
Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017
I don't mean to offend, and I do like the Dev's previous work, but...

... I've seen idle games that required less mouse clicks to get somewhere interesting. More satisfying, too.

There's some drastic trimming needed here. More rewards (choices), less dialogue, less repetition.

Also, not gonna lie. The 'Oh, anime!' start was cringe even by the standards of porn games.
Oh, I did mean to leave some sort of a constructive criticism post after playing.
The above post by Random Number might be blunt, but I can see where they are coming from. Some of it is due to "placeholder" mornings where nothing is happening, and possibly other areas that are waiting to be filled in with events. However, the basic framework of the "gameplay," if you will, where you have linearly passing days with time slots, is not one that I am very fond of (unless you manage to make every day unique like College Daze).

Basically, I think having time slots where nothing happens is fundamentally a flawed concept. More so if this is repeated excessively. I felt like the pacing was pretty good at the beginning, but towards the end of my play, I was zoning out a bit due to having to go through too many empty time slots.

Two ways to tackle it, in my humble opinion.

1) Really fill out the time slots so that each day and time slot has a unique event. Personally, I feel that any throwaway time slot where you just "go to class" or "eat lunch silently" is a wasate of time, but those could be tolerated if at least something is happening during the day. I guess this is the way the dev is going, with those placeholder slots. In that case, it would be a matter of time and effort on the dev's part to make the game feel less monotonous and repetitive.

2) The other way would be do away with time slots and mandatory days alltogether. We don't really need to go through the motions of passing the days, one day at a time, if nothing is happening. It will require adjustment to the narrative structure, but it would lead to smoother story telling. I think this is the more elegant solution for a dev with limited real life time to devote to making the game. It does require some extensive overhaul and might clash with other ideas the dev has in mind.

Anyways, just my 2 cents on the matter. I will check it out again in a few updates. I watch a lot of JAVs and seeing these actors/actresses in a porn game was oddly exciting lol.
Regarding the repetition, I have worked on reducing the amount of placeholder events, and want to get it to the level where there's never more than one transition event in a row. So days won't be annoying to go through. Also as the story progresses there will be more days that are just skipped entirely. I'll keep looking into ways to improve it.

For the clicking... that's just an issue of the medium, there's not that much to go around it. You could fill the screen with text, but then the images get buried in the background. Alternatively you make such a game in HTML, but from experience Twine is a worse engine to work with. Either way, for the next version I have merged about 10% of the game's spoken lines, so on average there will be less clicks per text and the lines being displayed will be longer. There are some cases where short lines were kept on purpose, in order to match the intended delivery of the speech.

As for anime, yes, Vanessa is intended to be somewhat cringey. The fact is that most students that end up studying abroad in Japan ended up in Japan because they were into anime and/or manga. It's the one medium that captures the interested of young people when it comes to Japanese culture. It's wishful thinking to think that they got their interest because they were impressed by Kurosawa's lighting techniques in Rashomon, by the portrayal of internal struggles in Kawabata's Master of Go, or whatever. The truth is that most foreign students are in Japan because of pop culture. Vanessa is a weeb just so you don't have to be one.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

A game about Japan, I couldn't miss it. The tags aren't that bad and the samples are correct. Though knowing the other game the dev participated, I was doubtful.

I tried the 2 male protagonist options (it's rare I can play a game with a female protagonist).

The wordbuilding is well done and varied. We can feel like we're really in Japan.
The characters are numerous and all different. Ogane was very annoying.
The story is easy to understand.
The art is well chosen. The filter isn't as bad as I thought it would be (from some replies too) but you should be careful about the faces : in the background, the faces are strange and could come from some horror movies (the cafeteria or the exit of the shinkansen especially); some portraits have some traits too pronounced like Sachiko (her eyes) or the store clerk of the seal shop.

