
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Sensei will likely get a lot worse before/If he gets better. From what I understand, Sensei isn't supposed to be ethical or loving. I can see the plot and events taking a lot of dark turns as the story deepens.
Most games on this site have a creepy degenerate MC but they have a terrible story. Sensei can be creepy and a degenerate, but there is good story behind it.
For sure, it would be cool to make Sensei a nicer guy than he is. But people suffering from the issues he has don't suddenly become what you want them to be. Maybe in the future he will be different. But the story will be very long, and we are just at the start of it. We will have to wait and see.
Exactly, he is supposed to be hated by the players by design and, given the fact this is a Denpa game, him taking a lot of dark turns, possibly even darker than he has already, is all but inevitable. If a player is somehow able to identify with him or get into his mindset, there are one of two things going on. Let me preface my next sentence with the following, I mean absolutely no disrespect when I say what I am about to to either the players or Selebus, it's actually kind of impressive that people can still do it in a way. If the player is somehow able to identify with or get into the mindset of player Sensei without being absolutely appalled and disgusted, they are either dark themselves somewhere in their minds that even they may not be aware of or the character is failing to do the job he was designed to do. Again, absolutely no disrespect to my fellow players or Selebus, you all do you and it will all be fine, I'm just stating possible reasons the character is somehow not hated by specific players.

I have some dark tendencies myself, which are only ever directed toward fictional characters that have somehow gotten on my bad side, hence my earlier comment about the whole thing with a certain short tomboy and my comments much earlier about a certain main character that has yet to be introduced into the dorm, but has had some screen time with Ayane's events, Touka, specifically about her personality archetype and what it triggers in me.

I would say that by definition that makes him entirely horrible.

It's more than apparent by now that the girls for some ungodly reason find themselves drawn towards Sensei in a sexual manner and despite knowing this and having been told it, he abuses it for personal gain.

You really can't get much worse than that tbh -- these girls look up to him naturally and unnaturally and he abuses that relationship.

He can't even stick to one girl regardless of player's choices.
Not really, he's bad, I won't argue that, but he does have some minor amounts of good in him. He could actually be much worse and this game would already be ten times as dark if he was. He could always try to kidnap the girls one by one and rape them into Stockholm Syndrome territory, thereby accomplishing his goal in a much more brutal way. Instead, while his reasoning is entirely based on getting in their panties, he helps them with personal problems and even goes steady with some, though none are in a confirmed relationship that both sides have agreed on.

You know, there's something from the most recent update that I haven't seen discussed, yet (maybe I missed it). At the end of the day with Kaori, Yumi sees Sensei with her, and is shocked by it. That really piqued my curiosity.

It could mean a few things. Could Yumi be feeling jealous? Could she be about to report to Chika that he went into another girl's apartment late at night, thinking she's finally caught him red handed? Could she know Kaori somehow? These are just some of the first possibilities to pop into my head. I'm sure there are a lot of others.

Then there's also Ami mentioning the number one maid - it's a big secret for some reason, and yet we've never seen them. I think the least likely/most shocking development would be Miss Watabe, and it's understandable why she'd want that to be a huge secret. Maya would be another interesting twist. One of the new girls in the upcoming update seems a more plausible explanation, though.
She's simply being a tsundere at this point, though with a few genuine moments of anger at certain actions taken behind her back. Of course she's jealous. Will she report to Chika? That remains to be seen. If this was something putting Chinami in danger, you're damn right she'd report it and she'd probably run half way around town to find Chika immediately if that was the case, well, after she got done punching the life out of player Sensei and taking Chinami back home safe and sound. However, this isn't putting Chinami in danger and she may not report him because of the feelings she may or may not be in denial about. I'm not sure there's anyone in town at this point who DOESN'T know Kaori at least on a customer level, I mean the girl works practically every job in town at some point in her week.

yeah, putting the "using schoolgirls for sex" aside this is getting into psychological abuse territory. When the MC was kind of a shiftless, lovable slacker he was kind of forgivable but now he's becoming a sociopathic abuser, almost thriving on the pain he causes. This game is moving from being one of my favorites inspite of /because of the darker elements of the journey of self awareness ( plus the cute girls ;) ) and moving to one I don't really look forward to because I know I'm probably going to wish a painful death on the MC for the pain he's causing those around him. I'm going to see what happens in the next few updates before writing it off because I've loved it in the past and the girls are great. Maybe that's the thing - the girls are so good I want to protect them from the piece of shit MC :ROFLMAO:
He has never been a "shiftless, lovable slacker" at any point in the game, he has always been a "sociopathic abuser" ever since day one. If you are wishing a pianful death on him because of this, good, you're supposed to. He was designed to be hated, so wishing a painful death on him is part of that designed intent. The only reason we're seeing things turn darker now, at least in universe, is because he tried to rush things and the girl he tried to rush with clearly wasn't ready.

