VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Life with Mary [v1.0.2 Final] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Thats a excellent game. More like a visual novel. The choices don't interfere too much on the plot.
    Characters personalities feels real. Story is simple but good. And the plot development is very acceptable. I like the sex scenes and animated ones too. The dialogs are readable and not boring at all.
    The focus is Mary - as the name of the game says - so don't expect too much romance between other characters.
    I got nothing to complain.

    - GOOD CG
    - Good Plot
    - Likeable dialogs and story
    - Good endings

    - Nothing to complain about it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Entertaining, good plot and I don't regret spending a few hours of my life playing through it. The characters were believable and the ending was satisfactory. All in all I would need look pretty hard to find anything wrong with it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    My opinion about Life with Mary

    - CG is good
    - Story is simple but okay
    - Multiple endings

    - Sex scene animations are too basic and are repeated with different characters
    - No sounds effects or background music
    - Would have liked the option to romance with more characters

    Rating: While "Life with Mary" was boring for me I have to admit that it is a good game for those who enjoy vanilla romance stories. 4 out of 5.
  4. 3.00 star(s)



    The writing is fine, the graphics are fine, the pacing is fine, the models are fine, the story is fine, it's all fine but that's the issue, it's vanilla, it's standard, it's ok, it's average, it's run-of-the-mill, it's... fine.
    There really isn't too much you can say that's really an actual negative or positive.
    For me personally it was a bit boring and missing an edge to it to really grab my attention.

    One side note and it's just a minor gripe... is Mary herself. She's supposed to be like 18 and in school but looks like she's about 30. This won't bother everyone but it did me.

    Anyway it's not a bad game at all but it is massively overrated.

    Play it, don't play it, it doesn't matter, either way it's... fine.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I Honestly dont know whats with all the Negative reviews lately.

    Sure this is all subjective because people like different things, but when you write a Review, at least try and be fair. Btw this also counts for the "5 Star WHOOP BEST GAME EVER" guys too.

    This is not the best VN game you will ever Play, but it is a solid, good Romance Game.
    Sure not all of the Characters in this game are "perfect" for that matter. Mary seems to be anxious about a lot, and asks for reasurance from the MC on serveral Occations. But she is supposed to be a young Girl around 18 and he (the MC) roughly 20 Years older, so more life expierence and all. Also at the beginning thats both new to them, so doing stupid shit, is normal?!

    Anyway, the Story is overall good, not the best there is, but WAY better than 90% of the Games i've Played of this kind. I personally also really like the Girls in this game, they seem to be "normal" but beatiul none the less, as well as the MC who does have a probably above average Sized Dick. But not the usual Horse sized Dick, and literally every Girl who you have Sex with only talks about how great your big fat Cock feels inside of her (Just a sidenote, this is sooo far away from Reality that it really throws me off in a lot of Games, i literally only had 2 Girlsfriends in my whole life who were not afraid of my well above Average sized Dick. For all the others it was basically "Oh shit, be carefull please, nono dont go too deep that hurts too and so on).

    And then this Game as an actual Ending, or rather a few for that matter. Depending on a few choices you made throughout the Game. Yea the Ending might feel a bit rushed, but its ok none the less.

    The Animations might not be Top notch, i admit that, but they are still ok.

    If you are looking for a Solid Romance VN, with some choices to make. Then you will have a good time Playing this game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Good story but extremely linear with few choices, the characters are nice, their psychology is well written, but sex scene aren't great, I still don't know if it's the characters that aren't good at sex or the author, but when his girlfriend isn't wet enough for penetration, the protagonist won't try some foreplay and prefer to hurt her.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This must be one of the very over rated games, don't get me wrong, I liked the story and renders are beautiful but there is very very less of game play. With this story and these renders plenty of situations and game play could have created, with different places and situations. I think its a complete missed opportunity to create something worth much more.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good VN. I originally didn't like Mary's look but, she grew on me as the story advanced. Story wise, a pretty basic VN, (older man falls for younger lady). But hey, NO INCEST! So that's a plus for me. All the renders are well done, even the MC, which is a nice change. Not a ton of choices to be made, and it's pretty easy stuff, don't be a jerk or a creep. I enjoy that from time to time, no need for a walkthrough here. The MC comes across as a little bit of a sociopath, but they do address that at one point in the story. Over all, a very good VN. Long, but I was never bored. Just don't play a drinking game where you have to take a shot every time the MC says "it's fine". You'll be dead long before you can finish the story.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a bit overrated imo.
    The story is the only thing that worth maybe 4+ stars...
    There is very few animations and they are very basic.
    The models and the sex scenes are meh...
    Background scenarios/scenes are OK.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Really like this game. Girls have character and personality. Cool sex scenes, bad and good ending. A sex option with a mother and teacher would be nice. And a little more consequences, for example, Simone's pregnancy.;)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    For me this was a good game with likeable characters and a good romantic storyline.
    So I recommend it for you if you like the "romcom" style of storys.

    Tested: v1.0

    renders quality
    some good animations
    well - but a litle bit rushed - ending(s)
    good amount of gameplay
    Storyline (if you like romance)

    no music/sound
    the ending is a little bit rushed
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    [VN] [Ren'Py] [Completed] Life with Mary [v1.0.2 Final] [LikesBlondes]

    That start was weird lol but as the story started to grow it become interesting and that could have had great ending(s) until maybe mid or late part when it kinda lost it's way or the dev had no more ideas and just wanted to finish the story as soon as possible, yes it felt rushed. I can't say i did not enjoy this EGame, i did but tbh i expected more and i did not feel much about any of the characters as a whole (Vanessa, the dance teacher visually looks the best btw) also the choices in the game made no sense sometimes and at other time felt like it did not matter what you chose in the long run.

