
New Member
Oct 15, 2022
If you wanted to spend some more time on this, I think it would be better if the mod only affected the values of the girls that were unlocked in the story. I used it then rolled back the changes when I saw that it affected everyone's in Chapter 1.
Yeah the original cheat mod changes all girls values which is why i added the second function that changes specific girls values so you can change whatever you want to change instead of all girls. use setValue(value) instead of setLoveAndLust(value).
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Nov 6, 2020
Sounds like you guys got schwacked by the DRM that deletes your saves and the game's script.rpy file if you have pirated care packages installed. The OP has a link to a post with replacements for your saves and the game files that were deleted.
i already downloaded your files
but looks like my brain too dumb to understand how's that thing work for Android one.
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Jul 25, 2017
Characterizing a group of people agreeing, discussing, and laughing at each other's comments as "jerking each other off while mocking someone" when it involves a piece of "literature" as bizarre as this one that's headed by such a confrontational (and mockable) developer is really sad for you, man. Just like the other commenter, for the most part you're confusing boredom with emotional investment, even with posts as long as this one.

I'll give you two other examples of similar fandoms: Kingkiller Chronicle, whose fans talk about how the author seems more interested in doing podcasts and DnD shows than writing, and how he stiffed them out of publicly releasing a chapter of the next book that he promised as a charity goal. Or A Song of Ice and Fire fans who talk about how GRRM took time away for Elden Ring and everything else - they gave him so much shit for posting about watching the Super Bowl one time "instead of writing" that other authors stood up for him.

In those cases, people are mad about having to wait a few years to drop $10 on another book - they're not people who've paid them $5+/month for any period of time. I don't think everyone is entitled to an opinion on every topic, but I paid $70 to have one about this game, and you can't go a single page in this thread without hitting another former supporter. So if you think this community is toxic relative to virtually any other fandom, and you refuse to characterize the Discord with the same words when they mock us and "jerk each other off" with an even better reaction culture, you're being completely unreasonable, especially considering the dev in question has directly attacked the staff, the membership, and this website itself on more than one occasion now for ridiculously overblown reasons and has plans to continue.

But no, you've decided that we're all the bad guys because as a group, of course we naturally adopt the views of the most extreme members, and we all talk about literally wanting to kick him off Subscribestar and effectively end development of the game. And I suppose that posts like this one with virtually nonexistent emotional undertones are just as "childish, maniacal, and narcissistic" to you as the barely coherent ramblings he's posted.

And yeah, I responded to a sentence with an essay. It's fun, and since you made it this far, maybe it has value after all :unsure:
I've been thinking about how to respond and during that time you seem to have done nothing but damage your own arguments.

Firstly, you can leave that cheap "haha im doing this for fun! im not emotionally invested! I'm just killing my boredom!" excuse at the door, I'm certainly not buying it and I'd wager there's plenty of people who also don't buy that, you really expect me to believe that when your latest posts are basically just you jerking yourself off over getting the gumroad and talking about your next dastardly plan, do as much mental gymnastics as you want but it's very clear you ARE emotionally invested into this, heck you even have clear motive to get so invested in this.

Your next point, yes you did contribute $70 towards this game good on you and for a time I'm sure your opinion genuinely mattered until you burnt all your goodwill and got yourself banned from the discord, now you spend your days here talking nonsense about a developer you hate all the while playing the game still.

Now I'm willing to take some responsibility for this next part I'm going to address, about "jerking each other off" perhaps I could have made who I was talking about more clear or perhaps you purposely misinterpreted my post on purpose, either way let's get that cleared up, no I don't think the whole community here is bad, I never did, that comment was always about a particular group of regulars here who seem to spend most of their time here mocking Sel and spying on the Discord and sometimes even making plans to mess with the discord community but hey clearly they're not emotionally invested, not at all.