:coffee: *sips coffee

Sensei is horrible (we all are), but the story setup kind of left him with no choice, and plenty of opportunities to do what he does (war going on for years, no one enters or leave the city, he's the only adult male left)

If under rare and concerning circumstances like in the game, your explanation makes sense, really. Sensei wouldn't act the same if there was no war and were males around, sure he could still have the same personality and mindset, but that would also likely to change since life in Kumoni is completly normal and everyone's life will differ drastically from the game, he might become a decent human being if that's the case, who knows !

A specie that is thriving well and has formed a complex, sophisticated society, is bound to develop its own moral code, individuals who are against it are usually disliked because they can affect the how that specie thrives mentally and even physically. Not to say Sensei's action is approvable in any way, but he does care for the girls, just in his own "ways" :sneaky:
He shouldn't play around with every girl, or even behave inappropriately around them in fact, but then come on, what would be the point of the entire game ?

Ps : I think sensei could be perceived as a better person if he actually showed more emotions.
Pps : I find it funny the fact it's just an adult game and I'm going professor mode.
Ppps : I spilled my coffee
Player Sensei, a decent human? Now that is funny. you might be serious about that comment, but he was intentionally designed the way he is and the only thing that would have changed would be his methods. In fact, if there wasn't a distinct lack of competition in the male department, there ARE other males, but they're all types that are unfit for military service like older or disabled men, or have some sort of loophole that allowed them a way to skip the war, and not necessarily desirable to young females like the girls, he would probably be taking a MUCH more direct approach that would get mcuh darker much more quickly. We're talking girls suddenly going missing, in reality being kidnapped by him and placed in some sort of dungeon setup until they break and begin experiencing Stockholm Syndrome, then suddenly reappearing with a new...appreciation for player Sensei and likely a willingness to help him with his next target.

When the game started, MC's first response is "Oh, I'm trapped in a VN," which means that at all times, he has to battle the impulse to assume that everyone he's interacting with is a fictional character, and thus he can't actually hurt them in a real sense. Then you have a clearly conflicting dual nature with some of his thoughts, to the extent that they outright overwrite one another repeatedly. The evolutioin of the MC is definitely happening, but I have always gotten the vibe that he's gonna get worse before he starts to get better, and any progress for the better at this stage is, at best, temporary.
I feel like that trapped in a VN was a bit of a joke, kind of like the Raid:Shadow Legends adds. I doubt sensei is aware of his status in a VN, else he would refference it a few more times in internal monologue.

Then again, sensei does speak to the player directly on many occasions, so who knows ? That might just be his internal monologue, talking to himself in second person, but it always feels like he is talking to the player.
I would agree. It reminds me of Deadpool, who refers to himself as a comic book character in the movies a few times, in a comical way. I don't think it's related to the plot, but I think anything is a possibility right now
Agreed, it definitely seemed like a joke.

I somehow feel being a part of the minority of people who doesnt think Sensei is the worst scum of the universe.

He started (in the game) like "Ok lets have fun in this new world and fuck what i can".
Given how he entered the world, the person he might have been before and the reason he entered it i guess that makes sense.
I think he still has a major depression going on that he might not even be totally (or not at all) aware of.
He is "fuck everything, everything is bothersome, "being around teenage girls is exhausting"".
And besides all that remember he got most of his memories taken away. What would an actual person be like if stripped from all life experience crafted character traits be? Hes almost an animal with some human traits. Like default (genetically induced) ones. Or at least he was. Since "gamestart" HE IS GROWING.

I wouldnt defend all of his actions either. But those are reallife moral standards applied to a fictional or semi fictional entity.
Besides that he does show that even he has some sort of moral concept (Sana).

Than there is how i perceive this "world" and that he is just supposed to interact with the girls the way he does and lots and lots of more stuff that would just end in some walls of text (look up my theories). But given how most of the girls (if not all in the future) throw themselfes at him... if he for what ever reason is supposed to interact with them at a given level then why defend against it. Its like he happened to find the "girl tree" where the ripe fruits are already laying on the ground and just picks them up (Maybe Hope will kick him out o'town for it or (different from religion) praises him ツ ).
Further: If he wasnt supposed to learn then why give him the chance to redeem himself with Makoto (bluejay). She could have just stayed the way she were after that. He even went out of his way for her in .16

With .16 we have the Miku dryhumping scene. So it wasnt even him initiating it (And Miku wasnt the only girl taking initiative). I guess its a moral question if what would have been better. Rejecting her or pry further. In the end she gives him the clear NO. But... what if hes right and taking herself back for Makoto will make things really bad for her in the future?

