But Inno supposedly added additional costs to room upkeep.
If she was so ham fisted to remove 99% of the rooms monetary function then I imagine the upkeep get a similar ham fisted treatment.
We knew the Milkers were getting a nerf, but this makes them useless.
Especially considering I can rob an alley succubus for more money in a single battle than that room provides in a full day.
I supposed crashing the value of jewelry, enchantments, potions, and slaves is next.
The upkeep of the Artisan room remained the same, 500 flames. The Industrial room was 100 flames and now the upkeep is 1000 flames. The upkeep of each pump was 10 flames and now each pump is 200 flames.
The nerf hammer was aimed pretty specifically at the price of the milk.
My upkeep costs for 1 milking room went from 780 flames to 1600 flames per day. <- Minor blip.
However, Wanda (Rat Den slave) went from 70,000 flames to 1,200 flames per day. <- Massive nerf.
This whole thing reminds me of 'way back in the day' when Lust builds were nerfed. Lust builds were so OP they trivialized every encounter, so Inno nerfed Lust builds and they became worthless over night.
Just like with the Lust builds, I expect the money making to move to something else now. My guess would be people farm the alley tiles and enslave demons and muggers, then just sell them on the market. You wouldn't even need to buy slave collars, just enchant a piece of their own clothing with the enslavement enchantment and put it back on them.
I have a question for the people hating on Inno.
I totally get why you do it, but I just want to know why you all just come back constantly to do it.
I think you've all made your points across many times over, but why keep coming back to do it again and again?
For myself, it isn't hate, so much as it is disappointment and frustration.
I do, still, enjoy playing this game. I haven't run into another game that offers as much customization for the PC and NPCs as I find in this game. But, after 5 years, the game really hasn't gone anywhere. Inno keeps adding more clothing, more races, HAND HOLDING as a sex action, but the story hasn't really advanced at all.
So, coming here to vent is just to relieve frustrations about a game that I actually do like and just wish there was more than an ankle deep ocean to play in.