I played until the first injection.
The choices are rare though significant. I felt like I had not much to do, just passing through the story though, sorry.
The first event was too cliché for me. Why didn't you make him fall on her in the stairs and grab her breast in the end. I know accident in ecchi is the norm but that was the first thing you did.
There are too many useless scenes : like "You take a relaxing bath" in a bathroom with your avatar in the first plan but it could have been skipped because the message in your room "After dinner and your bath you quickly fall asleep, ..." is saying the same thing (plus it happens every day). It could have been ok if you could see the bathing (or showering) itself or if, while you clean yourself, you also play with yourself.
The process of showing the annoying part of the bureaucracy of Japan is well done (though, for your bank account, you need a phone number and, for a phone, you need a bank account... the snake that bites his tail (does it exist in english that expression?). I was expecting it to be strict but not absurd.
We can't choose our club. It's a little sad to have the clubs for the manly guy and the clubs for the nice guy. I would have mixed the options, while the obligation for the bio-engineering club remains, because, if the manly guy really likes Japan that much, he shouldn't care about trying calligraphy.
The first injection event came out of nowhere for me. The possible jokes are awful outside confidence for a first time. The jokes from her are more awful, even if you've played the good guy through your gameplay.
We have for the manly guy : 2 female transformation paths, 1 exhibitionnist path and 1 love path and for the nice guy : 1 submissive path and 1 love path. It was too extreme for me for a first tentative of mind control (like you give her confidence and she go female transformation and in the lesbian joke, she should do the same : make you gay).
I stopped before going to the cinema with Eimi and her mother since I wasn't sure what path I would like (only the love one felt correct but I don't want to be infatuated this early in the game with one of the girls).

There are some spelling errors. And some wrong naming and that's more problematic (cf files : wrong name->wrong instructor (image and name); wrong name 2->it's Kaeko's phone that rings; wrong character->it's Raymond that got his medical results).

After the club's party, there's a ton of portrait that subtly appear for a very short time at the bottom left or an avatar in the middle, like there should be a dialog but it was deleted and all that's left is the portrait or the avatar.

Does the lesbian girl stay gay when she becomes a man? (it should be but apparently there's no gay option hinted in this game).

I may give it another chance if what I read in this thread make me want to try again but for now I'm too confused.

Anyway, good continuation.


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017
It was "Throne of Blood" in my case so there are exceptions from the manga/anime rule.
Heh, there are always some exceptions, just not that many. Ironically my examples were also actual exceptions.

A game about Japan, I couldn't miss it. The tags aren't that bad and the samples are correct. Though knowing the other game the dev participated, I was doubtful.

I tried the 2 male protagonist options (it's rare I can play a game with a female protagonist).

The wordbuilding is well done and varied. We can feel like we're really in Japan.
The characters are numerous and all different. Ogane was very annoying.
The story is easy to understand.
The art is well chosen. The filter isn't as bad as I thought it would be (from some replies too) but you should be careful about the faces : in the background, the faces are strange and could come from some horror movies (the cafeteria or the exit of the shinkansen especially); some portraits have some traits too pronounced like Sachiko (her eyes) or the store clerk of the seal shop.

I played until the first injection.
The choices are rare though significant. I felt like I had not much to do, just passing through the story though, sorry.
The first event was too cliché for me. Why didn't you make him fall on her in the stairs and grab her breast in the end. I know accident in ecchi is the norm but that was the first thing you did.
There are too many useless scenes : like "You take a relaxing bath" in a bathroom with your avatar in the first plan but it could have been skipped because the message in your room "After dinner and your bath you quickly fall asleep, ..." is saying the same thing (plus it happens every day). It could have been ok if you could see the bathing (or showering) itself or if, while you clean yourself, you also play with yourself.
The process of showing the annoying part of the bureaucracy of Japan is well done (though, for your bank account, you need a phone number and, for a phone, you need a bank account... the snake that bites his tail (does it exist in english that expression?). I was expecting it to be strict but not absurd.
We can't choose our club. It's a little sad to have the clubs for the manly guy and the clubs for the nice guy. I would have mixed the options, while the obligation for the bio-engineering club remains, because, if the manly guy really likes Japan that much, he shouldn't care about trying calligraphy.
The first injection event came out of nowhere for me. The possible jokes are awful outside confidence for a first time. The jokes from her are more awful, even if you've played the good guy through your gameplay.
We have for the manly guy : 2 female transformation paths, 1 exhibitionnist path and 1 love path and for the nice guy : 1 submissive path and 1 love path. It was too extreme for me for a first tentative of mind control (like you give her confidence and she go female transformation and in the lesbian joke, she should do the same : make you gay).
I stopped before going to the cinema with Eimi and her mother since I wasn't sure what path I would like (only the love one felt correct but I don't want to be infatuated this early in the game with one of the girls).