In the end with .16 things got darker. I guess we just passed the positive amplitude (for now) and things will get worse from here. I do think this had to happen one day or the other. But again to explain that, there would be one more wall of text coming.
All of his chances at redemption you seem to have perceived are just him using the best method to get closer to the girl. He has one goal and one goal only, to get into the panties of every girl in his class plus any others he meets. The best way to do that is to get closer to them so they drop their guard and let him in.

I personally love the direction that the dev has been taking Sensei. He is aware that what he is doing is wrong and you sometimes see him questioning why/if he should do some of what he does, but he does it anyways. It's almost like he has managed to separate his actions from the consequences by some sort of mental gymnastics compartmentalization. I don't know if anyone else has gotten that vibe but it really sometimes feels like Sensei is a "good person" who just keeps doing bad things without really knowing why. My theory is that whatever summoned him
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are corrupting him and everyone around him.
Absolutely, him getting darker like this fits extremely well with the genre of the game, Denpa, and it seems to be a secondary catalyst to the situation in universe getting worse than it already was, which is the hallmark of a Denpa game. The primary catalyst is, of course, each girl's individual issues.

Do I need to start a new game every time the game updates? I finally got around to finishing v0.15 part 1 when v0.16 finally came out.
No, but you should with any update that changes earlier scenes in order to experience the changes.

I really dislike some people repeating 'It's a denpa game! There will be no happy ending! Everything will be bad 100%!'. Like dude, creator doesn't HAVE TO DO what goes in that genre. He doesn't have any obligation to that. He will do whatever he wants. Like he can say 'here is a extremely happy ending where all the girls are fixed and happy to live with sensei forever' or he can simply kill sensei and girls in the most horrific ways and be done with it at the end. It's up to dev, it's not up to the 'denpa' genre. Again he has no obligations limit himself with the bouindries of 'denpa' genre. It's his game in the end. Some of the guys actively want bad things to happen in the game which is kinda weird thing to want but okay I guess
Nobody has said that a happier ending is impossible or that everything will be bad, but it IS unlikely to be much better than it already is. Denpa is known for that kind of thing, getting REALLY dark and either not getting out of that level of darkness at all, which is more common, or, less commonly, putting a slightly happier ending behind a requirement that the rest of the game is completed first. Again, it is not impossible, but happier is EXTREMELY rare in the Denpa genre. Also, while you are correct that the developer can do whatever, it would diminish the quality of the game as a Denpa game. It would still be a great game in general, but in order to be a great Denpa game, it has to follow the Denpa genre. I actually haven't seen anyone who actively wants bad things to happen, I have seen people theorize about what is likely to happen because it is a Denpa game, but not what they want to happen.

Hmmm, getting farther in the game and questioning my choices, but I don't remember what I was able to/what I chose in the past.

Was choosing to finger Chika a thing, or was it just part of the laid-out storyline? If it was a choice, does anybody have a save file from before that happened?
It is a choice, but it doesn't affect anything if you've passed the beach event.

Yes. Creepy manipulative MCs that sneak around with every girl is pretty much the common theme for most games here, so I am used to it. Some games it works out, and others it blows up horribly at the end. I am fine with ingratiating yourself with the students, and helping them out and being available so that the students and the MC can both have fun together. In real life, this would be an abuse of authority, but it is a game, so I can look past this and just go with it. The MC has never promised any of the girls that he would see them exclusively, or that he would be in a long term relationship with them, so if they both just want to have fun in the moment and see where time takes them, so be it. And sure, Sensei has exhibited some questionable decisions in the past so far, but it is debatable whether he actively has tried to harm any of the girls, and he has been able to hold off when they don't seem into it. With Miku it was very different. I could even live with the grinding scene, but once she was awake and tried to call everything off, for Sensei to basically browbeat her into doing more, before she was incapacitated by noise, was a bridge too far for me.

I loved 15 part 2, with the introduction of Nodoka. She is hilarious and great fun. And I have laughed a lot with LIL, much more than most games. The dialog is amazing for most of the characters. But with 16 part one, it was definitely was unpleasant to play.

Is Sensei only going to get worse and worse, until only the truly depraved among us enjoy the game, and the rest of us turn away in disgust? Will his behavior turn into outright abuse, or will he try to make things better for the girls? Will the MC skirt the line of cruel behavior and try to stay just on the right side of what most of us can tolerate, until there is some sort of endgame that brings it all together? Only Selebus knows for sure.

No criticism to Selebus. I love this game, it's just my impression of the latest update.
I have to agree on the bridge too far part, though it won't stop me from playing. From an outside perspective, I see it as a good thing, but looking at the story universe as if I myself was in it, I REALLY want to throttle him for what he did. As for the whole Miku thing, it really wasn't that different. He did a bad thing, but I didn't see him actively trying to harm the poor girl, only going too far too fast. He saw what he thought was a sign of her being ready to be manipulated into willingly letting him in her panties and she wasn't, clearly wasn't from an outside perspective, but outside and character perspectives in a work with this point of view aren't the same.

