Seeking List of games with Queen/Princess and corruption/humiliation


Oct 30, 2019
Hi guys !

I made this thread to kinda summarize all the game which are about a Queen or Princess (noble woman at least) as the main protagonist. This thread is mainly focus on games with heavy corruption/humiliation, and which are more focus about the status rather than just the simple fact that the protagonist is a noble !

In this thread you will find all the game i know or i have played in relation with the previous subject !
This list is still under development but i think the games i added worth it ;)
Feel free to add yours ;)

Meltys Quest
The Heiress
Rhodes Fortress
Princess Go Round
The Nobleman Retort
Queen In Deficit
Banished Empress
Sacred Princess
Knightess Rebecca
Karryns Prison
Golden Cynicism
Heroic Princess Millia
i Will Put You In Debt
Nymphomania Priestress
Embarassed Girls H Debt Repayment
Princess Project
Princess Never Lose
Princess Knight Claris
Mistress VS Slave
Kingdom Knight Regina
Engaged Knight Yuni

VN :
The Queen Who Adopted A Goblin

Others :
Naked Ambition

Special Mention (not queen, noble or princess but good corruption/humilation scenario)
Magical Girl Celesphonia
Sangeki of Gear
Sally's report
Mariage or Pervert
Pregcess of Zevent
Ideology in Friction
War Demon Kristin
Treasure Hunter Claire
Raiohgar Asuka
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Oct 30, 2019
Thanks so much i will add some to the front list !