First time playing. Enjoyed this version. The daughter's hot and the father's dialogue isn't terrible. Save-scummed a few areas to see what my options were, and I have to agree with everyone ragging on the Sanity mechanic; even if she's handling the situation really badly, she's fit to participate in society without the use heavy maybe use the Sanity thing as a risk/reward stat; if you go with a Corruption route, you need to keep her Sanity low enough that she feels dependent on you but not so low that she loses hope of survival altogether--and if you go with a Pure/Romantic route, you want it high...but not maxed out, so that she's still focused on the fact that you're both stuck on an island. If her sanity is maxed out, she's
firmly convinced that you'll both survive and be rescued and that you should both act like you're on a survival gameshow or something and not deviate from social expectations.
This is a VN, though, so that might not be the easiest thing to implement...I dunno. Either way, I had fun. Hit that
Watch Thread button, and hopefully it won't take years of development before I can fap to something complete or mostly-complete.
Its coz of "Microagressions" and lack of "safe spaces" and no "trigger warnings" so that biatch gets insane, coz unfortunately nothing really there to burn, no Trump to blame, nothing to throw around, no street to block, no gathering to disturb, no one else but one there to be shouted down and pushed into white straight men guilt and no nazi to wonder she needs to get the full niceness force applied or get suicidal coz of the bad real world and some not so nice words that hurt her oh so precious feelings so much...
I LOL'd, but you--and everyone else who bitches about her--raise an interesting point: this game does a
bad job of conveying how traumatic a plane crash would be.
They're not terribly injured, and they were
very lucky to wash up on an island, but in the back of their minds both characters would (realistically) be dealing with their near-death and the knowledge that everyone else
probably died...and could potentially wash up on shore, covered in fish bites and riddled with scavenging parasites or ripped in half by curious sharks or injuries from the crash.
But this is a porn game, so it focuses on other storytelling elements. She's a bitch, but they're both stressed and do much better when they've got sex or survival on their minds. They both have options for belligerent dialogue when they try to light the fire with sticks, which makes sense--if you don't know what you're doing that shit can get tedious and frustrating in a hurry.
Plus...she can't be a Gender Studies Tumblrina. She's hot. The two are mutually exclusive.