
Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
The save token system doesn't seem to work properly cuz when I edit my save, try to load it, get the warning message, and click yes nothing happens.
Well, here's a wild thought. Maybe don't edit your save and bork something up so it doesn't load? It's silly to blame a program for not supporting something that is unsupported.

So many games coming out now that require setting a security key in the tcpip registry keys, these days....and why would a AVN need to do such as that?
Not sure what you mean by tcpip settings 'cause there's nothing in LomL that will try to call outside, so there should be no need at all for any firewall adjustments. Maybe doublecheck where the version you're running came from, if you didn't get it from me maybe someone slipped something in?

Wrt virus scanners raising false positives (a different thing entirely), see here:


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
I have now downloaded 4x Compressed Version and 1x Full Version and each time the files are corrupted.16GB for free. What a shit.
I just downloaded compressed version of this game and it won't work something about infinite loop line 61??
Is this happening when starting a new game, or from loading a save first? It makes a difference in trying to tell if it is a matter of actually corrupted game files, or a corrupted set of save files (which can sometimes happen if a save was made with a mod installed that saved mod values the game was never built with, etc).

Is it the 32bit version or the 64bit version of the exe? I mean, even a complete fool could tell that if the files were actually corrupted, they'd be broken for everyone, and there would be nothing but a stream of posts to that effect, with none talking about anything in the new update. So, whatever the fault is, it is relatively unique to your specific setup and situations. Therefore, the more information you give about what may be different about your setup from all those happily playing is not just useful, but essential.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I laughed so hard during that scene where you could talk to Brooke about plants
And she thought I wanted her to shove a cactus up her vagina

And that Threesome sex scene at the end was perfect

And you don't have to apologize to me about anything Naughty
No matter what happens in this game
I will always love it and cherish the time I have spent playing it


Jul 4, 2017
I am having the same issue, hopefully dev will do a patch or something, I tried the joiplay route but Google play says it's meant for older devices and won't let me download it.
Don't wait for the dev to fix this. The game is a memory hog, no matter what.
The JoiPlay version on Google market is exactly two years old. Don't download that. Search for the Patreon page. You can get the letest version, with huge imrpovements, with only a $1 pledge.


Jul 12, 2019
Yess! I'm so happy my favourite goblins are back, can't wait to play this game again.
Thanks for the new version Naughtyroad!

Well, here's a wild thought. Maybe don't edit your save and bork something up so it doesn't load? It's silly to blame a program for not supporting something that is unsupported.
wHaT Do YoU mEaN I CaN't dRy My ChIhUaHuA iN tHe MiCrOwAvE?
YoU sHoUlD hAvE pUt A WaRNinG oN iT, or SOmeThInG!
It'S yOuR FAulT mY lItTle baRKsAloT IS dEAd!

Xia Liu Bei

The Last Emperor
Game Developer
Mar 11, 2019
I wonder how he will feel if he finds out that Macy thinks she is pregnant with twins.
I think he'd probably be okay with that. Fucking your daughters and impregnating them with your incestuous seed is fine. I think he just isn't into some of the more degenerate behavior like marriage and head pats. You gotta draw the line somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
So I've finally had the chance to play this update, my verdict is: mixed feelings.

It's good that the relationship between M and D has finally developed to the best possible outcome (I guess?), but this update was pretty much that, nothing much else. I'm not very fond of reading filler dialogues and basic small chat in games as they bring very little to the story and immersion for me personally, and this update was packed to the brim with that, mainly during the Ferris wheel and the cooking scenes. I really don't want to sound too harsh, but I got bored multiple times between the endless (and sometimes even cringe-worthy) chit-chat segments.

The sex scenes were great, I liked them, but even there the amount of dialogue was at times off the charts for me. It personally felt like most of the talking was forced and kinda distracting from the actual scene at times, dragging them over for much more than needed.

It's sad that none of the office girls received actual content in this update, besides playing a secondary role for the sake of the story.

I'm probably in the minority but I can't rate this update higher than 6.5/10.


Engaged Member
Nov 6, 2017
what is up with this latest thing with some games, all my saves are suddenly dated today, this is highly annoying and makes it hard to figure out which save was the last save from the version before.
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Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
I was playing the 32 bits version and... for me, everything was going well until the end of the first major sex scene of the last chapter, then I had a lot of issues/crashes, not always the same (Exceptions: error(u'Failed to decode WEBP',) & error(u'Failed to allocate SDL_Surface',), Out of memory,...) or in the same point, but in the same "area" and I can’t go much further.:eek::cry:
Since Windows 10 should be able to decode webp (you did mention having Windows 10 32-bit?), I'd say this is a general running out of memory problem. Have you closed all other apps running in the background, especially any browsers?
In case you have, then the 4GB address space of the 32-bit Windows is probably just not enough to run both, Windows 10 and a modern Ren'Py game with FullHD webp videos simultaneously.
I mean, I have been running Ren'Py games on a 15 year old PC with 8GB of RAM and a 10 year old graphics card and I still have to shut down other programs quite often to be able to run them. Although 32-bit software uses less RAM, I can't really imagine running Windows 10 and anything useful on it, having just 4GB of RAM + VRAM combined (mostly because I've been too lazy to build a new PC)

You know, you could just install Windows 10 64-bit using exactly the same licence key? The only thing you need is more RAM.
You could even get 4GB DDR2 or DDR3 RAM modules for free these days, if you know someone who has some old hardware lying around.
It seems that even brand new (or rather, unused) 4GB DDR2 costs around 30€ in the store, 4GB DDR3 less than 15€ and 8GB around 20€ (assuming you agree to wait a couple of weeks for the delivery).
I guess the prices of old types of RAM have finally dropped lower than I expected.
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