Ah, yeah, I've read that LT has issues running under Wine. I think it might be an issue with JavaFX.
You can run the JAR version natively. Download that and extract it somewhere in your home directory. Now what you'll want to do is install OpenJDK 11 and OpenJFX. Open up a terminal and run the following:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre openjfx
Next, change into the Lilith's Throne directory using
. Make sure that you're in the directory that has the JAR file.
Now you're going to need to fetch a startup script I just wrote and flag it as executable. You can do so by doing the following:
wget https://files.sarkath.net/liliths_throne/start-lt.sh
chmod +x start-lt.sh
Now you can run the game by going into the directory in Terminal and invoking the script with
. Et voilà:
View attachment 1615153
If you'd rather run it from Files rather than mucking about in the Terminal: start up Files, click on the Hamburger menu, and click "Preferences." Go into the "Behavior" tab, and select either "Run them" or "Ask what to do" in the "Executable Text Files" section:
View attachment 1615159
I highly recommend using the "Ask what to do" setting, as that still gives you a bit of a safety net when dealing with unknown/untrusted shell scripts.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.