Neko-Chan Pacifica

Active Member
Jul 6, 2021
The volunteers with Game Compressor badges have a history of trustworthiness in the eyes of the F95 staff. But yes, you should be wary of anything you download from total strangers on a site such as F95. Again, it goes back to the word TRUST which is being repeated and drilled into people's heads because when it comes to getting their rocks off, people don't usually think to clearly in order to get the nut. Same with downloading games from links not found in OP, but posted by some random person in the thread. Etc, etc, etc.

Use common sense, know the risks, and remember - when you download something from someone, you're also downloading from everyone they've downloaded from. :ROFLMAO:
View attachment 2844731
It might be a losing battle, but it's worth repeating because while a lot of people will just ignore the warning about saves, some will listen and it could save them heaps of trouble. I only ever use my own saves. If I make a mistake or something and I loose my saves, it's not so much of a big deal to start the game from the beginning again. There was a reason I downloaded the game in the first place and kept it, if it was something i didn't like it would have been deleted so no loss at all.

I guess people want some kind of instant gratification which I don't understand. There are adult sites out that cater to their kind of thing, maybe it's just me, I play these games for the stories, if the story is great, it could have no naughty images I wouldn't be bothered about it. I used to occasionally visit Literotica and read some of the sexy stories there. I stopped doing that when I discovered avn's for the first time. It is probably why I have no problems starting a game from the beginning again, if I enjoyed the story, i don't mind reading it again. I mean after all the developer's didn't write the stories not to be read, although of late I feel the opposite is true. Lots of abandoned games very early in their development.

Keep up your great work, I know it probably make you want to climb the walls with frustration when people never listen, but it is definitely the correct thing to do, even if it only helps a couple dozen people, so thank you for the help your giving people with these warnings, even when they seem not to even care.


Jun 3, 2017
nah, if it was up to me, I would declare this day a public holiday, fireworks like 4th of July, businesses put merch on sale. This is a big deal, this can't be like any latest update.. I mean, who knows when is the next time we get an update? I could be in a nursing home, others have children and see them off to college.

What a day to be alive.. I didnt see this coming when I logged in.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
McAfee hates this iteration. Giving me fits at the moment.
Yeah. I've looked into a report and what I could find is McAffee not liking it when applications write in AppData. I have no clue why that makes apps suspicious, I thought that was the whole point of appdata. Consider unchecking the "blocked" checkbox on the zipfile before unzipping, perhaps it gets less sus when it doesn't have the file flagged with the blocked flag, perhaps it's just worried when something it figures came from a shady site on the internet (now that is apt) is showing that behaviour.

I downloaded the new version and I tried to use the saves of the previous one, but it can't load them and it makes me restart everything from chapter 1, can anyone tell me how to do it? ( sorry for my bad english but it's not my mother tongue )
hmm, not sure then, as nothing saying that saves are completely broken, just the rollback issues.
Maybe naughtyroad can shed more light.
I've seen only small rollbacks myself, and only occasionally, like back a half a dozen frames or so, nothing big. And only in a few cases.

It's a property of the upgrade to 7.6.1, I'm guessing there's cases where it's having a hard time matching the old callstack to the new code even if I made sure to change absolutely zilch in code that came previously, so there's absolutely no need for it to. Of courseevery call has the from label defined so that's not the problem either. If anyone's having trouble, perhaps try a save from a point a little earlier in the last chapter and pick it up from there.

Interestingly, someone mentioned having no problem at all with autosaves, and that kinda makes sense as autosaves happen at menus, and I'm sure those are pretty good anchoring points for renpy to figure out where it is in the code.

Could it be that the Android version just needs to be re-compiled? Sometimes things can get corrupted during a compile or build. It happens frequently to Microsoft as well as several distros of linux.
Just an idea for consideration.
Cheers, but that's not it, recompiled it many times testing out different possible causes, and nothing sticks. Still looking into possible causes but the list is growing shorter. It's only an issue on certain android devices though, and by that I mean the exact same model might work fine for one user, and not for another, so it's nothing systematically wrong, and I get the feeling it's related to settings or other installed apps.

I wishlisted on steam but I'm reluctant to buy on something so public (as common as the topic is here and as well done as it is, it's still a problem in many ways) naughtyroad for a one off donation, which of the payment routes gets you the best/most useful return?
Anything is very much appreciated. If you sub a month at the (girl)friend or up tier you have a nice one-off and you can grab yourself some wallpapers.

Well, as you can see, some people are still pushing 32-bit versions of Windows, although their hardware supports 64-bit without a doubt. If the computer has only 4GB of RAM, then running 64-bit Windows can actually be counterproductive, since 64-bit software generally uses more memory (using 64-bit addressing instead of 32-bit).

Obviously, it'd be great if the owners of those old computers would stick some more RAM into their machines, but some notebooks may not even have that option (soldered onboard RAM modules or a single SODIMM socket) and finding working SODIMM's for a notebook can also be quite tricky, not to mention - relatively expensive per GB, compared to the cheap new SODIMM's.
So maybe you should still wait a couple of years with the removal of the 32-bit executable?

Oh, and congrats withe the release of the new version of your game, naughty!
Cheers. And yeah, that is a problem. But from a support perspective, I feel it's better not to offer an option that is buggy and error prone, and make it clear that the game's grown to big to support that. From what I'm hearing, 32 bits mode is now unstable as heck, and that's just a propery of the size of it I suspect.
So it'd be interesting to hear from anyone running in 32 bits and actually having smooth sailing <looks around expectantly>.

Once I make the step to ren'py 8 that's that though, that nixed 32 bit support entirely.

this happens when i try to save
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last time i saved about an hour earlier and it doesnt create auto saves
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
I have no clue, never seen anything like it. If you unzipped on top of the earlier version, don't, unzip to a fresh folder. Get rid of all mods too, and try running it clean. If you ever used the walkthrough mod in your past, your saves are borked anyway, even if you removed it later. Finally, use my builds, anything you didn't get from my links at the OP I can't help you with.

