
Sep 15, 2020
Oh, definitely. There's just not really anything I can do about it, unfortunately.

I didn't think it would affect me so much prior to releasing anything worth being pirated since I used to pirate everything back in the day. Hell, I've been literally arrested for stealing before. But it's hard not being bothered by people begging for someone else to fork over $5 and leak a game for them because they don't want to wait two weeks. Those people bother me more than the ones actually downloading them.

I have a responsibility as a creator to defend my consumers and my product. And while I know there are plenty of people who would continue to donate to me even if there was no difference between a Patreon and public release, it doesn't change the principle of people simply taking things that other people are using their hard earned money to buy- especially after I've demonstrated the exact weight of that impact on several occasions.

Piracy is inevitable in today's day and age and is the key reason that so many professionally-made visual novels release at a loss. I'm fortunate enough to have made something that so many people love, but I'd still be completely irresponsible for not informing and educating everyone about the damages piracy can cause.

I work extremely hard on this game. In just the last year, I've put out 700k words and 30+ hours of content without help from anyone. There is no exclusive gameplay that only subscribers have access to. There are no additional transactions or bonuses I make people pay for to get a full experience. All I do is ask for $5 in exchange for early access to something that everyone else is going to get in two weeks anyway. And even that much is enough to make some people rage or complain, apparently. I'd be a liar if I said that didn't bother me.
Wow that was really unexpected! I always imagined you as quite a law-abiding dude, but now I suddenly feel a lot more sympathetic with you. Not to mention that your reasoning is very sensible too.

I mean, I too was a hardcore pirate a few years ago. That mostly changed for now, but I still occasionally pirate some things. Despite that, I mostly agree with you, though I'm really not into this moralistic fuckery, like 'duh stealing is baaad', nor I'm trying to justify it with some bullshit like that dude a few pages before. I just pirate because it's good for me, plain and simple. And I buy in three cases: when it's more convenient for me than pirating (like games on Steam); when the price is affordable in my opinion and when I really like the product and want to thank the developer from the bottom of my rotten heart. Well, that's just my modus operandi and I'm satisfied with it.

And uhhhh, I guess your thoughts finally got me to made my mind :oops: I'll toss you a coin starting next month, because you really deserve gratitude, because the story you're creating is one of a few a things in the world that lies closest to my soul and my likings.


Jan 24, 2019
Wow that was really unexpected! I always imagined you as quite a law-abiding dude, but now I suddenly feel a lot more sympathetic with you. Not to mention that your reasoning is very sensible too.

I mean, I too was a hardcore pirate a few years ago.

And uhhhh, I guess your thoughts finally got me to made my mind :oops: I'll toss you a coin starting next month, because you really deserve gratitude, because the story you're creating is one of a few a things in the world that lies closest to my soul and my likings.
I'm as hardcore a pirate as they get but I have a personal policy of buying things worth buying. Almost all the games I pirate are bought on steam sales and same with good albums. I'll never buy movies though, overpriced in my opinion. Porn games though, case-by-case basis though. I haven't found many games with plentiful content and frequent updates, most games have one or the other but not both.

I just tossed several coins to Selebus, can confirm it's worth doing. There aren't many things that I get more pleasure out of than supporting good people/businesses/ideas.


Jun 17, 2020
It's got a very anticlimactic ending but from ages 13-17, I was a hardcore kleptomaniac. I stole everything I could get my hands on, even shit I didn't want, just because I could. I was really good at it. And the rush that came with stealing was what I got high off of when all of my friends spent their free time doing heroin. Eventually, I started teaching them how to do it as well. Nothing huge, just convenience stores and things like that. Then one night, one of those friends and I went into Wawa and got caught stealing a couple energy drinks. Cops came, cuffed us and took us to holding, and we were out a few hours later. Such a funny way for it to all come to an end, too, since by that point I had stolen thousands of dollars in shit from the mall and pawn shops. Haven't stolen a single thing since.

And this all happened like a week before my 18th birthday, so I'm really glad it ended the way it did.
Did you steal TVs and sell them off?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
I guess this particular issue is something we have to live with ? You can't act on it yourself, I mean it's a shame that there's not much can be done to fully address the problem and then deal with it.

I know this certain game made by 4 enthusiastic creators, and every time they post an update, someone either post some leaks from the Patreon version or mods that straight up give them content supposedly made for payers only, for free ! Now that I look back, it does feel a bit disappointing when stuff like this can happen and whenever things don't go in their favor, they'll whine and complain for more even though they didn't contribute anything.

