RPGM None Lico's Mysterious Errand [RJ352933] [Cotton Candy]

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
wow this game looks amazing. I have only translated 1 game in my life which was a small one. This seems quite big and time consuming but I will definitely start to work on this one. Will try to keep u all posted over here. If someone else is also working on this, then we can collab and finish this faster. Just Dm me.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
If something in this game doesn't appear someone made a mistake while editing this specific file.


need to be translated to this:

Don't translate or touch anything else.
This is a js script right.. Anyone who is new, don't Try to edit these XD. They mess up everything. Especially if u rename a variable :D


Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
But you have to manually edit some .js files or it won't be translated 100% - and i'm not talking about editing them in or with TL++

Anyways, my translation is going quite well so far!
I have no worries with editing Js files. Even though i am new to game translation. I have a good background in programming. So its not a big deal for me. And i dont use translator++. That program is shit... Cant seem to figure it out. I am using Rpg Mz to translate this.


Apr 1, 2019
Just found some untranslated texts in the mapXX.json files that TL++ didn't catch / didn't decrypt.

But that's no problem i can just edit the json files with Notepad and translate the "non-catched texts" there when i'm finished translating everything i could with TL++.

So my plan is:

1. Finish TL++ translation
2. Check all .json files with Notepad for missing translations
3. Check the scriptfiles for translations (i hope it's only the plugins.js i need to edit)
4. Check if i can edit the graphics from japanese -> english
(5. Ask Shisaye why the "Boutique/Clothes Shop" 'Buy Menu' isn't working properly when translating the categories of it)

Man this game is time consuming as fuck!
good luck :S
i jumped into this game too, but theres a lot to translate into the js files and i gave up... if you need help tell me i would love to get this translated.
and yes the (5) same here, if we translate it, it just break the game....

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
I can't figure out where to find the "Watch / Skip Intro" Part is hiding >_<
If you want some help with the translation I'd be glad to help out, I did some partial translation as well. I'm trying to log what needs to be manually translated from the files so that the game doesn't break


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Just found some untranslated texts in the mapXX.json files that TL++ didn't catch / didn't decrypt.

But that's no problem i can just edit the json files with Notepad and translate the "non-catched texts" there when i'm finished translating everything i could with TL++.

So my plan is:

1. Finish TL++ translation
2. Check all .json files with Notepad for missing translations
3. Check the scriptfiles for translations (i hope it's only the plugins.js i need to edit)
4. Check if i can edit the graphics from japanese -> english
(5. Ask Shisaye why the "Boutique/Clothes Shop" 'Buy Menu' isn't working properly when translating the categories of it)

Man this game is time consuming as fuck!
For number 5, it's almost certainly hiding in one of the plugin files if you haven't been checking those. It's pretty rare that something is hiding there, but it's happened to me a few times. .\js\plugins


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
It's hiding in "plugins.js" but if you translate it, the shop menu becomes useless, it won't let you choose/buy anything then in this specific shop. If you keep the japanese words everything works.
Hmmmm. Could be one of a few things I've had happen.
  • The English string you're using is causing a text overflow of the box. Try a shorter string.
  • The plugin doesn't have code to handle spaces as non-coding characters. Try using \u3000 ideographic space instead of space bar
    • " " or copy it from
  • The plugin.js entry isn't a text string that is displayed, instead it's a lookup value for the actual text string, stored somewhere else. Might be in the Items descriptions or in the plugin files.

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
Well, not for me it seems. Not when i open it with Notepad++ or TL++ :/
The text is "ゲーム開始イベントを見ますか?\nスキップすると、すぐに操作出来る状態になります。(所要時間 2~3分)"
and choices "イベントを見る" and "スキップする" try searching for it in notepad++

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
Btw..., in the item description box don't translate the <SGカテゴリ:"category">, this is used in the item catalogue menu.
Only keep the price translation

<SGカテゴリ:Armor> <-- this should not be changed

Price: \DATA[price]>

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
Okay nothing worked. Changing the item descriptions back just lead to some untranslated stuff in the "Info Book" where you can see every item/event/weapon/etc. you found/collected.

The stupid Boutique Shop Categories will stay japanese for now, deal with it or someone else "please" tell me how to fix it.

Back to my steps for now:

1. Finish TL++ translation
2. Check all .json files with Notepad for missing translations
3. Check the scriptfiles for translations (i hope it's only the plugins.js i need to edit)
4. Check if i can edit the graphics from japanese -> english
Found it! If you change the text of the Categories in the boutique inside the plugins.js files, you'd also have to edit it to the same text in the CommonEvents.json file.
For example: changing 下着 to panties goes like this:
Change ALL occurrences of 下着 that is equal to a $gameVariables.value("number") in the CommonEvents.json file (I got 2).
Then change the text in the plugins.js file to the same text.
Now the shop works correctly.
Hope this helps :)
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Reactions: magrao121

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
Okay nothing worked. Changing the item descriptions back just lead to some untranslated stuff in the "Info Book" where you can see every item/event/weapon/etc. you found/collected.

The stupid Boutique Shop Categories will stay japanese for now, deal with it or someone else "please" tell me how to fix it.

Back to my steps for now:

1. Finish TL++ translation
2. Check all .json files with Notepad for missing translations
3. Check the scriptfiles for translations (i hope it's only the plugins.js i need to edit)
4. Check if i can edit the graphics from japanese -> english
As for the translation of the weapons/armor/items/etc. it should look like this:
Notice that of the big blocks of code I only translated the text that says price, the other stuff is not needed, but I should check if this is consistent when I translate the menu buttons in the added picture...
Edit: oops I already expained this, weird that it doesn't work for you...
Last edited:

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
But still: i can't find the stuff between "Weapon" and "Armor" - can't find where this is hiding xD
The list you see looks for every <SGカテゴリ:"text"> in the items, armors and weapons and takes every unique instance of "text" it finds and makes a button of it.
You already have translated 武器 into weapon(s), but I think you have missed one or more weapons translation.
Search for <SGカテゴリ:武器> in your translated column or if it isn't translated yet, it should disappear when you translate every <SGカテゴリ:武器> ;)

Noodle addict

May 10, 2018
OMG, yes yes my bad. I forgot i only translated like 54% of the weapons.json.

So it is Weapons then. Hm fuck. Did i switch something hm, gonna check it.
You're welcome :giggle:, Although 武器 is just weapon, making it plural just makes more sense...
Don't be afraid to ask any questions when you're stuck :).
Translating the backlog in the dungeon is a whole other challenge.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
haha this game is definitely not beginner friendly for translation. I gave up on this game :( This requires skills that I dont have time to learn. All the best to ppl who are still working on this :)
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote