
New Member
Jul 25, 2021
Should be, I don't have an up to date save, but for anyone interested simply press the windows key and R at the same time.

After that copy paste this "%APPDATA%\..\LocalLow" (without quotation marks), and navigate to the GaucheCheeks folder -> littleingtonuniversity. Copy those files and upload them to a file sharing service like, or use the "attach files" function that f95zone has. I don't know what files are required, but the JSON files seem required, while the log files seem more like they're intended for debugging.
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Jul 6, 2020
I need a complete save too cause of the bug that even with the disguise i still get identified by the guards so i still need a complete save as well.


Nov 24, 2021
is there a list with all cheats? (list with items since the one found in the prev posts isnt up2date)

By the way is there any way to get back to the kindergarten after beating the game?
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May 10, 2020
is there a list with all cheats? (list with items since the one found in the prev posts isnt up2date)

By the way is there any way to get back to the kindergarten after beating the game?
Bring down the console with `
Spawn an item with
give "itemname"

GiveItem Blue_White_Jock_Underwear
GiveItem Chr_Diaper_01
GiveItem Chr_Diaper_02
GiveItem Chr_Diaper_03
GiveItem Chr_Diaper_04
GiveItem Chr_Pullup_01
GiveItem Chr_Pullup_02
GiveItem Chr_Pullup_03
GiveItem Chr_Pullup_04
GiveItem DaintyDiaper1
GiveItem DaintyDiaper2
GiveItem DaintyDiaper3
GiveItem DaintyDiaper4
GiveItem Diaper_Blue
GiveItem Diaper_Boy
GiveItem Diaper_Cloth
GiveItem Diaper_Cloth_Modern
GiveItem Diaper_Cute
GiveItem Diaper_Dino
GiveItem Diaper_Gnosis
GiveItem Diaper_Green
GiveItem Diaper_Medical
GiveItem Diaper_Pink
GiveItem Diaper_Pumpkins
GiveItem Diaper_Witches
GiveItem Dino_Diaper
GiveItem Dino_Diapers
GiveItem Dork_Diaper_01
GiveItem Dork_Diaper_02
GiveItem Dork_Pants
GiveItem Dork_PullUp_01
GiveItem Dork_PullUp_02
GiveItem Dork_PullUp_03
GiveItem Dork_PullUp_04
GiveItem GreenFloral_Underwear
GiveItem PullUp_Blue
GiveItem Pullup_Blue_Trucks
GiveItem PullUp_Medical
GiveItem PullUp_Pink_Flowers
GiveItem Pullup_Pink_Stars
GiveItem PullUp_StarsGirl
GiveItem SmallSwims_01
GiveItem Swim_Diaper_01
GiveItem Underwear_G_Black
GiveItem Underwear_Y_BlueWhite
GiveItem Undies_Fancy
GiveItem Undies_Normal
GiveItem Undies_Pink
GiveItem WC_Red_Underwear

GiveItem ActiveWear_Purple
GiveItem ActiveWear_PurplePants
GiveItem BoardShorts_01
GiveItem BoardShorts_02
GiveItem BoardShorts_03
GiveItem Burger_Uniform
GiveItem Casual_01
GiveItem Casual_02
GiveItem Casual_03
GiveItem Casual_04
GiveItem Casual_05
GiveItem Casual_06
GiveItem Casual_07
GiveItem Casual_08
GiveItem Casual_09
GiveItem Casual_10
GiveItem Casual_11
GiveItem Casual_12
GiveItem Casual_13
GiveItem Casual_14
GiveItem Casual_15
GiveItem Chr_Dungarees_01
GiveItem Chr_Dungarees_02
GiveItem Chr_Jumper_01
GiveItem Chr_Jumper_02
GiveItem Chr_Jumper_03
GiveItem Chr_Jumper_04
GiveItem Chr_Jumper_05
GiveItem Chr_onsie_01
GiveItem Chr_onsie_02
GiveItem chr_pyjama_01
GiveItem chr_pyjama_02
GiveItem chr_pyjama_03
GiveItem chr_pyjama_04
GiveItem Cute_BeeOutFit
GiveItem Cute_Dress_01
GiveItem Cute_Yellow_Underwear
GiveItem DrScrubsCoat
GiveItem FunZone_Dungarees
GiveItem FunZone_Worker
GiveItem Gnosis_Student
GiveItem Gnosis_VP_Suit
GiveItem Jeans_Jumper
GiveItem Jumper_NoPants
GiveItem Medical_Smock
GiveItem NurseOutfit
GiveItem Nursury_Outfit
GiveItem Onsie_Blue
GiveItem Onsie_Purple
GiveItem Overalls
GiveItem Pink_White_Dress
GiveItem Pyjamas_Clouds
GiveItem PyjamasBoring
GiveItem PyjamasPurple
GiveItem Ranger_Outfit
GiveItem Red_Hoodie
GiveItem RoadWorker
GiveItem SchoolOutfit
GiveItem Scientist_Gnosis_Coat
GiveItem ScrubsTeal
GiveItem Security_Uniform
GiveItem Shirt_Blue01
GiveItem Shirt_Blue02
GiveItem Shirt_Pink
GiveItem Shirt_Pink_Socks
GiveItem Shirt_Red
GiveItem ShortShorts_01
GiveItem ShortShorts_02
GiveItem ShortShorts_03
GiveItem SissyOutfit
GiveItem SkirtBlue
GiveItem SkirtCheck
GiveItem SkirtGreen
GiveItem Stars_Underwear
GiveItem straightjacket
GiveItem Suit_Gnosis
GiveItem Swim_Bottoms_01
GiveItem Swim_Bottoms_02
GiveItem Swim_Bottoms_03
GiveItem SwimShirt_01
GiveItem SwimShirt_02
GiveItem SwimTop_01
GiveItem SwimTop_02
GiveItem SwimTop_03
GiveItem SwimWear_01
GiveItem SwimWear_02
GiveItem SwimWear_03
GiveItem SwimWear_04
GiveItem Swimsuit_Purple_Floaties_01
GiveItem Tiger_Full
GiveItem Trainer_ExerciseWear
GiveItem Uniform
GiveItem WClub_Initiate

GiveItem Doll_Belle
GiveItem babypowder +
GiveItem Bed_Sheets
GiveItem Book
GiveItem Book_Key
GiveItem BusPass
GiveItem ClothScrap
GiveItem Crystal_Pigment
GiveItem CrystalPigment
GiveItem Dollar
GiveItem Energy
GiveItem Gnosis_Delivery
GiveItem Gnosis_DeliveryOpen
GiveItem GnosisEnergy
GiveItem GnosisID
GiveItem GnosisNotebook
GiveItem GnosisSecurityCard
GiveItem GreenCheckandSkirt
GiveItem GreenCheckShirt
GiveItem HairMagazine
GiveItem HolidayNights_Package
GiveItem HappyHoliday_Package
GiveItem LittleGifts_Package
GiveItem JobFlier
GiveItem lantern
GiveItem Lost_GymWeight
GiveItem Lost_LibraryBook
GiveItem Lost_TestTube
GiveItem Medical_Diaper_Package
GiveItem Medical_Pullup_Package
GiveItem PinkiesDiapers_Package
GiveItem MedicatedBalm +
GiveItem Pigment_Blue
GiveItem Pigment_Red
GiveItem Pullups_Boy_Package
GiveItem Pullups_Girl_Package
GiveItem RedCrystal
GiveItem Rose
GiveItem Sleepies_Package
GiveItem Stickers
GiveItem teddy_basic
GiveItem teleporter_gnosis
GiveItem Tokens
GiveItem WClub_Note

GiveItem Apple_01
GiveItem BabyFood_01
GiveItem BabyFood_02
GiveItem Bannana
GiveItem Bottle
GiveItem Bottle_2
GiveItem Bottle_Small
GiveItem BottleOfWater
GiveItem Breakfast_Burger_01
GiveItem CakeSlice_01
GiveItem CandyBag
GiveItem CandyPiece
GiveItem CanofDrink
GiveItem CanofDrink_01
GiveItem CanofDrink_02
GiveItem ChockMilk
GiveItem Coffee_Takaway_01
GiveItem Coke
GiveItem Coke_01
GiveItem Coke_02
GiveItem Cookies
GiveItem Donut
GiveItem Donut 1
GiveItem Donut_1
GiveItem EggsAndBacon_01
GiveItem EnergyDrink
GiveItem EnergyDrink_01
GiveItem EnergyDrink_02
GiveItem EnergyDrink_03
GiveItem Fries
GiveItem Hamburger
GiveItem MilkBottle_01
GiveItem milkshake_chocolate
GiveItem milkshake_vanilla
GiveItem Oatmeal
GiveItem OrangeJuice_Bottle
GiveItem Peas
GiveItem Pizza
GiveItem popcorn_large
GiveItem popcorn_small
GiveItem Sandwich_01
GiveItem VeggieWrap_01
GiveItem WaterMellon

GiveItem EyePatch
GiveItem Eyepiece_01
GiveItem Glasses
GiveItem Glasses_3D
GiveItem Glasses_Red
GiveItem Glasses_Round
GiveItem Glasses_Square
GiveItem Glasses_Thin
GiveItem Goggles_Disguise
GiveItem Goggles_Face
GiveItem Goggles_Flight
GiveItem ScienceGlasses
GiveItem SunGlasses_01
GiveItem Sunglasses_02
GiveItem VRScifi

GiveItem AetherSucker_Type1
GiveItem Pacifier
GiveItem Pacifier_Blue
GiveItem Pacifier_Duck
GiveItem Pacifier_Gold
GiveItem Pacifier_Heart
GiveItem Pacifier_Huge
GiveItem Pacifier_Mouse
GiveItem Pacifier_Pig
GiveItem Pacifier_Pink
GiveItem Pacifier_Red
GiveItem Pacifier_Shark
GiveItem Pacifier_Skull
GiveItem Pacifier_Star
GiveItem Pacifier_Toy
GiveItem RedLollyPop

GiveItem bouncer_blue
GiveItem hoverboard_basic
GiveItem scooter_basic
GiveItem stroller_simple
GiveItem rider_plastic
GiveItem ridingunicorn_basic
GiveItem stickhorse_basic
GiveItem tricycle_basic
GiveItem tricycle_little

GiveItem Backpack_Green
GiveItem Bib
GiveItem BibBlue_01
GiveItem Dunce_Cap
GiveItem FairyWings
GiveItem PropellerHat
GiveItem Tiara
GiveItem UnicornPoolFloat
GiveItem WaterHelmet
GiveItem WaterWings
GiveItem WitchHat
Mar 29, 2023
WHY is it possible to target your own imaginary friend?
This just killed my 5th attempt at the boss in the arcade.
Uninstalling now.

It's such a cool game, but the combat system is beyond stupid.
Needs a casual mode for people who want to skip this idiocy,
May 10, 2020
WHY is it possible to target your own imaginary friend?
This just killed my 5th attempt at the boss in the arcade.
Uninstalling now.

It's such a cool game, but the combat system is beyond stupid.
Needs a casual mode for people who want to skip this idiocy,
An imaginary friend is a useless trick. I didn't use it in my walkthrough.
Mar 29, 2023
So, the current fight meta is Focus, Sad Thought, Spam Energy Drain?

The game is pretty great, but still kind of full of bugs...
Combat is frustrating and loading saves doesn't work for me.

Good luck to the developer, there's huge potential here!


New Member
Feb 7, 2022
I saw the lab glitch mentioned earlier and I have to wonder HOW it's still a thing. Hell, I was able to back out of it somehow and continue being stuck in the lab.


New Member
Aug 25, 2023
Using the latest version, I can not get out of the lab. I get an infinite loading screen after climbing the imaginary ladder. Any tips to get past this point?
May 10, 2020
Using the latest version, I can not get out of the lab. I get an infinite loading screen after climbing the imaginary ladder. Any tips to get past this point?
This is a known unsolved problem. The only option is to go to the menu and find the cheat teleport button
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New Member
Oct 20, 2023
is it possible to get the newest update of the game on a different way than torrent? because every toorent client I tried my Antivirus says no, so torrent is a nogo for me.

And does the patreon version work just with torrent too?
Last edited:
May 10, 2020
is it possible to get the newest update of the game on a different way than torrent? because every toorent client I tried my Antivirus says no, so torrent is a nogo for me.

And does the patreon version work just with torrent too?
Here is the latest pirated version of the game. The link is on the first page. But a Zip program is needed. The Patriot version also needs a Zip program. But the patrion version is paid.


Sep 7, 2020
I haven't play since a long time, If i'm correct 2021 there are some good new content like the implementation of the scene in the secret piece of the library or other thing?
And another question If there was some good progression I thinking to pledge on his patreon, but if we pledge one time we can access to the game via the itchio link when there are a new uptade even we are no more pledge on his patreon ? Because I can't give that much each month.
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4.20 star(s) 6 Votes