That's just greedy, this site maybe a good place to promote your creations but still holds the whole piracy problem and tbh, I thought since f95 gained way more popularity than before, it's supposed to establish some sort of rules against this matter, no? I may not fully understand how you feel 'cause I'm not a developer, but I've seen more of the arguments revolving around this specific topic popping up in a lot of threads recently, maybe the people are finally discussing about the elephant in the room ? :Kappa:

Despite the unfair, I somewhat partly get the perspective of the "pirates", the games in this case are really good and since the site's original purpose is to steal (?), they kinda hold on to the idea of not paying and still want to enjoy the good qualities. It's good to know those people want more of your game but still, they're ass.
Just to give some perspective-- the actual harm being done consists of the intersection of "people who are 100% willing to pay for the early release" and "people who don't because piracy is an option". I suspect that this is a handful of people at most. The law is on his side of course-- it's his IP-- but if (somehow, magically) the user data could be analyzed and it would probably show that all the people who can-and-would-but-don't-have-to-so-don't can be counted on very few fingers. Someone who does not want to support the game won't, and those who wish to, do. If F95 was advertised on Selebus's Patreon page (or in-game like Light of My Life) that might be another matter.

Selebus is smart enough to give the game away after a short pause; it's very high quality, so casual fans probably turn into supporters at a pretty good clip. (The developers who really benefit from piracy are the idiots who release a crippled [or extremely old] version of their game that nobody in their right mind would pay for, but get fans anyway because it is trivial to find a copy that actually represents the game they'd be supporting.)

TL,DR: The tiered reward system + staggered releases is great for influencing the Patreon person clicking "Support" and trying to decide on a tier, but I don't think those people are negatively swayed by the existence of pirate sites. I certainly never have been-- I take it for granted that *any* game is easily obtained illegally.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
That’s not correct, though. Again, I am not in charge of any download that gets posted or updated in this thread. It’s registered to me in name only. Even I would have to contact the mods if I wanted to post an update here.
Interesting. I assumed that since the first post is in your name you could edit it, and thus slow-walk updates to a certain extent (although obviously if you actually obstructed things you'd simply no longer be the thread owner.)

Obviously I know nothing of the mechanics of this place.......

Still, damned cool of you to hang out with us. Seeing a dev engage on F95 is one of the factors that many of us might consider when deciding where to toss their shekels.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I always thought this site only hold games that are officially presented with the developer's consent, now I realized just how darker this community actually is. I usually find games that are put up here by the devs themselves, but I think I've seen a couple of games literally got stolen then slapped onto this site.

One thing stills bugs me is that, was this site originally truly meant for pirated games ? And then more and more game developers decided to use and turn the site into a legitimate source for uploading ?
A good chunk of the games on here are Japanese in origin, those developers typically don't use western sites so you won't find their consent. The only ones that gave their consent are the few who actually come to the site, usually small team or one man developers like Selebus, and participate in the thread for their game. Even then, they don't necessarily consent, they may have just decided to pick a different battle so to speak. The ones that actively share public builds here or that are developing with F95 specifically being used as a forum for bug reporting and suggestions have consented to some degree.

Yes, the site was originally and still is intended for piracy, they just also allow developers to use this as a discussion forum for their game without the piracy aspect as well. The piracy aspect only goes as far as lack of consent from the developer, once the developer starts actively putting it up here or permitting it to be put here, it is no longer piracy, though only the allowed version counts in this regard. Example, if Selebus actively puts up the public version and the patron version gets leaked, the public version is not pirated, but the patron version is.

Oh no, not the clocks, anything but the clocks. *proceeds to have Vietnam style flashbacks of the first 'happy' scene* :p

Has Anyone compressed this for Android yet? Cause goodness gracious 3+ Gigs That's a lil much dontcha think?
The game is on the verge of not being Android compatible, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. Android can only handle games under a certain size without issue and then it starts throwing errors on installation and potentially during play. Compression beyond what is already native to the released version of the game compounds this by throwing even more potential for errors.

That smile bothers me.
If she wasn't also crying, it might not, but yeah. I'm getting "Delirium" vibes from that smile and those vibes ARE NOT pleasant to have.

This is not true. I own this thread but have absolutely no control over what links and updates are posted here. The mods are in control of that.
As the developer, I'm sure they will honor a request for removal of links or even the thread itself if you chose to request it, but I would at least recommend not requesting thread removal, not that I think you would go there, just saying. We'd miss all the fun that goes on here if you did.

