4.20 star(s) 167 Votes

Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
Lol. The life isn't like porn games. If you think your friend will fuck your daughter, isn't friend at all.
More safety should be leave her with strangers?
Again, LOL.
Perhaps because i do not think that in rl there is a real friend. Till now i never meet a real friend in real life. So surelly if i had a daughter i never let her stay with a male friend. I always try to find a different way. Like some relative, or in any case never with a male friend! How stupid someone need to be to let is daughter with a male friend? Really male?
There is always a better solution to let her live with a male men. I think is also much safe if she live alone. If i have money to give i can surelly buy a palace where she can live. And today there is always a way to controll her.
Like put cameras for the whole house. For example, at my house I have cameras placed at strategic points so as not to be robbed or see the robber. And with a phone you can see who she do or not. Yes, certainly it is not ethical, but to protect someone who cares about ethics? XD So... better to be max protective, that a stupid father that live his daughet with a male friend. I learn that it is better to never trust anyone.


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2016
Perhaps because i do not think that in rl there is a real friend. Till now i never meet a real friend in real life. So surelly if i had a daughter i never let her stay with a male friend. I always try to find a different way. Like some relative, or in any case never with a male friend! How stupid someone need to be to let is daughter with a male friend? Really male?
There is always a better solution to let her live with a male men. I think is also much safe if she live alone. If i have money to give i can surelly buy a palace where she can live. And today there is always a way to controll her.
Like put cameras for the whole house. For example, at my house I have cameras placed at strategic points so as not to be robbed or see the robber. And with a phone you can see who she do or not. Yes, certainly it is not ethical, but to protect someone who cares about ethics? XD So... better to be max protective, that a stupid father that live his daughet with a male friend. I learn that it is better to never trust anyone.
You lost me at control, and then it just got worse


Perhaps because i do not think that in rl there is a real friend. Till now i never meet a real friend in real life. So surelly if i had a daughter i never let her stay with a male friend. I always try to find a different way. Like some relative, or in any case never with a male friend! How stupid someone need to be to let is daughter with a male friend? Really male?
There is always a better solution to let her live with a male men. I think is also much safe if she live alone. If i have money to give i can surelly buy a palace where she can live. And today there is always a way to controll her.
Like put cameras for the whole house. For example, at my house I have cameras placed at strategic points so as not to be robbed or see the robber. And with a phone you can see who she do or not. Yes, certainly it is not ethical, but to protect someone who cares about ethics? XD So... better to be max protective, that a stupid father that live his daughet with a male friend. I learn that it is better to never trust anyone.
We try to be realistic, but you have to not go too far with it.
If we went full realistic, the game would be about the MC going to therapy for his social issues, and masturbating while thinking of Mary. Without ever getting up the courage to talk to her besides some small chit-chat.

Also. I've been contacted by a guy who likes the style my game, but is a MAJOR incest fan. I've given him the contact info for the guys I work with to maybe start a colab between them. From what I understand, they've reached an agreement. Don't know how far along they are. They've only sent me a few test renders of the main girl, to give my opinion on her. But if you're a fan of this, and a fan of incest, you might want to check that out when it releases.
Don't know the name of the project yet, or even if it has one. :)
But when I do, I'll post it here.


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
actually i do see him leaving his daughter with the MC ..they are best friends..went to college together..he knows the MC is an "autistic geek" not social not really interested in anything but work and is probably the safest place to be..little does he know Mary..the lil vixen..will change all that
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Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
We try to be realistic, but you have to not go too far with it.
If we went full realistic, the game would be about the MC going to therapy for his social issues, and masturbating while thinking of Mary. Without ever getting up the courage to talk to her besides some small chit-chat.

Also. I've been contacted by a guy who likes the style my game, but is a MAJOR incest fan. I've given him the contact info for the guys I work with to maybe start a colab between them. From what I understand, they've reached an agreement. Don't know how far along they are. They've only sent me a few test renders of the main girl, to give my opinion on her. But if you're a fan of this, and a fan of incest, you might want to check that out when it releases.
Don't know the name of the project yet, or even if it has one. :)
But when I do, I'll post it here.
lol i do not say who i say because of that XD
I just answer the other guys who say this:

Lol. The life isn't like porn games. If you think your friend will fuck your daughter, isn't friend at all.
More safety should be leave her with strangers?
Again, LOL.
So again, i'm not doing controversy about the story of the game. Every game more or less have a strange plot, where all start and all the little sex thing happen. And i am ok with the plot XD
But you can't say... real life is not a porno game. Bro real like is much worse than a porno game. Or someone here live in a fantasy world where nothing bad happen?
Perhaps I am one of the few who rarely met people who can be considered friends. But until today I have only known people who call you only for their benefit.
But oh well lets change the speech, because we're going off topic.

