I mean it in the sense of
Macrobius' Commentary on the Dream of Scipio. So the latter. However, the whole point of developing a hermeneutic
is to try and untangle an esoteric text that isn't hiding that it's a tangle of influences and perspectives. The danger is in being really careful and clear with the hermeneutics you are using, as very quickly everything can mean
everything and your obscuring more than you're illuminating. I would disagree with you though in that we can absolutely tease out a couple of the lenses we should be using, even if we can't pin down an exact influence. I would argue that the following is all on the table:
- Literature / Literary Theory: Akira's specialty as a teacher. Nodoka's whole character.
- Poetry / Poetry Theory: Wakana's specialty as a teacher. A lot of plot hinges on poetry. Sel writing actual good poetry for a porn game (much harder than you think).
- Christin Theology: Agnostic on the denomination, but knowing enough about Christian Theology Sel knows more than just a gloss.
- Music Theory: I believe Sel is a band / Music cues in this game seem deeply important. But this is a blank spot for me, personally.
- Theater Theory: I guess this could be me being unable not to apply my own knowledge but it does feel like Sel is at least comfortable with Brecht
- Philosophy: I mean....
- "Occultism": I'm not sure that Sel is a practitioner or anything, but I've come across many small references to some ideas that are held in common between theosophy/thelma/chaos magic.
That doesn't mean that any ideas that come out of using those lenses are "correct," but I do think Sel is
asking us to play with them.
I'm not trying to say your incorrect. It's very possible you are. I just think the text is more open than her being a "hostage" and treating the text as more open, may lead to better theory crafting down the line. But I think there is a huge difference in her being pulled into that event on
false preferences and her
disagreeing with methods. Hell pretty much every season of the The Boys is predicated on eventually one of the gang going to Butcher "Hold up, I didn't agree to
this." Yet they all are oriented to the same goal.
I'm just softly trying to push back against any reading that has a "good" or "evil" attached to it. Himawari might want to make sausages, but not a lot of people wanna see or going to like how sausage is made.
I mean, this is where I get really Brechtian. I don't know how else to read the line, "Some would say he's been through nothing at all." without that context. Meaning, he hasn't experienced anything, because Akira isn't real. He
hasn't experienced anything. We, the player is the one doing all the
experiencing, and we can leave at anytime.