Now about Sel himself, yes perhaps some of his actions were wrong, but his most recent actions, as questionable as they are, were done to protect his product, can't fault him for that, it would be nice if Sel ignored this place completely but it seems some of you enjoy these little spats more than you seem to enjoy seeing this game continued.


May 30, 2018
So moving on to literally any other topic: any speculation on what the future dark route might look like gameplay-wise? Will it just be a really long event chain? Is Akira going to keep visiting dorms while a bunch of murder and cult nonsense happens around him? do we genre shift into survival horror puzzle shooter? Thoughts?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Man,dunno about this, at all, either. Like how much the content changes depending on the good uncle bad uncle choice.
Bad uncle even has an event that's entirely sex and the simple title of it is already a huge red flag.
Missable? Yes. Not integral? Dunno man, I think the very act of the choices is integral to it, and so is some of the missable content.
Again, agree to disagree.

To me it's just a bunch of pretentiousness and ego talking by some authors not wanting to be associated with what's essentially nukige, , games where porn's the main dish and purpose, but that's it.
Has porn in it, it's a porn game.
F/SN is a porn game with mostly story.

Edit: WIll this be solved if we call this "erotic" game?
That's what eroge stands for anyway, and "erotica" is basically book porn for women anyway.
It's just bad design, to make integral things skippable is to invite people to skip, which will cause important things to be missed. In the case of this game, that's not what happened, they were designed as skippable side content as stated by Sel while he was here. It isn't that he doesn't want to be associated with nukige, nukige is just not the kind of game he is trying to make in this case. If it was, the story would not hold priority to the degree that it does and we would already have a lot more of the cast with scenes.

He calls it intimacy but he's referring to sex, I'll attach another cap but you can literally search the conversation on discord if you don't believe me, it was in response to someone that had a similar viewpoint to you on porn in LiL.

And if you would notice in one of screencaps, he says HVN, hentai visual novel. Again, search the discord if you don't believe me or that it was referencing LiL. I'm not sure how you'll acrobat this one around but I honestly can't wait to see.

Does this mean the story and plot aren't integral since I can just enable 'skip through unseen text'? Are the hexadecimal sidecontent since I can play through the game never knowing what it meant?

And Alex if you say the story and plot are integral because you can't skip the puzzle sections I'm going to commit larceny since you can't avoid NSFW scenes entirely either.
Notice he never used intimacy in that sentence. Intimacy and sex are not inherently the same thing. You can attach all the caps you want, but I am going off of things he has said here. He is known to mess around and say things that aren't meant to be serious on Discord, something he didn't do that much here, so I cannot take what he is saying there seriously outside of announcements or delivery of subscriber perks.

Enabling skip unseen is an often overlooked feature inherent to Renpy, skipping the lust events was enabled by design choice, it is not a default capability like skip unseen. If he had not made them skippable, not only would the player have no option to, they would be forced to see the events if they continue playing. I actually did suggest disabling the inherent Renpy skip option entirely when the 'not paying attention' thing started coming up.

Well yes but those mystery events are planned for 0.32.0 which is 3 updates away so there is some time to follow the process. Even more so if the 35th is actually [Akira's Favorite Flower] since she's already introduced.
Also Rika will get events in 0.31.0

Exactly. Just imagine the exact same game with the exact same dialogues (maybe a bit less sex talk and moans and whatnot) with only the porn visuals replaced by sexy/suggestive ones. The same events would occur the sex ones would just not be showed as explicitly. And the story would still work.

(the game would probably be considerably less popular though and make less money and Selebus needs a lot of money in order to buy Japan or something)
Exactly, this is why the porn is not integral and never was.

Tfw you go to a buffet and get served specific dishes, and THEN are told "now you can eat even more from our available selection of food!"
Even a buffet has days when it has a lack of supply that forces them to not allow every option they normally would.

despite that
if you look at his profile he acts like that everywhere, and before he became a little infamous person he posted just because in other threads, and "spite" sounds more like an excuse for what he's doing
So the people who literally announced leaking out of spite are using it as an excuse? That doesn't make sense, especially in the heat of this intercommunity spat where figurative punches have been thrown on at least one occasion.

