I'm really not a picky reader, but if what you say is true then probably even I will notice it. I'll be re-reading LiL from scratch in the following months, so I'm really curious to see if it's that badly misplaced, because previous ones were more or less moderate to me.
You'll notice it. It even seems self aware, as Sensei tells her to calm down, and she acknowledges that people will complain. Not self aware enough apparently.
On the latter, I see your point and I most certainly don't want to say that expressing your critique or disapproval is bad or unnecessary, but there's not so much you can and should do to enforce your vision. Say your opinion, but after that it mostly falls on the developer's shoulders (or what's above them) to discern shitty ramblings from sound advices, and if he can't - well you tried, not your fault and no sense pushing further. He must know better than anyone what are the core ideas and principals of his work that no one must tamper with, and where he can compromise.
I'm not feeling particularly optimistic, tbh. I'm just debating out of boredom and for its own sake at this point. I've donated a AAA game's amount of money to this project, and the response to my mild criticism in this thread was my main discord account getting banned and getting kicked off and refunded on SS. If I found this game today as opposed to 2.5 years ago, and the most recent pages were 90% negativity about the dev, and there was dumb shit like the Patreon rant in the game? I never would have supported it. So I can't help but think future growth is going to be stunted either way because the game isn't what it used to be, which is going to continue to be blamed on piracy, which is going to continue tensions with this site, which is going to continue to leak into the game and continue to make the situation worse in a neverending cycle. But hey, maybe this is all just shitty ramblings, the fuck do I know about game development and marketing? I'm just a dumbass debate pervert software dev who got lucky with an app.
I think at this point LiL is fine on itself without much external advertisment.
If he wants to maintain his current patron base, sure. But you're forgetting that his explicit goal is to make as much as (and more than, I'm sure) Summertime Saga - 6x what he's currently at. And again, good luck doing that without F95, whether it's 40% or 90%.
As for the idea of advertising games on 4ch - imo it's too much unpredictable due to its nature.
You can't advertise shit on 4chan, they'll tear you apart. I was talking about word of mouth.