
Jul 3, 2018
Vima's Pregnancy Mod (VPM) V-2.05

UPDATE: 28.03.2022

REQUIREMENTS: LifePlay V-4.28+


-> player_gives_birth scene:

- Up to five offspring can be carried.
- Sexual intercourse with creatures (offspring can be player based race or creatures).
- In addition to dogs and horses, tentacles can now be born.
- More variation in the generation of offspring with the exception of creatures. (Creatures have limited possibilities and were never meant to be born by the player until now).
- Incest part (ex-relatives are treated as relatives).
- Offsprings which are the product from creature or incest sex have now an impact on fitness -10, attractiveness -10 and fertility -2.
- There is a karma -5 impact on the player for every incest and creature sex based offspring. (For incest: As long as the player has not completed the legalisation quest.)
- The scene will now check the fertility from the sperm donator too, to give the multi birth a better chance.
- Also it comes with more text and you can meet up to three nurses (Don't worry they are all temporary, so you will NEVER meet one of them outside of the scene.)
- In this scene there is the option of dismissing the nurses so that they and their parts of the story will never appear again. (Don't worry in the case of misclicking there is the possiblity to reset them.)
- Three character presets for the three nurses. (Of course, you can use them in your game if you like them.)

-> VPM_Settings action:

- Leads to the settings scene. (You can find the action under the PC tab (The red tab))
- In the case of getting pregnant by a creature... you can set to what kind of child do you want to give birth to. (Standart is Mixed - It is random if the child will be your race or a creature, but you can set it to creatures only or to your own kind of race if you want)
- If you don't like my negative impacts for the creature and incest based offspring in the giving birth scene then you can toggle them off/on (Standard is ON)
- In case you clicked the wrong way in the birth scene and wants to reset the nurses, you can do it.

The Mod can be found here: Vima's Pregnancy Mod (VPM)

Please report bugs or if you find missing or strange things.
I wish you much fun with it. ;)
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Oct 30, 2019
Having some issues. Ran this game some months before, saves dont work. Thats fine i know why. My problem is that although i was able to run the game before (yesterday), rn shit is glitched. Everything is kinda fucked but im gonna specify cus i think that is more helpful. I cannot access that pullup menu for stats, and all my stats (appear to be) are automatically 0. The tutorial is now stuck like outside of the box you are placed in and it wont start (aka its glitched). Idk why this is happening, Im thinking maybe my old saves are interfering with my new data?

In any case, i would like to know where save data is stored cus I cant find it in App Data and I want to get a completely fresh download. Thank you in advance.

Never mind lol
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Mar 8, 2018
It is currently a bug you will just have to deal with it until its fixed.
Damn, i was hoping not to hear that.. it's an awesome game but the dev is not the best when it comes to bug fixes tbh
anyway, thanks for responding bro.. i love your mod btw <3
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creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

Windows (64-bit):
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Windows (32-bit):
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Update Only: (requires v4.0 Stable or later)
Windows (64-bit):
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Windows (32-bit):
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Change Log:
- This is a Kink of the Month update focusing on At Work. This is also the final v4.x update, as we move on into the 6-update v5.0 overhaul in April and May.
- A colleague calls in pretending to be sick. You are asked to go retrieve some important documents from their home. You find them too busy having sex at home instead you can either snitch or stay quiet and have some fun yourself.
- If you're banging your secretary and your boss is interested as well, they might ask to have a go themselves. You can refuse for a jobperformance hit or accept for a bonus. Be careful if you accept too many times though as your secretary may end up getting promoted to be an even higher position than you and you'll need to find another secretary to play with.
- If your jobexperience is at least 50, your boss might occasionally ask you to interview potential new junior hires, who might try to bribe you with money, their number, their body or their SO's body to get hired
- If the Netori module is enabled and you're banging one of your subordinates, you may find out they're having a date with a new bf/ gf after work. If you let them be, their new relationship is unharmed. You can assert your dominance instead by convincing them to bang you before the date and either cuck the unknowing new bf / gf or actually send the video to this new bf / gf, which may result in either a breakup or a new willing cuck depending on the bf/ gf's masochist.
- When you bully a subordinate (by clicking on them and selecting that option), there's a chance that their significant other sees you outside of the office one day and decides to confront you. You can then seduce this SO of theirs instead.
- If the Netorare module is enabled, you get a pleasant surprise of a big promotion one day, only to come home and see your boss banging your SO, who has taken upon themselves to help out your career. If you put a stop to it, your boss may fire you in the next performance review. If you let the arrangement continue, you'll find your boss coming over your place periodically to bang your SO but your job performance will always be seen as perfect and you may get another promotion before long. Be careful and make sure you keep your SO's attraction to you high though, as your SO may skip the middle man one day and leave you for your boss otherwise.
- After you've done it with the boss's spouse or adult child once via the office errand scene, they may want more and call you to come over when your boss is out periodically. Threesome is possible for you've banged both. Eventually, they can become enamored and want to be your bf / gf. With dating your boss's child, depending on the boss's existing rapport with you, they may threaten to fire you unless you leave their child alone, or actually be cool and give you a promotion for being their future son/daughter-in-law. With stealing your boss's spouse, you can either take the high road and accept getting sacked for it or plot with the spouse to get your boss fired due to false allegation of domestic violence and get a nice promotion to boot. You can also ask for a share of the divorce money.


Nov 5, 2017
Any spoiler on what 5.0 might be? Each major update has been huge in term of improvements so far, can't wait for this one.
Jan 7, 2022
Anyone pls clarify. I always only use “update only” to upgrade the game to latest versions every month.

Now I have v4.27 installed. I didn’t download v4.28 (tentacles) update and downloaded “update only” for v4.29(group).

Now will this v4.29 “update only” also contain tentacles update in it too or do I have to download it separately?
No matter how much I try, I can’t seem to trigger tentacles events!


Dec 10, 2020
Anyone pls clarify. I always only use “update only” to upgrade the game to latest versions every month.

Now I have v4.27 installed. I didn’t download v4.28 (tentacles) update and downloaded “update only” for v4.29(group).

Now will this v4.29 “update only” also contain tentacles update in it too or do I have to download it separately?
No matter how much I try, I can’t seem to trigger tentacles events!
I always use update only and the tentacles are there .. firm.. slimy etc and all into my character.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
You need to be more specific.
Every character can be edited as you wish.
so you know that every time you add npc number to your phone. you are able to change there status and there looks like cooking, fighting and all sex likes or dislike depends. is there way to have your wife or girlfriend cheat on you.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
so you know that every time you add npc number to your phone. you are able to change there status and there looks like cooking, fighting and all sex likes or dislike depends. is there way to have your wife or girlfriend cheat on you.
Ah, you're looking for a NTR stat. There's none.

You need -usually- high masochism, and your wife/gf needs very low masochism (negative) to make it somewhat dommy, or at least to decide without asking.
Also, high perversion (so they're not prude and considers dating others), and I think they need low attraction/rapport.

Overall, Perversion and masochism (both on your character and NPCs) play a big role in scenes, often deciding if they dare to do X thing, and if care if you care.
Note perversion tends to trigger everything, so if you're not into bestialism, polyamory, or other stuff, you better disable them.
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