Fortunately I don't think the game would have gotten where it is as quickly if he didn't actually enjoy working on it. And there's not much money to take and run with, TBH :KEK:

Man I have "high functioning" autism, and it doesn't impair your ability to look at your goals (your game not being pirated), look at what other people are doing to achieve those goals (not being a raging dickhead to your patrons far before any of this started), and apply that to your own life. The fact that Selly is the only dev with a game on this site repeatedly shooting himself in both feet by using brute force tactics, inserting personal grievances into the game, and continuing to stoke the flames of resentment on both sides points to much darker tendencies.

Maybe at one point the dark triad shit will be kept in the game where it belongs, or maybe this was all just a waste of time. Only time will tell.

Ayyy, looks like we got it taken down. RIPBOZO :KEK:
Next one that's doable is shop.selebus.com I think. He's using shopify for that.

Narcissistic personality disorder seems much more fitting, but obviously very difficult to make an actual psychiatric diagnosis without examining the patient myself.
My own bloodlust is sated with taking down the gumroad as a response to the DRM, given it was just for the loli shit anyway. I'll help out if it escalates to doing more than it currently does, though.

I can see why you'd come to the earlier conclusion. Shit's tough. Of course I don't know how it is for other people, but from my experience the tantrums sound more like a result of it being easy to get depressed when you have the innate social skills of a wasp at a picnic.
A shame if true, as far as I am aware as I can't see what is available without being a subscriber, that was the only avenue for officially getting the packages without subscribing. If true, this has broadcasted to Sel a clear intent to not even consider support, which could very easily escalate the issue further (as if that wasn't going to happen anyway).

You do realize they are extremely likely to consider these an act of war that is basically guaranteed to start yet another action against the thread. I won't be part of it, but there are many others I cannot say would do the same and I will do nothing to try and stop them, as if I could even hope to calm them. This supposed DRM move was only a taste at best, I just hope those involved never use their full capability.

I've been thinking about how to respond and during that time you seem to have done nothing but damage your own arguments.

Firstly, you can leave that cheap "haha im doing this for fun! im not emotionally invested! I'm just killing my boredom!" excuse at the door, I'm certainly not buying it and I'd wager there's plenty of people who also don't buy that, you really expect me to believe that when your latest posts are basically just you jerking yourself off over getting the gumroad and talking about your next dastardly plan, do as much mental gymnastics as you want but it's very clear you ARE emotionally invested into this, heck you even have clear motive to get so invested in this.

Your next point, yes you did contribute $70 towards this game good on you and for a time I'm sure your opinion genuinely mattered until you burnt all your goodwill and got yourself banned from the discord, now you spend your days here talking nonsense about a developer you hate all the while playing the game still.

Now I'm willing to take some responsibility for this next part I'm going to address, about "jerking each other off" perhaps I could have made who I was talking about more clear or perhaps you purposely misinterpreted my post on purpose, either way let's get that cleared up, no I don't think the whole community here is bad, I never did, that comment was always about a particular group of regulars here who seem to spend most of their time here mocking Sel and spying on the Discord and sometimes even making plans to mess with the discord community but hey clearly they're not emotionally invested, not at all.

Now about Sel himself, yes perhaps some of his actions were wrong, but his most recent actions, as questionable as they are, were done to protect his product, can't fault him for that, it would be nice if Sel ignored this place completely but it seems some of you enjoy these little spats more than you seem to enjoy seeing this game continued.
Yeah, the Gumroad takedown seems to be saying otherwise to several of their arguments. If it was just boredom, the Gumroad would still be active because nobody would have acted against any official channel of distribution for the game or related contents. Even if Sel did something bad, doing something bad back, especially that which goes after his income, is Sel level at best. Regardless of what goes on because of the Discord side of this spat, two wrongs never make a right.