For now i download the game and try it.
Thanks for all the info.


Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018
just played it, good story and much stuff for 0.2.
maybe it would be more lewd if Mary was his real niece, but it's okay. and i like she don't have big boobs like in other 99% of a-games, no....i love it!
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Apr 3, 2018
Perhaps I am one of the few who rarely met people who can be considered friends. But until today I have only known people who call you only for their benefit.
But oh well lets change the speech, because we're going off topic.

For now i download the game and try it.
Thanks for all the info.
Mi pare di aver capito che sei italiano, quindi ti rispondo in italiano, poi sotto traduco.
Secondo te il gioco non è realistico perché nessuno lascerebbe la propria figlia a casa di un altro maschio?
Posso citarti almeno 5 diversi motivi "ragionevoli" in cui potrebbe succedere;
1) Pigiama party tra amici/amiche, solitamente almeno uno dei genitori è a casa, potrebbe essere il padre quindi..
2) Vacanza, mai stato in vacanza ospite a casa di qualcuno? Succede continuamente
3) Orario tardo, magari i mezzi non passano più a quell'ora, e si ferma a dormire. Anche questo succede sempre
4) Studio. Quante volte i prof davano progetti in coppia? Capita di studiare assieme la sera e fermarsi a dormire.
5) Parenti. Mai dormito a casa di un cugino, uno zio, o simile?

E questi sono solo i primi che mi vengono in mente così su due piedi, ce ne sarebbero molti altri.
Quindi cosa c'è di strano in questo scenario? I genitori stanno divorziando e litigano spesso quindi il clima in casa è teso, la figlia ha cominciato a far storie per andare a stare in città e probabilmente l'hanno vista come una buona occasione per risparmiarle il periodo del divorzio. Entrambi i genitori sembrano fidarsi abbastanza del protagonista e hanno deciso di affidargliela (tra l'altro, pensavano fosse una cosa di 3/4 giorni e sarebbe tornata).

Poi non so che vita tu abbia avuto per dire di non aver mai avuto "amici veri" ma ti assicuro che non sono tutti li per approfittarsene.. poi ovvio, se io ho un amico miliardario che tutti i giorni mi invita sul suo jet per viaggiare mica son scemo a dire di no... Poi oh.. tutti abbiamo preso fregature nel corso della vita, succede, ma se pensassimo tutti come te non esisterebbero più coppie, fidanzamenti, matrimoni ecc.

If i understood right you're Italian, then i'll answer in italian and translate it later.
You think the game is unrealistic because nobody would have his daughter move in with another guy?
I can write at least 5 different "reasonable" ways for it to happen;
1) Slumber party with friends, usually at least one parent stays at home, could be the dad...
2) Holiday. Never stayed at someone's house for an holiday? Happens constantly.
3) Late night, maybe public transport doesn't run anymore at that time, so she sleeps there. Also happens a lot.
4) Study. How many times did professors assign projects in pairs? Studying until late usually ends in sleeping over.
5) Relatives. Ever slept over at an aunt's or cousin's, or whatever's house?

Those are just the first ones coming to mind, there are a lot more.
So what's weird about this game? Parents are divorcing and frequently argue so there's some heavy air at home, the daughter began pestering them about moving to the city and they probably saw it as a good way of sparing her from the divorce talks. Both parents seem to trust MC quite a bit and chose to let her live with him (also, they thought it would've just been for 3/4 days and she would've been back).

Also, i dunno what kind of life you've lived to say you never met "real friends" but i assure you not everybody is waiting to take advantage of you.. of course, if i have a rich friend who invites me over on his jet to travel every day i'm not dumb enough to say no.. Then again.. we've all got our fair share of people we'd like to never have met, it happens, but if everybody were to think like you there would be no couples, engagements, marriages etc.


Super User
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Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Your statement is at odds with where my moral line would be. Hugs and support - fine, sleeping with? seriously dodgy ground and if she needs that support at night do it outside the bedroom, it stops mixed signals. ETA - however, this is only a work of fiction.
Also she is a virgin and has asked to take it slow....so....do you respect her wishes or push her to do stuff she's not comfortable with?
She was the one moving to the MC bedroom, It makes sense in the context of the divorce and her needs of support and companionship.
The MC so far has been a passive subject, letting the girl take the initiative, no problem with that. But then you introduce the nude thing, you don't go around sleeping nude with your friends or kissing them like that.
The MC has some sexual experience while she doesn't, It would be only natural for the MC to take the lead in the relationship now.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
But you can't say... real life is not a porno game. Bro real like is much worse than a porno game. Or someone here live in a fantasy world where nothing bad happen?
Here we are discussing a porno (if you can call it that), whatever you want to call it, it's a piece of fiction. While we all project our values onto it at some level, it's always good to take a step back and remember that it is a work of fiction we are discussing. In the end each of us has to decide how much this fits with our experiences and how much we are willing to give the author licence. For me, there are some leaps, but overall it works ok.

