Recommending List of Games I am Playing and My Notes on Them


New Member
Sep 5, 2021
This will literally be a list of games that I am playing/plan to play and after I have finished them I will write any notes I have on them. These notes are really rough and basically me free writing my thoughts on the game. The list of games range from VN's to character creators and will be in not particular order. This is mainly for my sanity as I forget whether I have played some games or not. I will have some other things linked below if you are interested in game's I personally recommend, beta games I have tested, and a thread for any devs that want their games tested. Anyways, enjoy! :)

The huge list with no notes is my backlog that I have ready to play and I will add notes as I finish each game.

Games I plan to return to later with a better PC.

Games I Recommend
Games I Beta Tested
Playtesting Thread

Adverse Effects: A really short game with a few scenes. The plot is based on the mom taking new pills that make her want to have sex with you and the story follows this until it eventually happens. It's a cool story with some awesome models.

A House In The Rift: This is a game that I first played when I was first getting into these games and at the time Lyriel was not introduced yet. Now, at the end of 2023, There is much more content that has been added to the game along with the story being extended far beyond what I originally played. While I love this game, the concept of being stranded in an ethereal space with beautiful women, and the amazing sex scenes, I found myself becoming bored near the end of the game with how much story was being thrown at me. I like a mix of sex scenes intertwined with the story so that it feels rewarding to move through the game. After around the mid point of the game, I found myself only really caring about the most recent character, Blair. She is honestly my favorite character alongside Naomi and Yona. I love bigger women with larger assets so I felt more inclined to follow their stories more than the others. As a result of this, I lost all interest in the other three LI's and it started to feel like a chore to go through their stories. In particular, Caitlin's story was the most boring to me and I found myself skipping most of her dialogue as it felt drawn out and annoying. With all of this being said, the game is still great and I believe there is something here for everyone!

A Town Uncovered: So this is a bit of a weird one. I remember playing this game a long time ago and I remember this game actually being really good because of the art style, story, and Wincest. With this in mind, I was pretty excited to return to this game and see the new content and just relive the experience. So, I launched the game and realized all my clicks were being delayed by about two seconds for some reason. I moved past this and reached the section where you are tasked to have lunch with effie. I clicked on the cafeteria and expected to be met with a conversation but was instead met with an image of the cafeteria. I then proceeded to click all around the cafeteria hoping that the event would start at some point but it did not. I then tried to leave the cafeteria which took about 30 seconds before my click was registered. I then re entered and nothing. At this point I was pretty annoyed and decided I could not be bothered to figure it out. This is sad because I have fond memories of this game and expected to have a good experience like my first time but I guess not. I originally played this game on android, so I expected the game to run better on my PC but I guess not. Oh well, onto the next game I guess.

Afterparty: Tried to run this game but kept getting an error message that said DirectX 12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument. Not sure what this means but I just assumed it means I can't run the game. Either way, the game looks really good but I am unable to play it at the time so I can't say for sure. Definity wanna try it in the future when I am not running on a potato.

After Party: Do not get this confused with the aforementioned "Afterparty". This is a kinetic VN that is short and focused on the romance between an older woman and you. I won't go into all the details but it is the devs first VN and I believe they did really good on it and learned a lot from this short project. Not exactly my kind of game but nice overall. Wishing the dev the best in their future endeavors. :)

Animeverse Island: Played a bit of this game, If you love anime and want to fuck some popular Waifu's then this game is for you. Felt a bit disorganized for me and the "story" felt kinda random. After playing for around two hours, I became bored with the whole walking around, talk to LI, do something for LI, maybe get a scene, repeat. Don't really recommend it, but as stated if you love anime it may be a cool experience for you.

Another Chance: This game has an art style that I really enjoy but the gameplay really turned me off. It uses the classic sandbox design which I really enjoy in Summertime Saga as well as some other games but the way it is done in this game is really overwhelming imo. I even played on the more simple mode to hopefully have a more streamlined playthrough but even then I was overwhelmed. This along with the time advancing seemingly after every two action really made me feel pressured to rewind and try every option to ensure I didn't miss anything. After playing for a while, the gameplay and content really wasn't for me and I dropped it.

Ashes of War: A game set in space where you are the commander of a ship and tasked with running it. The art style is nice and the LI's are beautiful. This is your classic VN with some animated scenes and optional battles that you can play. I honestly wasn't interested in the minigames so skipped them. I usually enjoy the space/sci fi setting but I feel this game just didn't do it right for me. Cool art style, but not for me.

Being Super: Pretty cool game with a lot of potential. I really like the idea of choosing to be good or evil and the mc just has a generally good story. All the LI's (I assume) are really appealing and I feel that many people would like them. Not much content at the moment though, so can't wait to see more.

Between Two Worlds: This game seemed interesting to me when I first looked at it, but after playing for a while, I became less and less interested. The LI's just don't appeal to me and the story was not interesting enough to keep me engaged. I see some people liking this, but just not for me.

Blowjob Simulator: Same as some games before this, shit computer so no comments. Hope to return.

Corrupted Kingdoms:


(can't find a link for this game on f95, was it removed???) Turns out you can find the game on Itch.IO. I really enjoyed this game as I love the main LI. She is the perfect woman imo. The models used in the game look great and the scenes are awesome. They can feel like teasers at time and also feel drawn out a bit but overall they are great. Sadly, the game is very short at the moment but I would love to see more.

Daemons, Damsels, and Mythical Milfs Remastered: A cool remaster of the original game, but just not as much content. Considering the original game is really good, I can see this one being just as good if not better.

Damsels and Dungeons: This is more of a game than a porn game due to the player needing to do a lot of "grinding" to see some "scenes". I put the scenes in quotation marks as they are just static images rather than animated scenes. More work than is worth putting into the game so I don't really recommend it.

Detective Necro:
Follow The Leader:
Harem Hotel:
Head Game:
Home Together:
How To Fix The Future:
Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed:
Long Live The Princess:
Lust's Cupid:
Milfy City:
My Demonic Romance:
My Hentai Fantasy:
New Beginnings In Japan:
Paradise Lust:
Projekt Melody: A Nut Between Worlds:
Projekt Passion:
Red Brim:
Sun Breed:
Super Deepthroat:
Super Deepthroat 2:
Seeds of Chaos:
Straightened Times:
Summer Haze:
Summertime Saga:
The Inn:
The Secret Ingredient Is:
The Whisperer:
Twenty Worlds Agency: The Stories of Department 13:
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