0.16.0 part 1 was the first time I have been this angry at player Sensei and for obvious reasons, in fact, it was the first time I've been this angry, murderous levels of angry, at ANY fictional character in ANY game.

On Nodoka, yeah, especially her intro event. That one Haiku was one of the best lines in the game. It still makes me laugh thinking about it.

With this being a Denpa game, the possibility stands that he COULD become that depraved, however, it does not mean he WILL become that depraved. This game is going to get a whole lot darker in general before we get to the end. We've still got several years of development to go yet.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying because your message has nothing to do with what I say or people I criticized. My point is that Selebus is the creator and he can do whatever the fuck he wants in his game. 'Well things must go THE WAY I WANT because the genre states that' is a stupid take imo
And the people you criticized were echoing both general Denpa convention and things said by Selebus himself. Things are guaranteed to get worse than they are and are not guaranteed to get better, this much has been specifically stated, though not in those exact words, and even if they do get better, they still likely won't be truly happy. Again, and I'm going to do a thing I hate doing here by repeating myself, nobody has said it must go a certain way. The only person who has ever even had that thought is Selebus himself, which is why he isn't letting the players determine the story's path and is strictly following his own desires for the game.

What the fuck was with the shit There was nothing? Damn Wiki did not have the answers.. every damn thing you looked at in the room had no damn answers.. Having to use a damn cheat guide someone made to get the damn IP address was stupid! Bad enough it is an IP address but than a damn IPV6 that no way in hell will you remember.. The damn voice says to listen to it for the answer but it only gives the lousy port number.

Serious that is the most fucked up puzzle event I have every played and I have played games like Myst and others.
You don't HAVE to use the guide, the answers were given to you in earlier events. ALWAYS pay attention to the dialogue and write things down if they seem important or are arbitrary bits of info.

Though it sucks that the game does technically soft lock you there, but as previously stated, it does tell you to write the IP down and everything is blatantly given to you. Not only that, but if you really got stuck you could just have just asked here or could have found the solution in this thread, which it is posted multiple times. Even a google search gets it. This isn't really a game to skim for porn, if you find just jotting a note down hard, you wouldn't like what I do and freeze frame every static screen, hand key and translate every hex code, Cesar code, and look up every kanji by drawing it by hand, and perk up and take notes when words like jump, tree, or bird are spoken even in blatant passing.

Funny story about the Cesar code. I only found out it was a Caesar cipher because when it didn't work in my hex converter, I decided to just google the numbers. The google result came up with a link title with something to the extent of "Cesar ciphered script of Shrek" because some of the numeric matched.
It won't soft lock you if you know the answers when you go into the puzzle. With the information already having been presented over the course of the game, that should not be a difficult task. Remembering them is a different story since it can be quite a large gap between the events that gave the information and the puzzle, but that is why it has been suggested multiple times since the puzzle came out to keep notes. I personally have said it at least six times at this point, not including this reply.

Your method, though, that's a whole different level of thorough. That has got to be an insane amount of work.

If you haven't thought of this yet, gonna add some more things to fuck with your head that I have been theorizing
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and you haven't reached this part yet so I won't spoil anything, but when Sensei has a future head trip remember the finch scene, whos in it, and how people are depicted. I have such a huge theory to throw at you when you do reach it if you are interested. Though my google image search on breed of bird is giving me conflicting information.
It's a Finch, looks to be a female House Finch. I looked it up the last time that question came up and that was the closest I got to the in game image.

Yeah, I agree. Limiting it to one genre and saying it has to follow a certain ending or narrative is rather insulting. It implies Sel is constrained to a one way route, which isn't the case at all. He likely has an ending in mind, (As well as the future plot (The dark route, the purity endings etc)), but things can easily change, nothing in life is guaranteed and this game reflects that.
Plus, I'm tired of seeing the word denpa. Sure, this game can fall into the category, but LiL is more than simply a genre.
Nobody has ever done that, though. Selebus himself is the one who said it's going to get darker before it ever gets better. As for the term, it's going to come up a lot because it actually is a Denpa game as stated by Selebus.

