How do you start a scene with multiple actors who share a charactaristic, but ensure that a unique person is taken each time.
For example, I can do:
WHO: Actor = getSpecific(Impregnated)
OTHER: none
Actor2 = getSpecific(Impregnated)
If Actor2.isValid() && Actor2.isPregnant()
but the result is the only one person is brought in and are set as both Actor and Actor2
To better understand 'get' commands:
If you run a 'get' command on npcs a pool/list created in background with that persons id named Actor0, Actor1, Actor2, Actor3,... So the command always pick from this list the first applicable, while you're clearing out with 'cleargetlist' command.
Then you doesn't need use 'getspecific' again just render alias to this list:
MainActor = Actor0
SecondActor = Actor1
If MainActor.isValid() & SecondActor.isValid()
Other way is using the 'other' headline:
OTHER: Actor0.isValid() & Actor1.isValid()
or stay in the WHO line:
WHO: Actor = getSpecific(Impregnated); If Actor0.isValid() & Actor1.isValid()
In this case if this condition isn't meet the requirement (need at least 2 impregnated npc in the game) the scene will not be run (you can't debug with textlines)
Also a note on the getSpecific(Impregnated) command:
If npc is impregnated (recently) then it doesn't mean she is pregnant! Not until the NPC_discovers_pregnancy.lpscene (or the neutral version) run on them what adds the 'Pregnant' tag to the npc. So there is another aproach if you use getPerson(Pregnant) command instead.