The Gumroad is an example of why Sel can't just ignore this place.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
I've been thinking about how to respond and during that time you seem to have done nothing but damage your own arguments.

Firstly, you can leave that cheap "haha im doing this for fun! im not emotionally invested! I'm just killing my boredom!" excuse at the door, I'm certainly not buying it and I'd wager there's plenty of people who also don't buy that, you really expect me to believe that when your latest posts are basically just you jerking yourself off over getting the gumroad and talking about your next dastardly plan, do as much mental gymnastics as you want but it's very clear you ARE emotionally invested into this, heck you even have clear motive to get so invested in this.

Your next point, yes you did contribute $70 towards this game good on you and for a time I'm sure your opinion genuinely mattered until you burnt all your goodwill and got yourself banned from the discord, now you spend your days here talking nonsense about a developer you hate all the while playing the game still.

Now I'm willing to take some responsibility for this next part I'm going to address, about "jerking each other off" perhaps I could have made who I was talking about more clear or perhaps you purposely misinterpreted my post on purpose, either way let's get that cleared up, no I don't think the whole community here is bad, I never did, that comment was always about a particular group of regulars here who seem to spend most of their time here mocking Sel and spying on the Discord and sometimes even making plans to mess with the discord community but hey clearly they're not emotionally invested, not at all.

Now about Sel himself, yes perhaps some of his actions were wrong, but his most recent actions, as questionable as they are, were done to protect his product, can't fault him for that, it would be nice if Sel ignored this place completely but it seems some of you enjoy these little spats more than you seem to enjoy seeing this game continued.
If he's emotionally invested over a game banning him from discord after putting in 70 bucks, at least he has a reason to do it.
You're invested in some internet stranger. Honestly, this is cringe.

About his "goodwill" being burnt, that really depends on why he was banned.
Even if he broke the community rules, you're not seriously going to say both the rules or the mods are perfect and always in the right, no?
That's some serious bot mentality that's precisely being mocked, justifiably so.
For example, if all he did was say that targetting piracy instead of working in the game is a waste of time, some fanboys/mods/Sel himself could've dismissedly told him to STFU and probalby virtue-signal in the process, because they would never ever pirate a game, or use assets from one to profit, right?
And because they decided to escalate it, they whine over the now banned guy being a big meanie.

Don't know this guy personally or anything, but tell me with a hand in your blood-pumping organ that this isn't a possible scenario?

And you keep bringing up "he's only protecting his product" but none of these tactics work, they at most earn hostility, so he's being counter-productive, and not really "protecting" anything.
He escalated it, and now lost Gumroad or whatever tf that is.
Next he may lose his main page.
And so on.

You want the game continued? Tell Sel to focus on the game instead.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
It's just bad design, to make integral things skippable is to invite people to skip, which will cause important things to be missed. In the case of this game, that's not what happened, they were designed as skippable side content as stated by Sel while he was here. It isn't that he doesn't want to be associated with nukige, nukige is just not the kind of game he is trying to make in this case. If it was, the story would not hold priority to the degree that it does and we would already have a lot more of the cast with scenes.

Yeah, the Gumroad takedown seems to be saying otherwise to several of their arguments. If it was just boredom, the Gumroad would still be active because nobody would have acted agaisnt any official channel of distribution for the game or related contents. Even if Sel did something bad, doing something bad back, especially that which goes after his income, is Sel level at best. Regardless of what goes on because of the Discord side of this spat, two wrongs never make a right.

The Gumroad is an example of why Sel can't just ignore this place.
Again, there are sex scenes that aren't skippable in the game. You're not even addressing arguments anymore.
You completely missed the mark on my nukige comparison.
Both F/SN and literally any Miel game are eroges, but one's a nukige.
Pretentious authors like to refus to use the "Porn game" label, which is basically "eroge", because we have no "nukige" label.
Hence I kinda asked if we called this "erotic game" would do.