After catching up with the updates i have to say again this VN is awesome.
I just completed chapter 1. The Yumi scene at the hotel was really cute. I did not expect that.
I don't even care for the porn anymore lol
The story wont let me go
Keep up the good work Selebus!
Though I think the Rin kiss scene after she got "dumped" felt a bit rushed? Idk
I'm not so sure. Teen girls are a maelstrom of emotions and they can make extremely rash decisions at a moments notice without thinking of the potential consequences. They are almost purely emotion driven and emotion typically leaves little to no room for logical thought. Logical thinking would have had her holding off on the kiss, but emotion would have her do it without hesitation. She is desperate for someone to love her the way she loved Chika and that desperation can be a very powerful driving force indeed.

Now i wonder what might be in there (am at .14's end).
For what i know till now and what i think her agenda is you could see her as the antagonist. But that depends on the definition or an point of view.
I personally don't see her that way. I see her as doing what she thinks is right and actually trying to help player Sensei, not trying to oppose him in any way, but trying to save him from himself.

Oh, definitely. There's just not really anything I can do about it, unfortunately.

I didn't think it would affect me so much prior to releasing anything worth being pirated since I used to pirate everything back in the day. Hell, I've been literally arrested for stealing before. But it's hard not being bothered by people begging for someone else to fork over $5 and leak a game for them because they don't want to wait two weeks. Those people bother me more than the ones actually downloading them.

I have a responsibility as a creator to defend my consumers and my product. And while I know there are plenty of people who would continue to donate to me even if there was no difference between a Patreon and public release, it doesn't change the principle of people simply taking things that other people are using their hard earned money to buy- especially after I've demonstrated the exact weight of that impact on several occasions.

Piracy is inevitable in today's day and age and is the key reason that so many professionally-made visual novels release at a loss. I'm fortunate enough to have made something that so many people love, but I'd still be completely irresponsible for not informing and educating everyone about the damages piracy can cause.

I work extremely hard on this game. In just the last year, I've put out 700k words and 30+ hours of content without help from anyone. There is no exclusive gameplay that only subscribers have access to. There are no additional transactions or bonuses I make people pay for to get a full experience. All I do is ask for $5 in exchange for early access to something that everyone else is going to get in two weeks anyway. And even that much is enough to make some people rage or complain, apparently. I'd be a liar if I said that didn't bother me.
Indeed, I may be a pirate and a hypocritical one at that when it comes to games I find worth not pirating, I will freely admit to that, but I can't help but feel regret that the games I do pirate had some factor that ultimately put them outside the range of affordability either monetarily, through lack of availability in my country, or in principle because the developer does things I cannot bring myself to support and yet cannot simply drop the game.

Your game does none of the above, so it remains within the range of affordability and I am grateful it is in that range with how great it is. I would truly find it regrettable if it ever came down to reverting back to piracy on this thread. So far, the only thing that could threaten to do that is my own financial situation, which I can say is stable enough not to be a concern for the foreseeable future, another thing to be grateful for.

I don't know what this means either.

Anyway here's the changelog for the latest release that I'm not sure is public but very well should be. There is some heat here that anyone curious about Maya is really missing, especially coming right after the Noriko update.

0.15.0 Part 1 will launch on 4/16 at 12:00 AM CST for all $5 patrons
- 45k Words
- 400+ Images
- 16 New Events
- 4 Maya Events
- 4 Yumi Events
- 4 Chika Events
- 2 Yuki Events
- 2 Sara Events
- 3 New Animations (Maki/Kirin/Ami)
- 2 New Picture Messages
- 2 New Characters (Tsubasa & Tsukasa)
- New Music
- New Generic Events
- Fixes/Changes for Older Content
You would be correct, that version is still patron only, but I can say it is incredible yet again and well worth the money by itself, not even counting the rest of the game. Selebus has been on a major roll with having back to back updates that alone would be worth the money he asks of his patrons.

For anyone else who played 15.1 do you think
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I can say without a doubt that is NOT a Robin, we have Robins here and they are dark colored with a rusty red front. We get them every morning in our back yard. The image in the game is a Finch and it specifically looks very similar to a female House Finch. I can say for certain that the search engines apparently do not know what a Robin looks like, I just can't be too sure of the exact species that it actually is.

