
Dec 23, 2020
Is there an NPC-NPC version of the code "<Actor.Relationship>" or "<Actor.callplayer>"? I'm creating a scene that involves two related NPC's and I want to have a code like this to make the scene more flexible. The documents folder claims that these codes are for Player-NPC relationships so I don't know if they'll work for NPC-NPC.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
Is there an NPC-NPC version of the code "<Actor.Relationship>" or "<Actor.callplayer>"? I'm creating a scene that involves two related NPC's and I want to have a code like this to make the scene more flexible. The documents folder claims that these codes are for Player-NPC relationships so I don't know if they'll work for NPC-NPC.
Actor = getRelatedPeople(Siblings)

"<> is <Actor0.brother_or_sister> to <>"
"<> is <Actor1.brother_or_sister> to <>"

Actor = getRelatedPeople(ParentChild)

"<> is <Actor0.father_or_mother> to <>"
"<> is <Actor1.son_or_daughter> to <>"

Actor = getRelatedPeople(ParentSibling)

"<> is <Actor0.Uncle_or_Aunt> to <>"
"<> is <Actor1.nephew_or_niece> to <>"


        If Actor:age > [Actor2:age + 18]
            If Actor.isMale()
                rela = "Father"
                rela = "Mother"
            If Actor2.isMale()
                rela2 = "Son"
                rela2 = "Daughter"
        Elseif Actor2:age > [Actor:age + 18]
            If Actor2.isMale()
                rela2 = "Father"
                rela2 = "Mother"
            If Actor.isMale()
                rela = "Son"
                rela = "Daughter"
            If Actor.isMale()
                rela = "Brother"
                rela = "Sister"
            If Actor2.isMale()
                rela2 = "Brother"
                rela2 = "Sister"
        "<> is <rela> to <>"
        "<> is <rela2> to <>"
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Mar 14, 2018
I haven't played the game since forever... Now I'm starting a new save and I spent like one hour going from one store to the other looking for decent clothes... Wasn't there a way to at least change the colors of the clothes? Is there a mod with more/better clothes? Some saved outfit sets you can upload? A pink suit jacket with yellow pants kinds of break the immersion for me...
If you turn on the "allow home dye" option in the settings menu then you can change the color of clothing
Is still spend about an hour just looking for clothes because of the stats I want for them though :rolleyes:
A mod that could edit those stats would be helpful, but I'm not sure there is one
Also you don't have to move from shop to shop, each time you select the "buy apparel" all the clothes and stats are randomized
So you can just click that over and over without loosing any time in game


Dec 23, 2020
So I've been wanting to write a series of scenes that involve a villain character and I've been thinking about how to do this effectively. I was thinking about using a setActorVar() code to tag specific characters that may qualify as a "villain". I wanted to do it this way (not sure if it'd work) because I wanted to have the story progress and the scenes could either get more explicit, advanced, etc as the "villain" progresses. I thought that if I used a setActorVar() code I could use modifyActorVar to have the scenes repeat until it would unlock a new stage in the villain's progress. If I did it this way, could I use the ActorVar in the scene trigger conditions so I wouldn't have random people plugged into the scene's villain's spot? So If I tagged an actor with Actor.setActorVar(Villain, 1) could I then use the getSpecific() command to trigger a completely different scene?


What: all
Where: home
When: 0-24
Who: Actor = getSpecific(Villian)

Would this work in bringing this villain character to the scene?


Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
So I've been wanting to write a series of scenes that involve a villain character and I've been thinking about how to do this effectively. I was thinking about using a setActorVar() code to tag specific characters that may qualify as a "villain". I wanted to do it this way (not sure if it'd work) because I wanted to have the story progress and the scenes could either get more explicit, advanced, etc as the "villain" progresses. I thought that if I used a setActorVar() code I could use modifyActorVar to have the scenes repeat until it would unlock a new stage in the villain's progress. If I did it this way, could I use the ActorVar in the scene trigger conditions so I wouldn't have random people plugged into the scene's villain's spot? So If I tagged an actor with Actor.setActorVar(Villain, 1) could I then use the getSpecific() command to trigger a completely different scene?


What: all
Where: home
When: 0-24
Who: Actor = getSpecific(Villian)

Would this work in bringing this villain character to the scene?
Actor.setActorVar(tag_Villain, 1)//bad guy

Actor.setActorVar(tag_Villain, 2)//Evil Villain

Actor.setActorVar(tag_Villain, 3)//the Devil himself

Actor = getPerson(tag_Villain)

stage = Actor.getActorVar(tag_Villian)

If stage < 2 //bad guy stuff

Elseif stage < 3 //Villainy

Elseif stage < 4 //Look for soul in Georgia

Else //the Apocalypse



What: all
Where: home
When: 0-24
Who: Actor = getPerson(tag_Villain)

stage = Actor.getActorVar(tag_Villian)
If stage == 2
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May 12, 2019
I've been playing this game, off and on, for a while now. I like the concept very much. But, at times, the game gets frustrating and I stop playing for a few months and then pick it back up when I see something on the changelog. I've always not really liked how the penis doesn't fit into the woman's vagina or ass correctly. But, I guess that will happen with just about all games like this one with there being all different sized characters. Another thing I'm disliking is the fact that when you are having sex with a female, that when she has an orgasm that the game will come back and tell me that I can't go above 1.0 because the woman's vagina is dry. What the hell???? After a female has had an orgasm, her vagina is far from dry. It is flooded with juices, making it sloppy wet. The only time you should be prevented from going above 1.0 is in the beginning. Which brings me to another point about the sex, it takes too long to get the characters to an orgasm, even with boosted speeds. Maybe add in an option to not only increase the speed of the fucking, but also increase the speed of the game, like it can be done on the main map area.

