize about it.
And yes, I know there is a Discord server, but I don't know how I'd feel if someone I know happened to be there.
So let's rewind the thread and talk about the Japanese characters saying "unconsciousness" or something.
We technically are since the original issue was about piracy involving this game specifically. However, I do agree that it would be better to talk about aspects and theories of the game instead.

It really is managing your IRL guilt about being forced to crush some of these poor girl's hearts.
I know, the guilt I get off this game is truly immense. I can't bear the thought of making them cry and if I manage to do it, I just have to start over. If I did, I am a bad homie and I must punish myself for it.


Jun 12, 2020
Gonna be doing a fresh playthrough of this since haven't played in 4-5 releases. Decided to wait after I became a bad homie.

So is there a TL : DR version of what not to do? Far as I know the biggest thing is
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Side rant: Patreon billing cycling is dumb. I want 0.15 now but paying now means it renews again in 6 days from my understanding. So just gonna wait for the next release on the 1st and pay then.
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Jan 24, 2019
Hey! Yes, I also accept PayPal donations for yearly subs since they're not activated on the Patreon page. (The reason they're not turned on there is so I can get a better understanding of monthly cash flow so I don't wind up throwing too much money away at once). You just might have to send me a message on here when new updates come out if I forget to send you the link. If that's something you're interested in, feel free to DM me and I can give you my PayPal info. And thanks so much for considering donating!
Very cool, I'll be in contact soonish. I'm assuming things on the Patreon side work the same as if I subbed through there?


Active Member
Jun 24, 2020
Gonna be doing a fresh playthrough of this since haven't played in 4-5 releases. Decided to wait after I became a bad homie.

So is there a TL : DR version of what not to do? Far as I know the biggest thing is
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Side rant: Patreon billing cycling is dumb. I want 0.15 now but paying now means it renews again in 6 days from my understanding. So just gonna wait for the next release on the 1st and pay then.
I have a tablet playthrough going where I didn't do anything with Ami, Haruka, or Sara, and I left Ayane when she asked me to stay at night (clearly going for the protect Sana route, even though I know I can't really do that until the 3rd? cycle)

S - Boy

Sep 14, 2020
No, he is correct that this is a piracy site, not just an adult games site. That is a common misconception, but it is why the 'no sexual content' tag exists, to try to stop people from complaining when a game has no sex content in it and gets uploaded here. Developers didn't always upload to here, either. The whole 'public versions' part is actually not that old a thing on here as most developers don't use this site even today. It doesn't matter that they are here or that one cansearch for new games here, both came after the original purpose of the site, which was piracy. Also, whether a game is paid or not does not matter, piracy is the upload or download of software without the consent of the developer. It can be totally free, but without the permission of the developer, the version here is pirated. Also, I wouldn't go around patron shaming people, that might get you in trouble if a mod sees comments like that. That said, I agree that he does seem entitled and that there isn't really any reason to not at least wait for the official public release, but would not try to stop a leak much like how Selebus won't. If it happens, it happens.

It's usually when a thread doesn't get a leak every single update that this happens. With piracy comes the potential threat of the pirate gaining a sense of entitlement. That seems to be the issue here. Under absolutely no circumstances is that sense of entitlement warranted with piracy, we are literally stealing games, that's what piracy is. The only people who should ever feel entitled are the ones who buy a product, no, patrons don't count unless the developer says the subscription is paying for the game itself. That last line comes up all the freaking time with the game Lilith's Throne, whose dev actually explicitly said subscribing is a donation, and it gets old VERY fast.
I always thought this site only hold games that are officially presented with the developer's consent, now I realized just how darker this community actually is. I usually find games that are put up here by the devs themselves, but I think I've seen a couple of games literally got stolen then slapped onto this site.

One thing stills bugs me is that, was this site originally truly meant for pirated games ? And then more and more game developers decided to use and turn the site into a legitimate source for uploading ?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
One thing stills bugs me is that, was this site originally truly meant for pirated games ? And then more and more game developers decided to use and turn the site into a legitimate source for uploading ?
Oh my sweet summer child, this is 100% a pirate site. It just so happens that some developers realize that all publicity is good publicity, so it's better to cooperate (and thus retain some influence and control) than to fight it and accomplish nothing.

If Selebus did not post here this thread would continue to exist, and the main difference would be that the "patrons only" build would likely get posted a day or so after the release instead of waiting for the public release. But, since Selebus is involved in F95, he owns the thread and thus can protect the exclusivity he promised his paying patrons. This is acceptable to the (largely piratical) community, because having him here offers other value-- we know he reads our feedback, he answers questions, etc.

In addition to some modest level of control, the developer also benefits because (a) the feedback here is a bit more broad-based than he will get on Discord or Patreon, where nearly 100% of the feedback is written by serious fans who will only have nice things to say (otherwise they wouldn't be there), and (b) it gets more eyeballs onto the game. (I follow many games on SS and Patreon, and in most of the cases I found them here first, played the pirated version, and decided I liked it enough to support the creator. I'm sure others do this as well.)

Edit: Selebus clarified that while the thread's OP is in his name, he does not actually control/update the download links. Interesting!
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