Perhaps I am one of the few who rarely met people who can be considered friends. But until today I have only known people who call you only for their benefit.
It is unfortunate you have not met what you would class as a good friend who is not only their for themselves, but we are a selfish species. Why do you ever call anyone? When you break it down, it is for your benefit, to gain something, to relieve some guilt or worry, to fill an empty 10 minutes. How often do you call someone just to say is there anything I can do for you? And if you did, is it done so you can feel good about yourself?
Me and my other half have friends that we would call close enough that if need be we would take in their kids and they ours (to the limit of each of our abilities). As the MC, with space and means, I have friends who would have no issue asking me to do what the father asked of him and I would not hesitate to agree. I would help the child as best as I could, even treat them similar to one of my own. That is where the similarity would end however.

She was the one moving to the MC bedroom, It makes sense in the context of the divorce and her needs of support and companionship.
As I said above, I recognise this is fiction, but this is one of the things that I am willing to overlook as, to me, it makes no sense. Sure she might come in from time to time, but as the 'experienced' adult (and I know his people skills are shot), he is aware of potential difficulties and should push back....if this were the real world.

The MC so far has been a passive subject, letting the girl take the initiative, no problem with that. But then you introduce the nude thing, you don't go around sleeping nude with your friends* or kissing them like that.
He has been active at not pushing her back. Just my opinion and again if this were real world, both parties should be in the right state of mind to make these decisions, if there is a possibility this divorce and the lack of attention of her father is stirring up these feelings, then MC should explain how he feels but how it needs to be done with clear heads.
Are you mixing up the relationship or was it a typo (*friend's daughter). MC is friends with Mary's father, that is where the real world issue would be, sleeping nude and kissing your friend's daughter. As for kissing, cuddling up and sleeping nude with friends, been there done that and that is literally all that happened and we were both happy with it.

The MC has some sexual experience while she doesn't, It would be only natural for the MC to take the lead in the relationship now.
Granted, the camera and photo thing was his idea, he encouraged her to show herself nude to him, but don't forget that most of his experience, as I understand, was on the back of his friend at college. So it is almost like he is finding his way too, then add to that Mary has also asked for them to take things slow it works.
Like I've said, I see plenty that would clash with my real world reactions, but I'm willing to overlook that as I enjoy the story for the characters and the development of their relationship.
And isn't that the important thing, that we enjoy it?

Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
Mi pare di aver capito che sei italiano, quindi ti rispondo in italiano, poi sotto traduco.
Secondo te il gioco non è realistico perché nessuno lascerebbe la propria figlia a casa di un altro maschio?
Posso citarti almeno 5 diversi motivi "ragionevoli" in cui potrebbe succedere;
1) Pigiama party tra amici/amiche, solitamente almeno uno dei genitori è a casa, potrebbe essere il padre quindi..
2) Vacanza, mai stato in vacanza ospite a casa di qualcuno? Succede continuamente
3) Orario tardo, magari i mezzi non passano più a quell'ora, e si ferma a dormire. Anche questo succede sempre
4) Studio. Quante volte i prof davano progetti in coppia? Capita di studiare assieme la sera e fermarsi a dormire.
5) Parenti. Mai dormito a casa di un cugino, uno zio, o simile?

E questi sono solo i primi che mi vengono in mente così su due piedi, ce ne sarebbero molti altri.
Quindi cosa c'è di strano in questo scenario? I genitori stanno divorziando e litigano spesso quindi il clima in casa è teso, la figlia ha cominciato a far storie per andare a stare in città e probabilmente l'hanno vista come una buona occasione per risparmiarle il periodo del divorzio. Entrambi i genitori sembrano fidarsi abbastanza del protagonista e hanno deciso di affidargliela (tra l'altro, pensavano fosse una cosa di 3/4 giorni e sarebbe tornata).

Poi non so che vita tu abbia avuto per dire di non aver mai avuto "amici veri" ma ti assicuro che non sono tutti li per approfittarsene.. poi ovvio, se io ho un amico miliardario che tutti i giorni mi invita sul suo jet per viaggiare mica son scemo a dire di no... Poi oh.. tutti abbiamo preso fregature nel corso della vita, succede, ma se pensassimo tutti come te non esisterebbero più coppie, fidanzamenti, matrimoni ecc.