Your argument about Gumroad being taken down isn't logical at all.
Let's say Sel goes all the way to erase f95 from the face of the internet: People will just keep pirating his game in another site, just like how he moved from Patreon to Suscribestar, and the people there will be just as angry at this whole "DRM" bs, especially the moment Sel escalates it, again.

Again, Sel has his livelihood to lose, his enemies have some forum to lose.
Take the L and not escalating the issue's the best course.
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Jul 25, 2017
If he's emotionally invested over a game banning him from discord after putting in 70 bucks, at least he has a reason to do it.
You're invested in some internet stranger. Honestly, this is cringe.

About his "goodwill" being burnt, that really depends on why he was banned.
Even if he broke the community rules, you're not seriously going to say both the rules or the mods are perfect and always in the right, no?
That's some serious bot mentality that's precisely being mocked, justifiably so.
For example, if all he did was say that targetting piracy instead of working in the game is a waste of time, some fanboys/mods/Sel himself could've dismissedly told him to STFU and probalby virtue-signal in the process, because they would never ever pirate a game, or use assets from one to profit, right?
And because they decided to escalate it, they whine over the now banned guy being a big meanie.

Don't know this guy personally or anything, but tell me with a hand in your blood-pumping organ that this isn't a possible scenario?

And you keep bringing up "he's only protecting his product" but none of these tactics work, they at most earn hostility, so he's being counter-producent, and not really "protecting" anything.
He escalated it, and now lost Gumroad or whatever tf that is.
Next he may lose his main page.
And so on.

You want the game continued? Tell Sel to focus on the game instead.
The mods and rules aren't always perfect, but in this instance this guy was a total muppet.

The only cringe thing about this situation is how people here are going to great lengths to screw themselves.

You talk about his tactics earning hostility, fine, that's to be expected considering what this place is, but you must also consider the hostility started here and that started when updates got leaked here within hours and the same usual crowd had their fun enjoying the update early before they should have, fine, Sel got pissed about this and after a few back and fourth shit flinging Sel relented but he still wanted to give his subscribers something exclusive so along came the care packages annnnnnnd they're leaked, once again the usual crowd have their fun giggling.

It's impossible now more than ever for Sel to ignore this place, gumroad getting bombed made that clear, nobody is getting what they want here.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
Watching someone shoot themselves in the foot to death while his fans cheer it on is entertaining in its own right. Worst case for me the game I barely care about goes away.

The more Sel wants to keep pushing the war, the more it will blow up in his face. Mostly because he’s built his house on a foundation of sand composed of pirated material and loli, two things that most reputable businesses desperately try to avoid. It just makes kicking over his castle hilariously easy.

Fans seem to think it takes really caring about this game to want to see the drama… when all it takes is enjoying watching a couple Karen’s scream into the void and metaphorically tell cops “you can’t arrest me!” While they get arrested.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
The only cringe thing about this situation is how people here are going to great lengths to screw themselves.
So, Sel, the guy that has everything to lose and nothing to win, right?
Again, Sel pirated shit too. You surely do, too, if you're here I can be certain of this.
And you say "the usual crowd having fun with the game early than they should and giggling about it."
What's the problem with the former? Of course they enjoy playing the game they like.
Again, like what Sel and anyone did here.
About the giggling, it's the internet, ffs, they giggle because they got to do what they always did, pirate games ona pirate site that Sel knowingly used and pomoted his game on.

Escalate things, and the enemy reciprocates. "DRM", Gumroad, and so, with Sel being on the losing side if it continues.