    - Story 3/5
    - Gameplay & Choices 2.5/5
    - Characters 2.5/5
    - Visuals & Art 3.5/5
    - Sex & Erotic scenes 3/5

    Overall rating 2.9/5 [3 star, Above Average EGame]

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  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Wicked Garden

    I literally just finished the whole game and there are SEVERAL endings to choose from but I went it only two paths. First off I wanna give the Devs credit for coming up with a decent ending, it was far from perfect.. a bit rushed but I've seen sooo many crappy endings on this site so it's always nice to see a more thought out ending put together ever now and then.

    The Story: It had it's cons but overall I liked it, it kept me engaged at least. It had a lot of holes I felt but my biggest gripe was the Andi character she was useless. Her character was so attractive yet she was wasted I felt. The Dad was horrible and basically disappeared also.

    I felt a bit trapped in this game, Mary basically guilted him into marrying her which didn't sit well with me. Also the MC life seemingly revolved around Mary hence the title, I guess that's the point.

    Renders: Were great for the most part the Simone character is beautiful as is Andi as I mentioned before.

    I'm content with this game ultimately and I would definitely pass this on to others.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    As much as i'd like to this a 5/5 it's more like 3.5 than 4.
    So as of the final version these are my thoughts about this game.
    • Nice story.Very well paced.
    • Good renders,the characters were detailed,the enviroment was filled with high quality assets.
    • Quite big if you arent a Ctrl-Speedrunner.
    • The animations were ok.
    • The variety of poses,facial expressions werent repeating to an annoying point.
    • The romance-vibe of the game was supreme.
    • Multiple endings,idk how many total only went for the Mary one.
    Now about the not so good parts which unfortunately are alot:
    • Pretty straightforward story.No really branching paths or anything.
    • No sounds/BGM.
    • Animations could be better.
    • Some things said in the story arent concluded.
    • Last part seemed very very rushed.
    All in all the conclusion left me with a bitter taste like GoT.It could have easily been stretched out abit more (not in a bad way).And the last part seemed that it was just rushed,pity for such a nice story tbh.I really enjoyed this game and i'm looking forward for their next project.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    the game offers romance between a girl and a few-words-middle-aged-dude.
    its hard to feel for the Mc, he seems stupid from time to time, since he doesnt talk much. the game is also your typical harem settings, the dude can get more ladies and its up to you to chose that. no other dudes seems to be in the way for that, so you have it easy, a ladies man without any need to work for it.
    the ending is rushed, depending on a few choices u get a few ending. immediately after played i just deleted the game, not even trying to replay to get other routes. i play Mc+Mary only, as that for me is the main route for this game but i dont feel any romance, so mission failed. renders are ok, animations ok, story uninteresting.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best-characterized games on the site. The budding romance is actually believable, the wrinkles that pop up convincing, and the character models largely unique. Definitely looking forward to anything else the author comes out with in the future!
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Over all this has been a good VN. The choices made sense and lent credibility to the story. The renders are well done. The characters were built really well, and the uniqueness of them are based on the decisions of the player which made each path fun . That is until the end.
    The endings felt really rushed, and just thrown together. Did they fit the story? Yes, yes they did, But, it felt like the endings was just not as well planned out as the rest of the story line.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my review about the game Life with Mary, developed by LikesBlondes at its final version

    The graphics are good with nice and realistic art design. There some animations at the sex scenes.

    The gameplay is simple and based on decisions you have to make to progress the story and you can choose some paths that define what ending you want.

    This game is story focused, so the main focus of my review is here. This script is well structured, the narrative is good and the dialogues are natural with realistic tone and it’s rare when we talk about erotic games. The pace was good at the major part of this game, this script is funny in some parts, a bit of drama in other (the divorce of Mary’s parents and how Mary deals with the situation) and the dynamic of the couple is really good. But, there are some flaws that maybe they can disappoint you: First, the endings are rushed, so much building up for just few line of dialogues without any detail and several Ellipses to advance the time too fast until the end screen with no impact and the last, some ideas are not explored(three-way relationship) and others almost abandoned(BDSM fetish) and no using the full potential this script has, it’s like a solid structure to construct a fancy house, but you construct a simple one. Good script, but it has a very weak ending.

    There are a good amount of sex scenes. Some are arousing and a one is funny, it's about early ejaculation. They are in the game just to spice the story and not for fast fapping because like I said before this game has its focus on the plot.

    A game that starts very well, but it ends very weakly
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on completed game, this game gets 4-star. It honestly felt more like 3.75-star but close enough to a 4-star so I'd go for that.

    The game started off promising, and it managed to maintain good quality for most of the game. But unfortunately, the weakness of the game is too big. It's a visual novel which is story heavy, but story is exactly the weakness as the story just felt completely flat.

    There's no highs or lows throughout the game, just consistent flat level that dipped lower near the end. I think the disappointing thing is that the game had chances to insert those highs and lows, but I'm sure the dev decided consistency is the way to go for them.

    If you just want a feel-good flat story, this is a great game for you. But I want something that would get me hooked into the story, something that I would want to invest my time because I want to know what'd happen next. This never really happened in the game at all.

    This is a game that started off at 4.25-star, then hovered around 4-star for most of the game, but quickly dipped into 2.5 to 3-star territory near the end of the game. Still, it's an above average game that leans more towards good than average.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    When I saw that this game was animated, I downloaded it and this is what I found:
    - No animations
    - The story is a little bit boring
    - The places and charactersare the same as other well-known games (our fate, Milfy city...)
    Afetr downloading and playing it fior 20 minutes, I gave up and deleted it.