Just to give some perspective-- the actual harm being done consists of the intersection of people who are 100% willing to pay for the early release but don't because piracy is an option. I suspect that this is a handful of people at most. The law is on his side of course-- it's his IP-- but if (somehow, magically) the user data could be analyzed and it would probably out that all the people who can-and-would-but-don't-have-to-so-don't can be counted on very few fingers. Someone who does not want to support the game won't, and those who wish to, do. If F95 was advertised on your Patreon page (or in-game like Light of My Life) that might be another matter.

Selebus is smart enough to give the game away after a short pause; it's very high quality, so casual fans probably turn into supporters at a pretty good clip. (The developers who really benefit from piracy are the idiots who release a crippled [or extremely old] version of their game that nobody in their right mind would pay for, but get fans anyway because it is trivial to find a copy that actually represents the game you'd be supporting.)

TL,DR: The tiered reward system + staggered releases is great for influencing the Patreon person clicking "Support" and trying to decide on a tier, but I don't think those people are negatively swayed by the existence of pirate sites. I certainly never have. I take it for granted that *any* game is easily obtained illegally.
Developers who release a crippled version are automatically on my shit list and fall into a category that means I pirate the game at the nearest source that has the completely non-crippled version instead of buying it from the developer. There is no reason to cripple the game, especially a tiered crippling where different pay tiers get more stuff, when they could just as easily release the game in this staggered release format. Day one access to the latest content requires payment while said content is still given to every player eventually, but the usual cases for crippled games have it in a way where the player base as a whole will never see the full game, only the highest tier paying players will in that case. I absolutely hate when they do that, it pisses me off to no end.

Interesting. I assumed that since the first post is in your name you could edit it, and thus slow-walk updates to a certain extent (although obviously if you actually obstructed things you'd simply no longer be the thread owner.)

Obviously I know nothing of the mechanics of this place.......

Still, damned cool of you to hang out with us. Seeing a dev engage on F95 is one of the factors that many of us might consider when deciding where to toss their shekels.
Indeed, Selebus being generous enough to interact with people who, for the most part, are blatantly stealing his game is a bonus factor that did in fact play a part in my decision to subscribe to him. It was a difficult decision even then because of how little room I have to rearrange funding without getting rid of any of the others I support. It wasn't the factor that made the decision, that was actual in game events, but it was part of what I considered when deciding.
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Jul 28, 2018
So quick question if you miss "Love Life, Let Go" does that lock you out of any kind of romantic/LI relationship with Rin in the future (ie did i get friend-zoned?) or is it just a single event? If it is just that event and i can still pursue Rin then i am fine missing the event this time around, but if it locks her romantic path entirely then i will basically have to restart.


Mar 28, 2018
So quick question if you miss "Love Life, Let Go" does that lock you out of any kind of romantic/LI relationship with Rin in the future (ie did i get friend-zoned?) or is it just a single event? If it is just that event and i can still pursue Rin then i am fine missing the event this time around, but if it locks her romantic path entirely then i will basically have to restart.
I just finished up 15. That is the only event I missed and I am 99% sure its a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of event. I tried multiple saves and different approaches but could not figure out how to get it. I am pretty sure its a situation of: Do X get A. Do Y get B. Picking X locks you out of B and picking Y locks you out of A. Then again I could be totally wrong, but that particular event I tried a lot of shit.


Jul 28, 2018
I just finished up 15. That is the only event I missed and I am 99% sure its a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of event. I tried multiple saves and different approaches but could not figure out how to get it. I am pretty sure its a situation of: Do X get A. Do Y get B. Picking X locks you out of B and picking Y locks you out of A. Then again I could be totally wrong, but that particular event I tried a lot of shit.
I now know how to get it, You have to leave Chika's "Scheundenfreude" event until after the Beach trip But to do this means going back and redoing a crap load of content, which i dont want to do if i can still pursue Rin romantically and not just have her as a friend. She happens to be one of my favorites
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Jun 12, 2017
So quick question if you miss "Love Life, Let Go" does that lock you out of any kind of romantic/LI relationship with Rin in the future (ie did i get friend-zoned?) or is it just a single event? If it is just that event and i can still pursue Rin then i am fine missing the event this time around, but if it locks her romantic path entirely then i will basically have to restart.
It doesn't seem to lock things out entirely, but we have no idea what the ultimate consequences will be.

