For me, it's that I'll play a game just for fun gameplay (obviously; many games don't have much of a story) or a game with good story and alright gameplay... and, honestly, a game with just alright gameplay when I'm depressed or avoiding something.Like you said, if it weren't for the porn, most people would have never given this a shot.
VN "gameplay" is generally not in the "fun" category for me, or in many cases even "gameplay", so all it has is story. And, I understand that's the point. And I read books, which are all story. And some VNs are as well written as good books, but they're the minority, and even then they're a completely different format that tells the story differently. And I don't enjoy that format as much; probably the same reason I don't read comic books.
Except ones with porn in
Plus, I'll be watching porn anyway. And I have never ever ever seen a porn film with anything close to even resembling a compelling story (again, it's rarely the point) so VNs are a nice fusion. Where during the porn scenes the characters also mean something to me.
It adds that extra oomph to draw me in.
I've already mentioned some of the story elements I like in this game. Mostly related to the deconstruction of the setting, but also it has actual funny humor. Like, this is one of the few VNs where I directly enjoy the story between the porn scenes, rather than as a connector between and giving context to the porn scenes.
But, I also do hope my biggest pornographic proclivity makes it into the game; the proclivity is pretty vanilla these days. And weird as it seems, for the reasons above, it actually does improve my enjoyment of the story.
But, I definitely still 100% enjoy the updates that are 5% porn and 95% story
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