Maybe not right now, but it limits all future design space.
The entire placeholder combat and progression needs to be completely scrapped or we'll always be dealing with limited design potential.
The three demon fight before Meraxis and the Shadow+Silence fight show that there is an intent to have challenging multi-opponent encounters (at least relative to the surrounding content, spare me the drivel on how a max level character can totally facerool those, I know.)
Okay, so you know that the game progression is fucked. I'm glad we agree.
Wrong. If all remaining combatants are defeated on the same turn, e.g. an Enforcer mag dumps your glass cannon build for 1.5x your health while you punch them for 10x theirs, the game will display "Victory" and proceed as if you won the fight with 1 health remaining.
See, here's the thing... it's not a glass canon build. If you actually had to make trade offs like that, maybe the current game's design would be salvageable. But you don't. You can really easily make a character that can one shot every enemy in the game while still being tanky enough that no enemy can one shot it. And because the potion system is fucked, can also fully heal every turn, nearly indefinitely with less than 5 minutes of prep.
The game has no progression curve. There's literally one fight in the entirety of the game that you even have to think about, and everything else can be basically ignored entirely.
And if you want to make the game harder for thematic reasons, go for it. Challenge runs exist in every game. But it's entirely a personal choice, and not the optimal one if we're just looking are pure, functional game power.
Although, just because you're being pissy...
I just tried it at level 1 with no perks active. Still works. You don't even need to be max level to completely break this game. Instead of dealing 1500 damage a turn, I dealt 970. Just pure enchantment and potion bullshit that only requires money. And considering my main save is rolling over the 2b credit variable limit *every day*, money isn't an issue either.