It was already breaking the game to make millions of flames a day, and was basically just cheating with extra steps, hence why I said that actually cheating was the best course of action. From my experience, milking rooms are still pretty good with a few max-fluid demons, you just can't get absurd with fluid/taste multipliers anymore.
But, to answer your question, no, there aren't any mods that affects the milking room numbers. However, in theory, it shouldn't be too hard to make your own? You'd have to rebuild the game's source code, granted, but all you're doing is tweaking numbers that the game uses to calculate fluid values, specifically the getValuePerMl() function for each fluid; as far as I can tell, the base values are set to 0.1, 1, and 0.01 flames per ml for cum, girlcum, and breast milk respectively, then multiplied by getValueModifier, which is tied to the race of the milk (and currently appears to only be used for a 75% value reduction for doll fluids at present). If you're looking to bring back the functionality for modifiers and different flavors back in, the
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branch is functionally a preserved 0.2.7 build. The line of interest for this, taking from
public float getValuePerMl() {
return 0.1f + this.getFluidModifiers().size()*0.4f + (this.getFlavour()!=FluidFlavour.MILK?0.5f:0);
Which, as far as I can tell, adds 0.4 times the amount of modifiers there are, and then adds some more based on some formula that I don't know enough Java to decipher but definitely has something to do with the milk's flavor (although, squinting at it, I
think it's adding 0.5 if the fluid isn't milk-flavored, or otherwise adds 0 if it is). Also in that version, milk was 10x more valuable, which alone should be enough to break milking rooms again the way you want.