To my knowledge, it would take many hours of going through the sheer amount of text this has in RPG Maker VX ACE, painstakingly previewing each dialogue box and putting in appropriate paragraphs or add new dialogue boxes for the "spilled" text. And let's be honest, why would anyone take on so much work when the "translator" couldn't be bothered to put in 5 minutes? You could easily do it yourself, get RPG Maker AIO, put the files from the "translation" in a new project and edit it step by step, finally booting up the game and seeing if it correctly resized everything, since the preview isn't perfect. It's just mind-numbingly boring work, not even a decent translation by the end of it. If someone wanted to put in that work, they'd be better off starting over from scratch and MTLing each individual sentence through a variety of translation software, that way you can get a somewhat passable edited MTL for a lot of hours of your life. If anyone wants a bit of moderate help with stuff like that, feel free to ask me or anyone else with some experience with that on the forum, but I sincerely doubt it. Unless some auto-fix has popped up since I last worked on RPG Maker games, it's a tedious and unrewarding task. Hours and hours of editing without even tackling the underlying comprehension issues with a raw MTL.