I can't imagine if one day sensei will threat maya with this watermelon, her reaction will be great!
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I can see the blind rage in her eyes now, she'd go freaking ballistic. If there's one thing we've learned about Maya, it's that you don't mess with her when watermelons are involved.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
Player Sensei, a decent human? Now that is funny. you might be serious about that comment, but he was intentionally designed the way he is and the only thing that would have changed would be his methods. In fact, if there wasn't a distinct lack of competition in the male department, there ARE other males, but they're all types that are unfit for military service like older or disabled men, or have some sort of loophole that allowed them a way to skip the war, and not necessarily desirable to young females like the girls, he would probably be taking a MUCH more direct approach that would get mcuh darker much more quickly. We're talking girls suddenly going missing, in reality being kidnapped by him and placed in some sort of dungeon setup until they break and begin experiencing Stockholm Syndrome, then suddenly reappearing with a new...appreciation for player Sensei and likely a willingness to help him with his next target.
I disagree. At least as he's been so far in the game, I do not believe Sensei is capable of that level of action against the girls. I think he'd be using similar tactics to what he is now, but being even more careful about getting caught. Any rivals he'd just find ways to discredit, and turn the girls away from. He's smart, and he's patient, and he wants the girls suffering as little as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
If you haven't thought of this yet, gonna add some more things to fuck with your head that I have been theorizing
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and you haven't reached this part yet so I won't spoil anything, but when Sensei has a future head trip remember the finch scene, whos in it, and how people are depicted. I have such a huge theory to throw at you when you do reach it if you are interested. Though my google image search on breed of bird is giving me conflicting information.
Feel free to throw out those theories here, this is just dead space until the next update, and it's not like it's off-topic so...

I'm honestly very confused so far, mostly because there's nothing conclusive and a whole heap of theories you can make, so far it seems like Sensei probably had a "relationship" with Maya in the past, but aside from that, it's all up in the air.


Jul 20, 2019
Kaori is too wholesome and good for this world, i want to protect her, but knowing as who we play, we just probably end making her cry directly or inderectly, same with karin but i already choose to lie to her soo...
I feel that there is going to be a spec ops the line moment at some point where the game is gonna throw every bad thing you have done at you and make you see how nothing of that would have happened if you just stopped at some point, how all of that is also your fault and you are as bad as sensei or something like that
Loving it as always man hope you live forever so you can continue giving us our drug


May 12, 2020
You just finished play marathon in this game 3 days without sleep, suddenly, there is notification about updating to android 11. After the update finished, you just discover that Android/data folder are empty, oh no! Well, don't worry, before you throw your piece of junk phone, there is one solution, i recommend you to download this things from the playstore, now you can safely backup or export your save file again in your beloved piece of junk phone.
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Still waiting for public release because that's my choice


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
Though it sucks that the game does technically soft lock you there, but as previously stated, it does tell you to write the IP down and everything is blatantly given to you. Not only that, but if you really got stuck you could just have just asked here or could have found the solution in this thread, which it is posted multiple times. dEven a google search gets it. This isn't really a game to skim for porn, if you find just jotting a note down hard, you wouldn't like what I do and freeze frame every static screen, han key and translate every hex code, Cesar code, and look up every kanji by drawing it by hand, and perk up and take notes when words like jump, tree, or bird are spoken even in blatant passing.

Funny story about the Cesar code. I only found out it was a Caesar cipher because when it didn't work in my hex converter, I decided to just google the numbers. The google result came up with a link title with something to the extent of "Cesar ciphered script of Shrek" because some of the numeric matched.
Them scenes are so whacked out that most of the time I could not even understand what I read so I just fast clicked past them reading a line that actually maybe made some sense. There was no real indication that made me think I would actually have to write any of that down. Their is all sorts of things to look at in the game at that point so why NOT put the damn IP address on the wall or that. Everything in that scene except the computer was all just USELESS crap.. not a single useful thing at all. There was no need to soft lock when the answers should of been on the damn wall there. Also the voice is lying at that time says listen to her for the answers.. so she could of said them at random times but the ONLY thing she provides is the port number.

So Ok the answer should be on the Wiki after all what is the Wiki for? Nope the answers have been deleted instead of being put in a simple spoiler. Why the hell should I have to come and search this thread for a cheat guide when there is the wiki that is suppose to have the answer?


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
All of his chances at redemption you seem to have perceived are just him using the best method to get closer to the girl. He has one goal and one goal only, to get into the panties of every girl in his class plus any others he meets. The best way to do that is to get closer to them so they drop their guard and let him in.
Ok we have different opinions here. And ill take it just as more info to try to fit it into my own thinking.

Dont know if you read what i think the girls are and what Hope has to do with everything and all the mambo jumbo voodoo shit.
If you want though, all my posts on this board are yet only in this thread, so theyre easy to search for.

I guess at some point ill post it again with everything so far collected by me with all its flaws it may have.

And yeah its not like he seems to have other goals than to get into as much panties as he can "yet". Doesnt make him a total immoral person. Because if he believed that everything he does would ultimately end without consequences because of resets and what not he could just go rape em all for fun... whatever fun that would be...
Its still called Lessons in Love and as long as im not wrong lessons implicate learning. And i dont think its about learning your best ways into teenage girl panties.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
Them scenes are so whacked out that most of the time I could not even understand what I read so I just fast clicked past them reading a line that actually maybe made some sense. There was no real indication that made me think I would actually have to write any of that down. Their is all sorts of things to look at in the game at that point so why NOT put the damn IP address on the wall or that. Everything in that scene except the computer was all just USELESS crap.. not a single useful thing at all. There was no need to soft lock when the answers should of been on the damn wall there. Also the voice is lying at that time says listen to her for the answers.. so she could of said them at random times but the ONLY thing she provides is the port number.

