Adding to what bingoogus said:
Anything can be considered a spoiler. If you open up the game, watch the very first event and come here, literally anything we say will be a spoiler. Hell, even if I say that in the intro sequence
you have to jump, guess what? spoiler. Then someone will say, well but the spoiler has to have some significance. Who judges that? It is highly subjective. We literally have had people here that saw us talking about
Akira every single day and thought for sure
Akira would be a girl they'd meet eventually - and were very surprised when they got to the event. So it's not the name that matters, but that I can't say "hey,
Akira is Sensei, okay (?)". And this applies to all sort of stuff. Chika at some point
doesn't have blonde hair anymore? That is not only a spoiler but it might matter a lot more to someone else than you. Again, it's all subjective.
I have personally played through the entire game before reading the thread because, obviously, there will be spoilers. And the only real way to prevent spoilers about this game was if everyone starting making their posts like this:
click below for the actual post cause we can't risk anyone with accidental spoilers
Regardless, I have submitted a ticket and will thus wait for further clarification from the moderation, since, at this moment, I was instructed to use spoilers
when necessary. Well, given that is up to me to judge when it is necessary, nothing changed. Will update if I receive further instructions. And regarding the possibility of this coming from a tantrum, well, if true that's just a disgrace - I have nothing else to say about it.