Cause & Effect~ ♪


Jun 10, 2017
Yeah, the Gumroad takedown seems to be saying otherwise to several of their arguments. If it was just boredom, the Gumroad would still be active because nobody would have acted against any official channel of distribution for the game or related contents. Even if Sel did something bad, doing something bad back, especially that which goes after his income, is Sel level at best. Regardless of what goes on because of the Discord side of this spat, two wrongs never make a right.
I'm not sure what you think is so evil here. He's selling content on a website where said content is clearly against TOS. Someone makes a report and it gets taken down (that one wasn't actually me - I did report his patreon back in the day and have recently reported his shopify webspace). Instead of blaming the reporter, perhaps you should blame Selebus himself for selling the content at a venue that doesn't allow it.

Emotional investment -- I truly don't care if the game continues or not. But I will find it entertaining if Sel gets taken down with all of this.

You do realize they are extremely likely to consider these an act of war that is basically guaranteed to start yet another action against the thread. I won't be part of it, but there are many others I cannot say would do the same and I will do nothing to try and stop them, as if I could even hope to calm them. This supposed DRM move was only a taste at best, I just hope those involved never use their full capability.
"was only a taste at best". What are you 12? I suppose that would explain the interest you have in little girls.

Anything further he does with the DRM will be illegal in multiple continents. Jail-time illegal, not just a slap on the wrist. What he did already seems to be illegal in the EU.
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Active Member
May 27, 2020
I dont know why the whole Otoha kissing Nikki ordeal is such a big deal? If Otoha did tell Rin and sensei about it I dont think they would care knowing Rin and Sensei sucked face before and I think either that whole situation leads to a impromptu four way or Otoha's and Rin's relationship straining even more since she kissed Sensei before her.
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Mar 19, 2020
Notice he never used intimacy in that sentence. Intimacy and sex are not inherently the same thing. You can attach all the caps you want, but I am going off of things he has said here. He is known to mess around and say things that aren't meant to be serious on Discord, something he didn't do that much here, so I cannot take what he is saying there seriously outside of announcements or delivery of subscriber perks.

Enabling skip unseen is an often overlooked feature inherent to Renpy, skipping the lust events was enabled by design choice, it is not a default capability like skip unseen. If he had not made them skippable, not only would the player have no option to, they would be forced to see the events if they continue playing. I actually did suggest disabling the inherent Renpy skip option entirely when the 'not paying attention' thing started coming up.
Notice how it was in direct response to someone asking clarification on intimacy and he says 'fucking them'. Notice he literally called it a hentai visual novel in the other caps. You're the one that brought up what Sel says and said developer's word is law for your argument, but when I bring up his words it's suddenly not meant to be taken serious and not law. You're just being obstinate :KEK:


Jul 14, 2018
I dont know why the whole Otoha kissing Nikki ordeal is such a big deal? If Otoha did tell Rin and sensei about it I dont think they would care knowing Rin and Sensei sucked face before and I think either that whole situation leads to a impromptu four way or Otoha's and Rin's relationship straining even more since she kissed Sensei before her.
I don't think it'd be a big deal to sensei or Rin (they'd both probably be turned on by the idea), but it's a big deal to Otoha because it destroys the mental image she has of herself and the stance she takes against sensei. She obviously has feelings for Nike, but if anything were to happen, she'd be admitting that she's ok with that type of relationship, something she actively criticizes sensei for. But it also hurts her because while she really likes Rin, she probably loves Niki. Her heart sees Rin as a runner-up, not the main focus, and she knows this, which hurts Otoha because she's being dishonest to Rin.

It's a big deal to her because, to use a half-remembered quote from the game, "the person she thought she'd be and the person she's turning into aren't the same."


Active Member
Mar 11, 2019
Well, we arent sure yet if she only sees Rin has the "runner-up" i think we need to hear more from Otoha's own mind before understanding what's exactly going on. But yeah. This is clearly not who she believed she was, and is gonna bring some interesting stuff.
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May 30, 2018
I dont know why the whole Otoha kissing Nikki ordeal is such a big deal? If Otoha did tell Rin and sensei about it I dont think they would care knowing Rin and Sensei sucked face before and I think either that whole situation leads to a impromptu four way or Otoha's and Rin's relationship straining even more since she kissed Sensei before her.
IIRC Rin kissed Sensei before Rin and Otoha became "official", so it might not feel exactly the same. Rin also said that the only thing she'd really get mad about is Otoha cheating on her, so at the very least Otoha has reason to think Rin would be upset.
It's probably still defusable, but since Otoha is instead keeping it a secret Rin will inevitably learn about it in the worst possible way.