So Ok the answer should be on the Wiki after all what is the Wiki for? Nope the answers have been deleted instead of being put in a simple spoiler. Why the hell should I have to come and search this thread for a cheat guide when there is the wiki that is suppose to have the answer?
The whole point of that part of that scene was to reward the people who were actually paying attention and following instructions in an earlier scene. Heck, the earlier scene even asked people who made note of it not to share it with people who ask for it, because the Dev wants people to actually read the dialogue and listen to the audio, and pay attention. With that in mind, the way everything is set up makes perfect sense.
Jul 11, 2019
Them scenes are so whacked out that most of the time I could not even understand what I read so I just fast clicked past them reading a line that actually maybe made some sense. There was no real indication that made me think I would actually have to write any of that down. Their is all sorts of things to look at in the game at that point so why NOT put the damn IP address on the wall or that. Everything in that scene except the computer was all just USELESS crap.. not a single useful thing at all. There was no need to soft lock when the answers should of been on the damn wall there. Also the voice is lying at that time says listen to her for the answers.. so she could of said them at random times but the ONLY thing she provides is the port number.

So Ok the answer should be on the Wiki after all what is the Wiki for? Nope the answers have been deleted instead of being put in a simple spoiler. Why the hell should I have to come and search this thread for a cheat guide when there is the wiki that is suppose to have the answer?
If I recall correctly, the IP address was given in something something Deus, a required Happy scene to progress to reach There is nothing.

And the game literally says to write it down. If I remember correctly.
Sep 16, 2018
If I recall correctly, the IP address was given in something something Deus, a required Happy scene to progress to reach There is nothing.

And the game literally says to write it down. If I remember correctly.
Yeah it's spelled out in the scene that you'll need the code. It was annoying at the time because there were a few updates between that scene and the one where you actually input the code (although that was also the update he implemented the ability to view old scenes), now there's really no excuse.

Personally I'm not a fan of that sort of gotcha storytelling, the code was a massive pain in the ass to copy and I vastly preferred the optional scene if you entered a user name that had been hinted at rather than going straight to Sensei's, but all you have to do is pay attention and it's relatively easy to work through.
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Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
The whole point of that part of that scene was to reward the people who were actually paying attention and following instructions in an earlier scene. Heck, the earlier scene even asked people who made note of it not to share it with people who ask for it, because the Dev wants people to actually read the dialogue and listen to the audio, and pay attention. With that in mind, the way everything is set up makes perfect sense.
Definitely not a reward... A reward gives you a bonus scene or that not actually soft lock the game to the point you can't do anything until you go searching all over for it. Common Sense would be the Guide Wiki and having it show as a spoiler that you can reveal.. not have to search a thread for the answer so you can continue.

This game does the opposite penalizes you for not cheating. If you try to do it on your own you will miss a lot of events because while you try to repeat actions every day with a different girl or location you end up triggering main event and missing a lot of events. So I started all over from scratch from 0.1.0 all the way through and it worked until after 0.8 or 0.10 it was than there exist miss-able events. So if you try to even use the repetitive process of trying different locations or different girls after school than you will miss a lot of events because you trigger main event. If you try to follow the guide it's broken because all miss-able events are left out of the main event guide.. So finally finished Chapter 1 and missed events :( Now afraid of missing events in Chapter 2 yet without even trying I have already done 12 of the main events without even trying.

I just can't understand why miss-able events are in a game like this.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I disagree. At least as he's been so far in the game, I do not believe Sensei is capable of that level of action against the girls. I think he'd be using similar tactics to what he is now, but being even more careful about getting caught. Any rivals he'd just find ways to discredit, and turn the girls away from. He's smart, and he's patient, and he wants the girls suffering as little as possible.
He's capable of whatever it takes to get in their panties. With a significant male presence and therefore a significant threat to his goal, he would likely take more drastic actions in order to prevent the girls from getting with another guy. The second any of these girls, except Kirin, Ayane, and Noriko because all three are either disinterested in relationships or were completely devoted to player Sensei from day one, get with another guy and deny him his shot at getting in their panties, that's game over, mission failed. His entire goal revolves around getting in ALL their panties, not just one, not just some. If even one gets away for any reason, it's all over. Funny thing, he could have VERY easily blown his entire goal in this latest build with one scene in particular.

As far as other methods of threat elimination, like discrediting the other guys, sure, that could work for maybe one or two guys before the girls start thinking player Sensei is crying wolf. He can't just discredit every guy in town and expect the girls to believe him every single time. They will eventually think something is fishy and catch onto his attempts, then it's once again game over. He lost their trust and they would never let him anywhere near them sexually.

