Okay! So I ran through 2.3.1 and I found a few things. I probably missed a lot of things since I was speeding through it at 3AM. A lot of this also might not even be changes, I'm just comparing the differences I found between 2.2 patched and 2.3.1 raw game. I'd provide pictures but I have no idea how to if somebody could help with that I could post images.
- Buttons: There are a few new buttons. [1] The biggest button change IMO is the loop button. It basically does what it's named after, it loops the action that you selected. For example, when you pat her head. If you turn the loop on, you don't have to click continue after every headpat, you can just keep clicking and it'll automatically keep the headpats rolling. This button appears for everything, it's something you can click on to toggle on/off. [2] There's a new texture in button choices that lead to an h-scene. For example, when you're starving Sylvie of sex to get the hysteria cg, the buttons that lead to the h-scene will have a pink pattern on it and the other is still normal. The choices in the beginning that lead to bad end also seem to have more blood texturing.
- Closet: [1] There were no new clothes (day or night shop) but there are three new hair clips; a heart, a four leaf clover, and a star. [2] There is a new save outfits menu. It's still located on the bottom of the closet, it is no longer operated by blue text. They all have their own buttons, and there was a second tab that I couldn't figure out how to use.
- H-scenes: Nothing new added as far as I could see. No new animations either. One thing I did notice was the hints page seemed to make space for three new 3-part scenes, though I'm not sure that means there are three scenes that are going to be implemented in a later 2.3 patch.
- Memories: [1] There is a bug currently where the game will crash whenever you try to remember any of the outdoor scenes with Sylvie. The CG mode works fine, just the scene recall is bugged. [2] The music tab seems to have been added next to the "Extra" tab, and is no longer in the top right corner, replaced by the hints tab.
- To Bed: [1] There is a whole new UI for going to bed with Sylvie. It displays Sylvie to the side with the outfit she's going to have on. The background is the bedroom and the button layout covers the right half of the screen. [2] You are unable to start in the missionary position until later in the story (I think it just unlocks by itself). [3] There are no changes to the clothing removal and drug usage. It just looks cleaner. [4] You are now able to choose an outfit before making the final choice to go to bed. [5] There are two bars to show how close Sylvie and you are to climaxing. [6] You are now able to have Sylvie wear the "My shirt + tie" option to bed. However, having her masturbate first will still make her undress before having sex.
Damn that was long. Anyways, that's just what I found, and whether it helps with the translation or not, I hope it helped sate some amount of curiosity. In all honesty, kind of bummed that there weren't any new animations or scenes that I could find, or any significant new clothes (although the new hair clips are cute). I do love how there's a much better menu system for before going to bed with Sylvie and that you can now
choose the outfit she wears before actually going in. The events are the same, I think the foods are the same, you still lose if you lewd her without consent. But I have a feeling that the dev might add some more stuff. :eazyHype:
Edit 1: Completely forgot to add that while minor, it looks like the blood splatters on choices that lead to Sylvie's death are more detailed. As in the blood splatters are very pronounced. Oh yeah, and forgot to tag
@JustHereToTranslate since he's doing the whole translation patch thing.