New Member
May 26, 2020
If Daisy really is Ayane's daughter, that would mean that the children born during the loop are special beings (age/power)...
So, I was thinking that perhaps, all the mayas we have seen during happy events could be children born from Maya during past loops, and if Maya knows what became of them, this could explain her disdain of children... Maybe?


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
If Daisy really is Ayane's daughter, that would mean that the children born during the loop are special beings (age/power)...
So, I was thinking that perhaps, all the mayas we have seen during happy events could be children born from Maya during past loops, and if Maya knows what became of them, this could explain her disdain of children... Maybe?
The flashback in Baby Finches happens prior to the time loop, and she already hates the idea of kids at that point, so probably not.

Maya never talks about her parents, and her best friends don't know anything about them. That's suspicious.

My theory is that Maya is actually one of the various Maya's whose abandoned her post to live near the man she fell in love with. This explains why she has no apparent origin, no parents, and just kind of appears in Akira's life at some point.

If that's not making sense, I mean a narrative similar to Nicholas Cage's character in City of Angels, where he, as an angel, falls for a human woman and falls from Heaven to live a mortal life so he can be with her.

This would also explain why in so many happy scenes, we see a Maya in some form of torture -- she's being punished.


Jun 4, 2017
I've been thinking about how to respond and during that time you seem to have done nothing but damage your own arguments.

Firstly, you can leave that cheap "haha im doing this for fun! im not emotionally invested! I'm just killing my boredom!" excuse at the door, I'm certainly not buying it and I'd wager there's plenty of people who also don't buy that, you really expect me to believe that when your latest posts are basically just you jerking yourself off over getting the gumroad and talking about your next dastardly plan, do as much mental gymnastics as you want but it's very clear you ARE emotionally invested into this, heck you even have clear motive to get so invested in this.
Since you're interested, I'll give you some insight into my thought process. I like this game. I've been playing it since a few months after it started. It used to be one of my favorites, a 9/10. I never needed to like the dev for this to be the case and I still don't need to, even though for various reasons that have nothing to do with his behavior, my score for it has fallen a bit. Still worth playing, obviously - I would have just taken the L in money lost and left, otherwise.

I never installed the care packages, so I never got my own saves deleted. But since I want other people to enjoy playing this game, and I enjoyed the gamesmanship and know a little bit about programming, I was one of the first people to find the hidden DRM code and had a solution if it hadn't already been posted. I then made the post that helped people recover from it, because again, I like this game and I want other people to enjoy it, despite the dev's best efforts sometimes.

I also find loli content to be gross, but not gross enough that it should be illegal or even banned here or anything. If the dev wants it to be a part of this game, the only comment I'll make on the matter is hoping it's optional, as I believe it will be, given we were given the choice to walk in on Chinami in the bath or not a couple updates ago. I also think that's in the best interest of the game, as there are a lot of people like me who would find forced loli content off-putting, with reactions to it far exceeding mine.

I also think this entire anti-piracy crusade is stupid, self-absorbed, extremely and directly counter-productive, and has objectively harmed a number of unsuspecting users, including some of his current subscribers and I'm sure a number of potential subs as well. In doing so, it has directly harmed the game. As I like the game, I take issue with this. Why am I taking ownership of the game like this, and going against the dev here? Because this is a crowdfunded project and I was one of the crowdfunders.