These girls aren't stupid, especially not Chika. They WILL figure him out eventually and it WILL be ugly when they do, that applies to both this hypothetical scenario with more guys posing a threat and the actual game.

Feel free to throw out those theories here, this is just dead space until the next update, and it's not like it's off-topic so...

I'm honestly very confused so far, mostly because there's nothing conclusive and a whole heap of theories you can make, so far it seems like Sensei probably had a "relationship" with Maya in the past, but aside from that, it's all up in the air.
Not at all, we love going on theory tangents here. We are very early into the game, so it makes sense we know very little at this time. For me, that makes theorizing even more fun because I have more to work out.

Kaori is too wholesome and good for this world, i want to protect her, but knowing as who we play, we just probably end making her cry directly or inderectly, same with karin but i already choose to lie to her soo...
I feel that there is going to be a spec ops the line moment at some point where the game is gonna throw every bad thing you have done at you and make you see how nothing of that would have happened if you just stopped at some point, how all of that is also your fault and you are as bad as sensei or something like that
Loving it as always man hope you live forever so you can continue giving us our drug
And weird, in the most adorable way humanly possible. As far as the game throwing our bad deeds at us, I could very easily see that happening. Sometimes I feel I deserve it because I've been a bad homie to multiple girls on multiple occasions. Poor Karin's heart is going to shatter when she realizes we lied and it really makes me feel bad that, in order to get that scene as completed instead of missed, I had to lie. I could see her finding out we lied in the worst way possible, too. Walking in on us and Kirin in the middle of some clearly visible penetrative action with absolutely no way to dig ourselves out of the hole we just fell into.

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Did she… did she just call herself your cum dump in public at her job?
Maybe :p

Them scenes are so whacked out that most of the time I could not even understand what I read so I just fast clicked past them reading a line that actually maybe made some sense. There was no real indication that made me think I would actually have to write any of that down. Their is all sorts of things to look at in the game at that point so why NOT put the damn IP address on the wall or that. Everything in that scene except the computer was all just USELESS crap.. not a single useful thing at all. There was no need to soft lock when the answers should of been on the damn wall there. Also the voice is lying at that time says listen to her for the answers.. so she could of said them at random times but the ONLY thing she provides is the port number.

So Ok the answer should be on the Wiki after all what is the Wiki for? Nope the answers have been deleted instead of being put in a simple spoiler. Why the hell should I have to come and search this thread for a cheat guide when there is the wiki that is suppose to have the answer?
NOT a good idea, NEVER skip the text unless you've seen it all before word for word and remember what it says. You never know when something like "There Is Nothing" will come up again. Why not put the IP on the wall? Because it was given to you earlier. Whether you paid attention or not is your call and your fault if you didn't get the info presented. The rest of the puzzle room in that event is intentionally useless, the only thing that matters is the laptop and the audio, though there are references in certain other parts of the room to check out like on the board on the wall at the desk, a certain detail there depends on if you're a bad uncle to Ami or a good one that hasn't touched her in inappropriate ways.

There was no soft lock, it was only a lack of information given earlier in the game on the player's part. A soft lock is when there is literally no way to progress, but there is one at that point, have the information on hand or go back and watch the events again in replay.

The voice isn't lying, it provided answers as it said. Just because it only provides one of the answers doesn't mean it lied. Again, the other answers were presented earlier in the game. There was no need for the voice to say anything different than it does now because other parts of the game give you all the other information.

You shouldn't HAVE to search for a guide or on the wiki, you should already have the answers by the time you reach the puzzle and should be ready to input them immediately, no getting stuck, no 'soft lock,' no issue of any kind.

Ok we have different opinions here. And ill take it just as more info to try to fit it into my own thinking.

Dont know if you read what i think the girls are and what Hope has to do with everything and all the mambo jumbo voodoo shit.
If you want though, all my posts on this board are yet only in this thread, so theyre easy to search for.

I guess at some point ill post it again with everything so far collected by me with all its flaws it may have.

And yeah its not like he seems to have other goals than to get into as much panties as he can "yet". Doesnt make him a total unmoral person. Because if he believed that everything he does would ultimately end without consequences because of resets and what not he could just go rape em all for fun... whatever fun that would be...
Its still called Lessons in Love and as long as im not wrong lessons implicate learning. And i dont think its about learning your best ways into teenage girl panties.
Oh no, not totally immoral or he would have raped a girl by now. Total immorality would have meant him not caring about which methods are best, just moving in for the kill on every girl he can before they all gang up on him to put an end to his rampage, assuming they resist at all beyond a futile attempt to stop the initial rape, of course. I've said it before, but this game would end up a whole lot darker with a completely immoral player Sensei.

