
Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
You don't just show up at school and start teaching, there is a college degree to be a teacher, but there is no mention of Sensei going to college while he was with Niki, which probably means he did it after, probably during the second time he disappears.
So the Timeline would be more like:
1)He is with Niki, wounds his leg, gets close to Sekai.
2)Sekai starts going out with Nozomu, Ami is born, he disappears the first time.
3)Starts tutoring in the Old District.
4)Noriko finds him and is beign tutored.
5)Maya finds him, they start getting close.
6)Nozomu and Sekai get into an accident and die, he and Ami dissaper and get into a major depressive episode.
7)He finally shakes it off and go to college.
8)Start teaching in Kumon-mi High.
9)Time winy bubbly wobbly time-space fuckery starts.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
We know that he disappears the first time after the accident happens and while he is 23 years old.
That would make Ami way too young, Ami would be 5 if that were the case and couldn't possibly take care of him as they say she did, she'd have to be at least 8 or 9 to compreehend the need to do so, and be capable enough to use kitchen appliances, or use money to buy groceries. She even gave him bed baths as he couldn't be bothered to go to the bathroom.


New Member
Jun 1, 2022
After the "everyone is connected" event, my world continues to be broken and empty. I can’t get out in any way, it’s just pointless to run around the locations. Is this how it should be or is it a bug? If not, please tell me how to get out.


Sep 6, 2018
That would make Ami way too young, Ami would be 5 if that were the case and couldn't possibly take care of him as they say she did, she'd have to be at least 8 or 9 to compreehend the need to do so, and be capable enough to use kitchen appliances, or use money to buy groceries. She even gave him bed baths as he couldn't be bothered to go to the bathroom.
Ami was, in fact, seven - or in her seventh year - when the accident happened. You can check for yourself in "Heaven for Human Blood".
Basically, let me lay it out.
1) We know that Sensei and Niki got together when he was in the last year of highschool, i.e. 18.
ni "I only got to spend one year in[school] with you and no one ever believed I was dating an older guy when I told them about it!" - Like it's Any Other Day, Niki's second event
2) They dated for five years - a bunch of events, including To The Future With a Smile in the latest update.
"I was jerking off and blowing the same guy nearly every single day for five years. And do you know how many times {i}we{/i} fought?"
3) Ami was seven when the accident happened.
"The only thing is that I can’t personally confirm if it’s the same type of tantrum she’d throw when she was {i}really{/i} little because her parents didn’t die until she was seven." - Heaven for Human Blood.
4) Eight years passing since then would make her 15, which is exactly the age to start Japanese highschool. And since Sensei is 31, eight years back is 23, exactly when he ended his relationship with Niki by moving away and not contacting her. And 23 is an important number in this game.
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
After the "everyone is connected" event, my world continues to be broken and empty. I can’t get out in any way, it’s just pointless to run around the locations. Is this how it should be or is it a bug? If not, please tell me how to get out.
Go to the shrine till you have 5 points with god then go back to school on sunday
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Ami was, in fact, seven - or in her seventh year - when the accident happened. You can check for yourself in "Heaven for Human Blood".
Seventh year of school would make her ~13 years old, first year of school starts around 5-6 years old, she is about 15 now, normal for first year of high school, she was born when Sensei was around 17 years old.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
From what i've collected AgumenticR is right. With my own info just slightly off by about a year here and there.
As far as i've seen japanese high school ranges from 14 to 18 and middleschool from 12-15. But those number pairs might be off a bit, or their school system allows for some overlapping, i dont know.

Ok looked it up again.
Middle school seems to be from 12 to 15 and high school may vary. Sometimes 15 to 18 or 16 to 18. But in the end it doesnt change much for the story i guess.
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
I see, still there is no mention of him going to college, I assume he is going to college after high school during his time with Niki, from what I gathered it's a 4 years college course, which aligns with the 5 years with Niki.
If the theory that Ami is his daughter is correct he would have to be with Sekai since his 16 so revised timeline would be like:
1)He is 15, hurts his leg, gets close to Sekai.
2)He is 16 Sekai and Nozomu marry, Ami is born, he meets Niki and starts tutoring her.
3)18 he starts going out with Niki, and begins his college course.
4)5 years go by, he is 23, Ami is 7, Nozomu and Sekai dies on accident, he and Ami disappear the first time.
5)3 years later IIRC Noriko finds him tutoring on the Old District and begins being tutored.
6)Maya begins being tutored, but somehow is kept secret from Ami.
7)Ami befriends Ayane in middle school.
8)Something happens he disappears again.
9)They go live in Nozomu and Sekai old apartment, and he starts teaching in Kumon-mi High.
Somethng like that.
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
5)3 years later IIRC Noriko finds him tutoring on the Old District and begins being tutored.
I think it was rather soon he startet tutoring Noriko. Not more than a year or something, after the car crash. And funnily it seems to have been Norikos and Nikis parents that asked Sensei to do that. Why they didn't tell Niki about it, would be interesting to know.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
So glad my favourite piece of media of all time has a thriving community around it here~
It's great isn't it? I keep a link to the last post i read in this thread on my toolbar just cause reading the shit posted here is so entertaining... i actually used up whatever the daily reaction limit is handing out thinking faces the other day, entirely in this thread.


Jun 9, 2022
So glad my favourite piece of media of all time has a thriving community around it here~
It's actually pretty crazy how much I enjoy this game. I have a 5 page word doc filled with excerpts and passages from the game that just really stuck out to me. I'm not typically the type of person to do things like that. I suspect by the time this game finishes and I replay it again that the word doc will grow to dozens of pages

Gonna have to put the script for this game on Goodreads or some shit
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