If i understood right you're Italian, then i'll answer in italian and translate it later.
You think the game is unrealistic because nobody would have his daughter move in with another guy?
I can write at least 5 different "reasonable" ways for it to happen;
1) Slumber party with friends, usually at least one parent stays at home, could be the dad...
2) Holiday. Never stayed at someone's house for an holiday? Happens constantly.
3) Late night, maybe public transport doesn't run anymore at that time, so she sleeps there. Also happens a lot.
4) Study. How many times did professors assign projects in pairs? Studying until late usually ends in sleeping over.
5) Relatives. Ever slept over at an aunt's or cousin's, or whatever's house?

Those are just the first ones coming to mind, there are a lot more.
So what's weird about this game? Parents are divorcing and frequently argue so there's some heavy air at home, the daughter began pestering them about moving to the city and they probably saw it as a good way of sparing her from the divorce talks. Both parents seem to trust MC quite a bit and chose to let her live with him (also, they thought it would've just been for 3/4 days and she would've been back).

Also, i dunno what kind of life you've lived to say you never met "real friends" but i assure you not everybody is waiting to take advantage of you.. of course, if i have a rich friend who invites me over on his jet to travel every day i'm not dumb enough to say no.. Then again.. we've all got our fair share of people we'd like to never have met, it happens, but if everybody were to think like you there would be no couples, engagements, marriages etc.

This is a bit hard to explain in english. Just explaining it in Italian is one thing, while doing it in English is a whole other thing.
First of all... in me first post i was just joking. Reading the intere plot of the game, i just ask... which father would leave his daughter alone with a friend, for the entire scholastic period? Also because the friend sexually speaking is very active. Now i do not remember the name of the guy who quote me post, but he do not understand that i was just joking. Pretend that the real life is not as a porno game. That you can trust best friend, because in real life a frend never fuck you daughter. So reading that messagge make me laugh. Because i think that guy live in a fantasy world where nothing bad thing happen. Then other guys start to quote other post, thinking that i was speak really. About the game. But me post was just a joke post. Is the other guy that do not understand a thing and pretend that i was to serious because this is only a game.

Damn is really hard to explain to all ppl.
But i never say bad thing on this game. Again... is the other guy that start to quote all me post and say other thing. So i just reply to him. But then other guys start to reply they too thinking that i was serius.
Its just a misunderstanding.
Perhaps if i put this emote ppl start to understand?:tf:

Here we are discussing a porno (if you can call it that), whatever you want to call it, it's a piece of fiction. While we all project our values onto it at some level, it's always good to take a step back and remember that it is a work of fiction we are discussing. In the end each of us has to decide how much this fits with our experiences and how much we are willing to give the author licence. For me, there are some leaps, but overall it works ok.

It is unfortunate you have not met what you would class as a good friend who is not only their for themselves, but we are a selfish species. Why do you ever call anyone? When you break it down, it is for your benefit, to gain something, to relieve some guilt or worry, to fill an empty 10 minutes. How often do you call someone just to say is there anything I can do for you? And if you did, is it done so you can feel good about yourself?
Me and my other half have friends that we would call close enough that if need be we would take in their kids and they ours (to the limit of each of our abilities). As the MC, with space and means, I have friends who would have no issue asking me to do what the father asked of him and I would not hesitate to agree. I would help the child as best as I could, even treat them similar to one of my own. That is where the similarity would end however.
read on.
perhap you too understand all.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
This is a bit hard to explain in english. Just explaining it in Italian is one thing, while doing it in English is a whole other thing.
It's hard enough for native English speakers to convey joking in text. :FeelsBadMan:

Perhaps if i put this emote ppl start to understand?:tf:
It helps, but still not perfect ;)

Important thing is we are all enjoying the game. :heartcoveredeyes:
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Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
It's hard enough for native English speakers to convey joking in text. :FeelsBadMan:

It helps, but still not perfect ;)

Important thing is we are all enjoying the game. :heartcoveredeyes:
Yeah XD
Cant wait to try it. Me download is a bit slow today XD But i think that in the end i try it in an 30 minutes XD


Oldest Dev on F95
Game Developer
Dec 12, 2017
"In all the games that I've played the relationships have been superficial. Either relying on some "magic" gimmick, or blackmail to explain why the relationship exists. What I wanted was a game on which the relationship seemed real. And one in which we focus on one girl, but we really get to know her."

Sort of a refreshing - think I will check this out myself.
Mary is so beautiful, any thought about changing the banner render? The current one really doesn't do her justice.
4.20 star(s) 167 Votes