Fake Rabi ~

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2018
The answer is yes, just a question about quality vs data size.
Download the attachment and see the different.
Let me know your acceptance is on which percent compression.
all of it seems fine and I hardly see the difference on the IMG's but much appreciated if the compressed version is lower than 1GIG and
thank you very much for answering my question :)


Jul 28, 2018
It doesn't seem to lock things out entirely, but we have no idea what the ultimate consequences will be.
Hmmm I knew there are more events and that she was gonna be a long grind no matter what, At this point i think i am close enough that i will finish up the path i am on and then maybe go back later and redo it to get the events i missed i guess. Thanks for the info mate


May 3, 2020
It's got a very anticlimactic ending but from ages 13-17, I was a hardcore kleptomaniac. I stole everything I could get my hands on, even shit I didn't want, just because I could. I was really good at it. And the rush that came with stealing was what I got high off of when all of my friends spent their free time doing heroin. Eventually, I started teaching them how to do it as well. Nothing huge, just convenience stores and things like that. Then one night, one of those friends and I went into Wawa and got caught stealing a couple energy drinks. Cops came, cuffed us and took us to holding, and we were out a few hours later. Such a funny way for it to all come to an end, too, since by that point I had stolen thousands of dollars in shit from the mall and pawn shops. Haven't stolen a single thing since.

And this all happened like a week before my 18th birthday, so I'm really glad it ended the way it did.
You reminded me of my younger self when I would everyday steal food from my school's canteen, it did feel like a rush for each time that happens. (*sigh, teenagers....)
Until they installed security cameras, I quitted since then.

(!) Theft skills +10 points

S - Boy

Sep 14, 2020
At the end of the day, I think we're lucky enough to even be able to pirate stuffs with the convenient tools provided to us (like this website), and if there are things we can't get our hands on for free, just buy it, complains are not needed.

I just finished up 15. That is the only event I missed and I am 99% sure its a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of event. I tried multiple saves and different approaches but could not figure out how to get it. I am pretty sure its a situation of: Do X get A. Do Y get B. Picking X locks you out of B and picking Y locks you out of A. Then again I could be totally wrong, but that particular event I tried a lot of shit.
So wait, there's a potentially missable event with Rin in the near future ? Hope I'm wrong

You reminded me of my younger self when I would everyday steal food from my school's canteen, it did feel like a rush for each time that happens. (*sigh, teenagers....)
Until they installed security cameras, I quitted since then.

(!) Theft skills +10 points
I can say "I never thought Selebus could do such thing" but then, based on his writings (pretty prude and dark at times, [still exceptional though]), it adds up.
How old is Selebus again ?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I now know how to get it, You have to leave Chika's "Scheundenfreude" event until after the Beach trip But to do this means going back and redoing a crap load of content, which i dont want to do if i can still pursue Rin romantically and not just have her as a friend. She happens to be one of my favorites
So quick question if you miss "Love Life, Let Go" does that lock you out of any kind of romantic/LI relationship with Rin in the future (ie did i get friend-zoned?) or is it just a single event? If it is just that event and i can still pursue Rin then i am fine missing the event this time around, but if it locks her romantic path entirely then i will basically have to restart.
I just finished up 15. That is the only event I missed and I am 99% sure its a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of event. I tried multiple saves and different approaches but could not figure out how to get it. I am pretty sure its a situation of: Do X get A. Do Y get B. Picking X locks you out of B and picking Y locks you out of A. Then again I could be totally wrong, but that particular event I tried a lot of shit.
It doesn't seem to lock things out entirely, but we have no idea what the ultimate consequences will be.
Judging by what happens in a future event after the beach trip if you do turn the events red in the beach trip section of her events, having Rin as an LI is out if you do, though if that is permanent remains to be seen. There is one event in particular at the end of her content that has a very distinct difference if you turn her beach events red and a very scary one for those of us who have her as a favorite and this difference could very easily mean she will never see player Sensei that way in a bad homie scenario, which is why this difference is so terrifying, or at least the potential implications are.

At the end of the day, I think we're lucky enough to even be able to pirate stuffs with the convenient tools provided to us (like this website), and if there are things we can't get our hands on for free, just buy it, complains are not needed.

So wait, there's a potentially missable event with Rin in the near future ? Hope I'm wrong

I can say "I never thought Selebus could do such thing" but then, based on his writings (pretty prude and dark at times, [still exceptional though]), it adds up.
How old is Selebus again ?
Yes, and missing it has consequences later with potentially more to come, but how long they will last remains to be seen.

Well, that is a surprising coincidence, same here.

Just finished 15p1, another roller coaster of a ride as expected.

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4.10 star(s) 307 Votes