Next week is going to be between xmas and new years. We'll probably get radio silence for two weeks and then a delay announcement after that. Then we'll get a disappointing content update sometime mid January. People will be excited because we'll finally find out what Inno got distracted working on and kept delaying everything for months on end for, only for the content will be pretty meh anyways.Due in one week, got it.
You also need to boost the capacity of the penetrated urethra.1. Enable urethral penetration in options.
2. Give penis to PC.
3. Give penis to NPC.
4. Initiate sex with NPC.
5. Put penis in penis.
Once again, I'm really sorry for this version's long delay, as well for its lack of content; as I previously mentioned, I've had some personal issues going on over the past month, and as such I've found it very difficult to find time in which to concentrate and work on Lilith's Throne. I should be completely back on track for the new year, so I'll try to get back to a more regular release schedule then.
The main things added in this version are the characters in Wall's End, as well as a large contribution from AceXP that should significantly improve the game's performance for saves in which you have a lot of unmet offspring.
The next release will be either a small preview hotfix or the full public release of v0.4.3, which will hopefully be out in the first week of January.
Thank you all so much once again for your patience. I'll really try to do my best to make the LT releases in the new year fit to a more regular schedule.
Finally, I hope that you all have a happy Yule, and I'll see you again in the next post (which should be at the start of January)!
I guess implying that penises are exclusively dominant genitalia offended someone, somewhere.Lyssieth's dominant and submissive sex options are no longer tied to her using her pussy or growing a cock, and instead you can request that she use her pussy or grow her cock for both dominant and submissive sex scenes.
Read "raptor" and was hoping for Jurassic park, oh well, I know she has forbade dinosaurs. Not sure there's significant difference from harpies though.Added a new 'raptor' race which includes the subspecies: falcons (default); eagles; bald eagles (converted from harpy race); and owls.
>BeeAdded new BodyPartTag values 'TAIL_ATTACK' and 'TAIL_VENOMOUS_STING' for future use in bee/scorpion/etc. tails.
Rats are an internal race, so grafting them into mice or vice-versa would be a struggle versus just making them separate (although donkeys were added to horses earlier, so this argument doesn't make as much sense unless she was at her wit's end with picking apart the code to make it work). It also gives Innoxia the chance to have separate lore for them if she so wished (i.e. mice are openly tolerated due to being seen as meek but noble, whereas rats are seen as sewer criminals and are frequently profiled), and solidifying this with a more major difference in species.I would have thought this "'mouse' race" would just be a subspecies of the "rat's", and use "Rat-Burgers" transformatives items, rather than introduces a whole new item. Seems like only major difference between rats and mice (in this game) would be there tail descriptions, maybe there ears, with mice ears being extra large compared to rats. Kind of like how donkey morphs where recently added to the horse species, just altering tails and ears.
Harpies can only go up to "lesser" normally (TF items can bring them to greater, though), and also have all that added lore with "feminine = best" and their whole matriarchal structure; raptors will likely be more like every other species.Read "raptor" and was hoping for Jurassic park, oh well, I know she has forbade dinosaurs. Not sure there's significant difference from harpies though.
Still holding out for lizards. Ninja edit: kobolds would also be fun.any species/subspecies you would like to see added to the game?
It's hard to say much on the logic off it, the games got dragons, griffons, and demons. I don't see it as some huge stretch, but maybe innoxio see's the "millions of years/extinction" vs. "mythology" leap to be more offensive.The ban on official dinosaurs is a bit unfortunate. It'd get messy trying to make them fit alongside realistic species in a setting that tries to be modern-day flavored, but dammit, I like my dinos!
Eh, still, we're talking about a world where anyone can more or less be who they want to be.It's hard to say much on the logic off it, the games got dragons, griffons, and demons. I don't see it as some huge stretch, but maybe innoxio see's the "millions of years/extinction" vs. "mythology" leap to be more offensive.
i don't think that's fair. work ethic doesn't really impact whether you're nice or notThis didn't age well.
I think her problem is most likely that she is a serial procrastinator, and i've got a lot of sympathy (rapidly dwindling sympathy) for her there cuz i'm the same. In college I would always put off papers and projects till the last minute, then stay up all night and get it finished hours before they where due. If I didn't have a ticking clock looming over my head I couldn't/wouldn't get the work done, I think Innoxia is the same way.i don't think that's fair. work ethic doesn't really impact whether you're nice or not