Now here are some suggestions that I thought might help things or make things easier with game functions.
1. Before going into a sex scene (or at the start of one) allow the character to take or give birth control pills, fertility pills, aphrodisiacs and other things of the sort. Most of the time scenes pop up right quick and you don't have the time to take them or to give them to someone else.
2. I don't know if there are any mods out there that does this, as there are a lot of them, but, to have the ability to setup how random characters are generated. Like be able to setup all the different stats in either a full randomness, a range to generate or a specific number (like 100% or 0% or whatever). I really dislike having to go into my contacts after I've met someone new and rearrange their stats to a more liking range of numbers.
3. Are all the housing the same size, just with different layouts of furniture? Maybe have different sized rooms and even full fledge houses and mansions. (Not sure if they are available, as I've only been able to find one room "apartments" available.)
4. I don't know if it is supposed to work or not, but in the map area, if I click on an icon for a search and not put in text to search for, it doesn't (at least when I clicked on frat/sorority) just have that particular icon stand out on the map. Now I'm currently using the LA map, so not the basic one. It could be that those were not added in on that particular map, not sure, but I do believe that LA should have those types of buildings located on the map.


Feb 24, 2020
There's only fantasy, and even that is very limited. Right now, the game is mostly a barebone platform to make script mods out of it. I doubt there can be a 'furry' mod, though, because to make it, you'll need new player models, and the only part of the game open to modding is the scripting one.
no interest in it but pretty sure Furry would just be new clothing. obviously any such scenes would need a forced change in case you aren't walking around as a giant pink teddy bear. would best be handled as a mod though both to implement scenes and so people like me could have it turned off.


Jul 8, 2021
didn't some one make and android a short while ago, meaning some character modding is possible.
It might just be a reskinning in some way


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
Is it possible to TF someone else of just yourself?
If you mean TFing someone quest-like (giving them items, or magic, that kind of thing) then no.

If you mean simply changing an NPC into something more to your test, then yes, just open the contact list, select your NPC and change everything with the options (you have sliders on the right, and top-left are the options to change sex, race, etc).
I guess a modder could write some scene/quests that trigger those changes.

didn't some one make and android a short while ago, meaning some character modding is possible.
It might just be a reskinning in some way
A furry would require reshaping the base model, it'd be easier to make a furry skin as clothes, as mentioned above.
The android is just a reskin, meaning it's still human in shape.

At best, you can do some fur-like skins, and reshape (using sliders) features. I think something close to an animalistic face (including muzzle for example) could be achieved, but there are no tails, and other body parts would still look humanish


Jul 3, 2018
This time I have only a single scene.
I have reworked the whole Player_gives_birth scene to expand it.
There are now more possibilities.
1.) More variation in character generation. (based on the Player and/or Actor)
2.) It comes with a bit of Incest content if the Player and the Actor are relatives. (ExRelative is not included)
3.) There is a 50% chance to give birth to animals... if the Actor is a Horse or a Dog.
4.) At last the player can give birth to up to five children.

Feel free to add or change anything in it, if you want to do so. :)
Hopefully, you will like it. (Please let me know if you found bugs or errors in it)
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Sep 22, 2017

Has anyone idea how to generate already pregnant characters (impregnated x days before when generated) without sb_BetterPregnancy mod (aka in normal vin_pregnancy's module limit) and where the pregnancy morphs (like the bigger belly and breasts) is aplied too? This tips is needed to new hospital events, like PC meets pregnant NPCs, etc.
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Aug 8, 2017

Has anyone idea how to generate already pregnant characters (impregnated x days before when generated) without sb_BetterPregnancy mod (aka in normal vin_pregnancy's module limit) and where the pregnancy morphs (like the bigger belly and breasts) is aplied too? This tips is needed to new hospital events, like PC meets pregnant NPCs, etc.
You can apply the morph (example from vin_Pregnancy/Scenes/prenatal_attend.lpscene):
Actor3.setMorphValue(Genesis8Female__PBMPregnant, 0.5)
However, the only way to make a pregnant NPC is to impregnate them immediately after generating them.
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Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
You can apply the morph (example from vin_Pregnancy/Scenes/prenatal_attend.lpscene):
Actor3.setMorphValue(Genesis8Female__PBMPregnant, 0.5)
However, the only way to make a pregnant NPC is to impregnate them immediately after generating them.
Thank you for this little piece of code. " Actor3.setMorphValue(Genesis8Female__PBMPregnant, 0.5) "

With this I have added Cumflation to my mod.
Cumflation: The act of injecting ludicrous quantities of spooge (usually greatly exceeding the volume of one's own body) into a receptive sexual partner, causing their entire body to swell up like a balloon.

New stuff
Extra Maid scenes{I felt like my 'maid mod' felt pointless when your playing as a female character. So I added some new scenes}[Note only works if playing a female character & not at home.]
Maid_caught_Someone_masturbating {Family, roommate, or spouse playing with themselves? maybe the maid will join.}
Maid_naked_around_Someone {Family, roommate, or spouse 'notice' someone naked in your house}
Someone_felt_up_by_Maid {maid might fuck Family, roommate, or spouse as they sleep.}

Added Cumflation to:
Cumflation0.png Cumflation1.png
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Apr 9, 2020
im still waiting for TF scenario updates. like WORK related. being HIT on with some personal response from my oc. anyway another great update from this awesome game.
3.30 star(s) 117 Votes