I only have translation tools for RPG and HTML games. Is there a java translation tool?
Or I want to know how to play this game on the browser
I don't know if there's a Java tool, sorry. I don't know if
Sarkath is still around, but he was always the expert on Java I'd turn to here. Haven't seen him in awhile though.
Odds are if there is one, it'll be sketchy with the game. Everything is sketchy with this game.
And no, it won't run in-browser. It likely never will, sorry.
Sorry guys but I have to ask this. Not ranting, it's a legit question.
So max lev. is 50. You hit that level, you have your own personal harem of adoring slaves, your gear is perfectly enchanted to fit your desires. And that's way before leaving the main city. So why should you pursue the main quest? There is nothing more for you to gain in terms of power or sexy content. You can't "restore" the world - the game is pretty clear about this. You can't wipe out the subhumans or demons. Combat gives you no more xp, there are no more perks to get, you have no use for the loot - it becomes quite a hassle to sell it and you have no need for money. Do you guys keep playing after this point? If yes, please, share why.
You know, it feels nice seeing someone else noticing the core problem with the game that I've been bringing up for five years now...
You're not missing anything, that's how the game works. There's almost zero progression to the game. And because the dev spent so much time barely fleshing out the tutorial zone, all the progression that does exist ends before you're done with the tutorial area.
It's a huge flaw in the game's design, and at this point I don't expect that to ever change. This is how it is, and likely how it always will be.
Do you guys keep playing after this point? If yes, please, share why.
I haven't seriously played the game since Meraxis' last update, which was the last time we got any interesting and fleshed out content. And as stupid as this is, I can't remember if that was early this summer or last summer.
I keep saying I'll come back and play through the new content once there's more than an hours worth of content to see, and it just, hasn't happened.
Shit I barely check this thread. If there weren't other games I was paying attention to I never would. Inno's development speed and laziness as gotten to the point where almost none of the people who were watching the game even find it entertaining enough to laugh at anymore. Luckily there's a new crowd immediately noticing the exact same problems, because nothing every changes or improves with this one lol