The whole point of that part of that scene was to reward the people who were actually paying attention and following instructions in an earlier scene. Heck, the earlier scene even asked people who made note of it not to share it with people who ask for it, because the Dev wants people to actually read the dialogue and listen to the audio, and pay attention. With that in mind, the way everything is set up makes perfect sense.
Precisely, have the information ready and be rewarded, have none of it ready and face consequences.

Definitely not a reward... A reward gives you a bonus scene or that not actually soft lock the game to the point you can't do anything until you go searching all over for it. Common Sense would be the Guide Wiki and having it show as a spoiler that you can reveal.. not have to search a thread for the answer so you can continue.

This game does the opposite penalizes you for not cheating. If you try to do it on your own you will miss a lot of events because while you try to repeat actions every day with a different girl or location you end up triggering main event and missing a lot of events. So I started all over from scratch from 0.1.0 all the way through and it worked until after 0.8 or 0.10 it was than there exist miss-able events. So if you try to even use the repetitive process of trying different locations or different girls after school than you will miss a lot of events because you trigger main event. If you try to follow the guide it's broken because all miss-able events are left out of the main event guide.. So finally finished Chapter 1 and missed events :( Now afraid of missing events in Chapter 2 yet without even trying I have already done 12 of the main events without even trying.

I just can't understand why miss-able events are in a game like this.
There IS a reward in the form of a 'happy' scene that is accessed through a specific username during that step of the puzzle. Paying attention would have given you that username AND the information to solve the puzzle. Again, there is not need to search for answers, they are given to you on a silver platter, all you have to do is pay attention. Any "soft lock" is not the game's fault, it is the player's fault for not paying attention and keeping the information on hand.

There is no penalty for not cheating, the only penalty is for not paying attention. This is not an image viewer, there is text to be read and some of it is important. I DID do it on my own, at least in my second play through, but I also specifically wrote things down when they seemed important or like they were there with no real story purpose. I have a total of 0 missed events as of right now.

You won't miss events just by grinding girls, you have to do it in a VERY specific way to fill the requirements of the main events enough to do that, by which time you should have cleared any event that would be missed by continuing the main events.

Missable events are in a game like this because, canonically speaking, they take place in a certain period of the game that ends with the main event that marks them as missed. This game is all about consequences and not having requirements met bears a consequence. Missing events is that consequence.


Jun 12, 2017
Thanks for the update.
Could you make the Progress quickmenu link to the same screen as the main menu's Progress link?
It's something I'm considering. In the meantime, you can easily make that change by yourself.

Open up screens.rpy in Notepad (or some other text editor) and do a search for this line:

textbutton _("Progress") action ShowMenu('affection')

Change it to:

textbutton _("Progress") action ShowMenu('progressmod')
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Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
Definitely not a reward... A reward gives you a bonus scene or that not actually soft lock the game to the point you can't do anything until you go searching all over for it. Common Sense would be the Guide Wiki and having it show as a spoiler that you can reveal.. not have to search a thread for the answer so you can continue.

This game does the opposite penalizes you for not cheating. If you try to do it on your own you will miss a lot of events because while you try to repeat actions every day with a different girl or location you end up triggering main event and missing a lot of events. So I started all over from scratch from 0.1.0 all the way through and it worked until after 0.8 or 0.10 it was than there exist miss-able events. So if you try to even use the repetitive process of trying different locations or different girls after school than you will miss a lot of events because you trigger main event. If you try to follow the guide it's broken because all miss-able events are left out of the main event guide.. So finally finished Chapter 1 and missed events :( Now afraid of missing events in Chapter 2 yet without even trying I have already done 12 of the main events without even trying.

I just can't understand why miss-able events are in a game like this.
It's because this game is realistic, and as in real life, your actions have consequences.

Like if you convince your niece to consensually have sex with you, the logically conclusion is that it might progress to your niece to ask for coitus. But if you reject your niece's attempts to have consensual sex, no longer would it make sense for your niece to ask for coitus, and thus you get locked out of that scene.

Or let's say you have sex with your friend's crush. Obviously, the friend is gonna be pissed at you. Now if you have sex with your friend's crush after the crush already rejected the friend, then the friend might not be pissed at you. That's just realistic logic.

Get what I'm saying? Your actions have consequences; that's all there is to this game :)


Active Member
Sep 5, 2017
There was no real indication that made me think I would actually have to write any of that down.
Don't try to explain this to super-dedicated fans like alex2011, I already tried and failed. But it could be our fault, maybe for more experienced players it's obvious. You know, there's game with play time in days, and that's even when you read fast, with no hint whatsoever at the beginning, that you should pay special attention to anything or make notes. But you still do analyze every word and write down anything that seems important. :)

Here's some explanation from author himself: It seems he's sometimes a bit evil. :)
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