What an emotional journey this chapter was
I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words

But I just have to say
I fucking loved this chapter it was awesome
I knew as soon as I played this game it was something special
And it went to an even higher level this chapter
Cheers, glad you liked it. Sorry it didn't have more Brooke in it.


Feb 15, 2021
The game apk (~1.8 GB) comes with a serious disclaimer. Seems to be a lottery in terms of functionality. It didn't work for me (got kicked out at the screen calibration option/menu, right after the very long loading screen).

To me, it's much more convinient with JoiPlay. The app and its add-ons do not surpass 100MB and you have them for any Ren'Py, RPGM or flash game. It's a one time install. I can palce the unarchived game on the SD card. Otherwise, you will need at least 5 to 6 GB free on the main phone's memory to install the game and its following updates. I, for one, do not have that much to spare and I don't want it on my phone's memory.
I am having the same issue, hopefully dev will do a patch or something, I tried the joiplay route but Google play says it's meant for older devices and won't let me download it.


May 20, 2018
I'm on linux and I haven't been able to run it. It gives me the calibration screen and then nothing. Tried the .sh file and tried running the exe with wine. I guess I'll wait for a patch.


Nov 25, 2018
I've lost my old saves, is there any good way to skip to chapter 7? I've read the post on why you shouldn't download random saves, as such wondering if there's a fancy button to skip ahead or any alternative?


Jun 30, 2017
I've lost my old saves, is there any good way to skip to chapter 7? I've read the post on why you shouldn't download random saves, as such wondering if there's a fancy button to skip ahead or any alternative?
go in game on preferences and tick skip:unseen text, to skip just press TAB or CRTL key!

Can also test this:
copying the save folder of the previous version and saving them in the new one, then i deleted the folder from the old version and boom ! saves work!
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Your comment wasn't targeted at me and I am actually with you that this is definitely top tier, but since you asked for examples I wanted to drop "Now and Then" as a game that is at the very least just as well written imo.

EDIT: "Depraved Awakening" is pretty close as well.
I agree that "Now and Then" is a good story driven experience but in the later parts of the game the quality of writing goes downhill. The setting itself (world ending, apocalypse, zombies if i remember correctly) add to that but the emotions like "fear, panic, madness and the loss of hope" appear shallow and not fledged out. The focus is to short to have any deep and memorable impact on the story for lasting effect for the viewer/reader.

Didn't know "Depraved Awakening" and will look into it. So thanks for that suggestion.

But now i will play this update as i had to much shit to do today to be able to play..... but finally i can release the.... pants. :ROFLMAO:
  • I just jizzed my pants
Reactions: naughtyroad


Dec 7, 2021
hmm, not sure then, as nothing saying that saves are completely broken, just the rollback issues.

Maybe naughtyroad can shed more light.
I tried two saves, one had a rollback issue and the other did not. Dunno why. I can say that the dates on all of the transferred saves seems to have updated to today, assuming that will be true for any day you transfer them


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
I am not even sure why people delete the game of their hard drives or ssd's, its only like 7gb. I have loads of these games on my 4tb ssd, i never delete them because i don't want to go back and have to replay them or have to press tab to fast forward etc. Though sometimes when a game is made with an older version of the renpy engine and they then release further content on the new renpy engine it can cause some weird side effects with the saves folder either working or not.
The thing that get's me is you can delete the game folders fine with Renpy and it will keep your progress in the appdata area. So it's really only keeping a very small piece of the game data, not like the GB after GB some games take in actual HD space.

Since you have to purge the AppData folder of anything related to Renpy, only those who are either playing on a PC they shouldn't be with these games, or maybe super paranoid, would go through the trouble of doing all that. *shrugs*


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2022
Wow! it's amazing! all the incest stories I've come across to this day are just the writings of first graders, they seem so primitive. incest and magic (or sci-fi) is so boring. because it just can't happen.
and this story could have happened in our day in the next street. it is "groundly", that is, realistic - something that I love very much.

If not for the problem with memory allocation. 2 (TWO!!!) GB of RAM - yes WHERE IS SO MUCH memory to eat???!!! although, unlike projects from the MrC - there is no monstrous sudden devouring of memory leading to a computer freeze - here I pay tribute.
the project needs memory optimization. my PC have 4gig RAM. I have to choose either to keep a browser with 20 tabs in memory or to start the game - everything does not fit together.
and the game takes a very long time to load (despite the fact that the game is on an SSD drive)

although in general the project is good. no, it's not good - it's amazing.

I am pleasantly shaken after the scene when the eldest daughter broke into the bathroom where the father and the youngest daughter were engaged in sexual games - this is ... this is just KABOOM!!!
I have run out of words. in a good way.

And once again - the graphics are original. not standard when, looking at each girl, you painfully try to remember in which other VN you met her - this is not here. and floor plans are also not taken from the base of standard assets. more such authors.

BTW The update hasn't gone through yet. could not resist - closed the game and went to write a review. so full of pleasant impressions.

Uzite Brun

Nov 10, 2017
I think I'm not even halfway through the update and it's definitely the sexiest and funniest so far.
Really stellar work. The story progression is easily the best of any game of the site that I have played.
The quality of the artwork and the sexiness of all those portrayed are just my jam.
I might have to write a proper review about this game to organise my thoughts.
I might not, but I don't remember ever making that threat before so that's a first in itself. Eeked out of me by this great game.


Nov 12, 2019
How fucking stupid did this game become today?

Like, you marry your daughters or something?

What? Marry? Your daughters?
4.70 star(s) 488 Votes