Since the gumroad was being used exclusively to sell loli shit, and I had to take time out of my day to help people with the DRM, I felt motivated to take another 3 minutes out of my day to look at the TOS, post about it here, and submit a report two sentences in length encouraging them to merely read the item descriptions. I think that's perfectly fair.

"During the time" I did "nothing but damage my own arguments" I literally specified that I had no further plans for retaliation unless the DRM escalated.

Your next point, yes you did contribute $70 towards this game good on you and for a time I'm sure your opinion genuinely mattered until you burnt all your goodwill and got yourself banned from the discord, now you spend your days here talking nonsense about a developer you hate all the while playing the game still.
Believe it or not, every single thing I have posted in this thread, and 100% of my emotional investment, is in the best interests of the game's success. I believe it still has more potential than any other on this site. The extent of my negative feelings toward the developer end when they're not directly involved with his actions and attitude directly harming the userbase and potential success of his own game - which he has, more severely than every other VN developer other than Yandere Dev I've ever encountered combined - including the Dual Family guy, ICSTOR, and every other milker on here.

Admittedly, I've sunk more time into this thread than someone who merely "likes" it would. I should probably admit to myself that I still love the game, despite the repetitive one-dimensional character trait reinforcement, the boring, self-indulgent navel-gazing, and it constantly trying as hard as it can to gross you out in ways that definitely seem plot-relevant - all of which having been driven so far into the ground it's passed the Cheyenne Mountain facility.

So yeah, you're right. I have a problem. I have a pretty clear reason that I don't want to admit to for posting here so much. It's just not what you think. It's because of Yumi, Maya, and Rin, some of the best characters I've ever seen in any VN, and the mystery of the whole thing. You caught me.

Now I'm willing to take some responsibility for this next part I'm going to address, about "jerking each other off" perhaps I could have made who I was talking about more clear or perhaps you purposely misinterpreted my post on purpose, either way let's get that cleared up, no I don't think the whole community here is bad, I never did, that comment was always about a particular group of regulars here who seem to spend most of their time here mocking Sel and spying on the Discord and sometimes even making plans to mess with the discord community but hey clearly they're not emotionally invested, not at all.
At the very least, I didn't purposefully misinterpret you. Every argument I've made I've done my best to make head on. I don't engage in strawmanning, nor anything resembling what Selly did when he completely and maliciously misrepresented why he banned me from the Discord in a pathetic attempt to discredit my arguments.

I can't speak for others here, but since your original comment was directed at me, for my part I had already called it quits about discussing the developer, in favor of just the game, until the DRM hit. Then the whole thing started anew when a bunch of people are still posting here about losing their saves and bricking their installation.

You can say that we provoked that by continuing to pirate his content, but in reality it was one of his subscribers that decided to leak it, and the staff of this website whose job it is to provide as much content for their userbase as possible. Sorry to you and Selly, but both of those things are just not going to stop anytime soon, he's sown far too much resentment in his own playerbase.

And again, I'd say that any of our attempts to "mess with the Discord community" and take down some of his ancillary revenue sources pale in comparison to the harm the DRM and the hate raid a while ago caused.

Now about Sel himself, yes perhaps some of his actions were wrong, but his most recent actions, as questionable as they are, were done to protect his product, can't fault him for that, it would be nice if Sel ignored this place completely but it seems some of you enjoy these little spats more than you seem to enjoy seeing this game continued.
I can fault him for it. He "protected his product" by hurting a number of his own subscribers and potential ones as well, in a way that was bypassed inside of an hour. What exactly did he accomplish?

As for your last point, I think you're only talking about one particularly peeved outlier, and let's be real - the Subscribestar, the only platform of his apart from the website that actually matters, is not going to be taken down no matter how hard anyone tries, so given that I want to see the game succeed, I'm not really worried about it.

His Shopify merch store is another story. You can do a lot of evil shit far beyond just deleting saves with the Python os library without, I don't think, the game asking for admin elevation. So if he fucks around with that, we'll find out what happens.
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