
Jul 4, 2019
    Actor.loadPreset(Kira) // Load copy of Kira
    Actor.blendPreset(Kira) // Bodybuilder & Kira mix

Actor = generatePerson(Kira) // Create a Kira and add to world.
Actor = generatePersonTemporary(Kira) // Create a Temporary Kira for scene
Thank you !
That is a much needed info for me.
Now it works and I'm motivated again. I'm sorry if I was too frustrated in my post after so many try and error. More error :)


Sep 22, 2017
I can i midification her ?
The Innocent Lost quest as described raise someone's perversion level to yours (you choose the NPC from your contact list, so the NPC must be known/contact exchanged). From that: if your perversion is lower than the NPC's level the quest cannot start/continue or marked as completed. Also it will help a lot if the PC and the choosen NPC are interested in eachother. (Btw the quest can be finishing about in 2-5 mins, the result is only that choosen npc get equal perversion level, nothing more)
(Oh, and innocence doesn't mean virginity here, nothing to be need editing on chars)
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Sep 22, 2017
Can anyone help with the character tags in the contact menu? Is there a list somewhere to look all them up? Id like to add tags/traits to characters mid game :)
You can add any tag at any time, you just type in the label at the character panel. Separate with ','.
The base game use only a few tag like 'Pregnant', 'Married', etc. Mods will use more, and more specific.
If you plan to use 'tagging' in scenes you should read about it in under the docs folder and there in the setActorVar.txt and the getPerson.txt
Sadly can't filtered tags in the GUI with buttons like 'Lovers', or 'Criminals', only predefined filters can apply in this way. For searching and filtering by tag type the piece of tag under the filter label box. (In scenes it's working with this comand and format: selectNPC(tagname) )
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May 9, 2017
You can add any tag at any time, you just type in the label at the character panel. Separate with ','.
The base game use only a few tag like 'Pregnant', 'Married', etc. Mods will use more, and more specific.
If you plan to use 'tagging' in scenes you should read about it in under the docs folder and there in the setActorVar.txt and the getPerson.txt
Sadly can't filtered tags in the GUI with buttons like 'Lovers', or 'Criminals', only predefined filters can apply in this way. For searching and filtering by tag type the piece of tag under the filter label box. (In scenes it's working with this comand and format: selectNPC(tagname) )
Bully, Bitch, Slutty, Sleazy, Perverted, Kinky, Creepy, Aggressive, Dominant, Whore, sharedFamily, sharedBoss, sharedAll, Bondagewear, Submissive, Horny, Nymphomaniac, Evil, Relative, SOFriend, Lover, Pregnant, Married, Ex, these are some of the tags that work for me, type in where it says tags at the bottom of the npcs charactor creation its a long white box that says tags, must be written in like you see them, with a comma and spaced, and capitalized as you see them here, and any more than two or three and they dont seem to work as well one or two seem to work the best.


New Member
Oct 14, 2020
Bully, Bitch, Slutty, Sleazy, Perverted, Kinky, Creepy, Aggressive, Dominant, Whore, sharedFamily, sharedBoss, sharedAll, Bondagewear, Submissive, Horny, Nymphomaniac, Evil, Relative, SOFriend, Lover, Pregnant, Married, Ex, these are some of the tags that work for me, type in where it says tags at the bottom of the npcs charactor creation its a long white box that says tags, must be written in like you see them, with a comma and spaced, and capitalized as you see them here, and any more than two or three and they dont seem to work as well one or two seem to work the best.
You are the MVP my friend :)
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New Member
Apr 21, 2019
When i enter the game everything is everything is white like textures are missing, i click new game and its a black screen all the time i only see the texts


Jul 4, 2019
In the game I rent a nightclub, in the last game before it was a hotel.
But the employees are always naked. Ok they have shoes.
Any idea, where I can change this ?
I did not find the scene, that defines, who is working there at which time and which outfit they have.
It would be nice to have a deeper look into this.
So if you have a hint for me, I would be happy.


Jul 4, 2019
Is this wrong ?
In the code of "pervert.lpai" in the AI directory is this first line:
Type == "brothel"
I think "==" is only used to compare in a "If" or something but to set a variable it should only be one "=".


Jul 8, 2021
the clothing or lack there of has been an issues for a long time, it would be neat if there was an option to set a uniform for your workers


Jul 4, 2019
pervert.lpai files are not buggy, the codes are perfect.

What did you do just before it happen?
Put your mouse over "EMERGENCY" to tell us the name of the scene you have problem with!

Or, try " " to see if you have the same problem. If you don't have problem with that unofficial version, I think I know what's causing this...
It was only a question, for me it seems wrong to have a double = to set a variable. Please explain it to me, why this is correct.

And do I have to switch the originally base mode of with the remake ?
Thanks for the link, it loos promising.


Jul 4, 2019
My char can't rent a room now with your mod. I have 3000+ money, the room is 1000-1400 and he thinks he can't afford it.


New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Is there any way to make a more trap like male character preset? Or any mods that help me do so? Been having difficulties especially with the body creation and hairstyles


Jul 8, 2021
googling trap person is remarkably work safe

could you make a female and add a penis then toy with the rest of the body using the normal tools

edit: hmm well that just makes a shemale / reverse trap, but maybe it fits your roleplay


Jul 4, 2019
Someone had the same problem, because he didn't read this:
In short, you have some duplicated mods inside your installation.

So, only these mods from me can be installed, all shops are included and few others.
  • rk_God_Mod
  • rk_My_Neighbors
  • Weed-Business

Also, the Remake is more restrictive, so basically with 3000$ it's not enough to rent an apartment (rented for 1 year at xx/month), you need a job.
But a room at hotel, you can.
Maybe I didn't turn off one of the mods that where delivered with the game and should have done.
Beside your deliverd mods, and I moved all out of the game folder with the same names, are only 3 left:
vin_VanillaPorn, vin_VanillaRealistic and vin_Watersports.
Should I deactivate them ? All others are from zip I downloaded from your link. And I think watersports is supported because of the stat "likes watersports" that is not in the vanilla base mod.

For myself I want to play freelancer that don't have a regular job like working in an office. So I do not have a salary>0 but do other jobs that give good money and have always enough money for the rent. I think I can fix this part for myself and enjoy the rest you did for us :cool:


Aug 12, 2020
What are the mods you people would consider to be "must have" for Life Play? Judging from some of the descriptions it seems that quite a few of the mods are no longer relevant or haven't been updated in a while.
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