There are some spelling errors. And some wrong naming and that's more problematic (cf files : wrong name->wrong instructor (image and name); wrong name 2->it's Kaeko's phone that rings; wrong character->it's Raymond that got his medical results).

After the club's party, there's a ton of portrait that subtly appear for a very short time at the bottom left or an avatar in the middle, like there should be a dialog but it was deleted and all that's left is the portrait or the avatar.

Does the lesbian girl stay gay when she becomes a man? (it should be but apparently there's no gay option hinted in this game).

I may give it another chance if what I read in this thread make me want to try again but for now I'm too confused.

Anyway, good continuation.
The male paths currently have more options than the female paths, unfortunately, but I am working on content for the female paths too.

I didn't really think that much about faces in the background, because they are not really relevant, but I might take a look at it and see if they can be more blurred out maybe. For actual characters, I know some details get pushed more than others, but it's not always easy to work around due to the quality of the source images. Sachiko in particular suffers from the fact that the actress (Satou Eru) doesn't have good clothed pictures for a portrait.

I thought about having more choices, but to be honest adding choices just for the player to have some buttons to click doesn't really add anything to the game in my opinion. I want each choice to impact the story somehow.

The first event... initially it was the masturbation event, in the earliest release of the game. But everyone hated it (saying it's unrealistic for the MC to masturbate so fast after moving in, apparently) so it got pushed later instead and something else had to take its place. The MC is not a pervert, or not from the beginning, so it kind of has to be something accidental, as cliché as it might be.

As for the repeating scenes that add nothing, I've mentioned a couple times that I'm working on trimming those down; sorry if it takes a while to get better.

I'm glad you enjoyed the more mundane interactions in the game, I try to make them as genuine as possible to what would actually happen in Japan. Some rules do seem absurd, mostly because they were never made to account for a foreigner's situation, while a Japanese would not end up in the same situation, so there's little incentive to improve on them, usually.

The story currently stops after the cinema, so you didn't really miss anything. As for the changes, they sound extreme but as the game is planned to unravel later you would find that depending on how strong changes are, and how willing the subject is, the transition can be fast or it can be longer. And there will be some options to escape some of the more drastic outcomes. Generally, points of no return will be rather obvious. Eimi's changes are fast because she's not happy with how she is, so she embraces change.

For content, there's no planned M/M content, it's not my thing. I don't have any F2M path planned either. Maybe I'll reconsider it at some point and do a lesbian F2M, but if I did then the MC would keep being into girls on that one.

I have already caught the name display errors which you mentioned in my current dev build, but thank you for mentioning them. I'll look into the random images showing without text and see what's causing it.
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Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

Thank you very much for your explainations.

I thought about having more choices, but to be honest adding choices just for the player to have some buttons to click doesn't really add anything to the game in my opinion. I want each choice to impact the story somehow.
That's enough for me. And you're right : I prefer my choices to matter even if they are scarce than having an illusion of choices and feeling forced down a path.

The first event... initially it was the masturbation event, in the earliest release of the game. But everyone hated it (saying it's unrealistic for the MC to masturbate so fast after moving in, apparently) so it got pushed later instead and something else had to take its place. The MC is not a pervert, or not from the beginning, so it kind of has to be something accidental, as cliché as it might be.
Ok. I don't mind voyeurism but usually it's done like "X is the shower, do you want to spy?". And I pointed it out because the story take place in Japan.
As for the reason behind it, I don't understand it. The adult section of the manga/anime shop right at the start was ok but a masturbation scene wasn't (I found his position on the bed more strange).
But don't worry, it doesn't affect the storyline of the game.

As for the repeating scenes that add nothing, I've mentioned a couple times that I'm working on trimming those down; sorry if it takes a while to get better.
Sorry, I didn't think what you said previously was about it (You were talking about repetition so I didn't make the link).

I'm glad you enjoyed the more mundane interactions in the game, I try to make them as genuine as possible to what would actually happen in Japan. Some rules do seem absurd, mostly because they were never made to account for a foreigner's situation, while a Japanese would not end up in the same situation, so there's little incentive to improve on them, usually.
I think adding realistic facts allow a better immersion.

The story currently stops after the cinema, so you didn't really miss anything. As for the changes, they sound extreme but as the game is planned to unravel later you would find that depending on how strong changes are, and how willing the subject is, the transition can be fast or it can be longer. And there will be some options to escape some of the more drastic outcomes. Generally, points of no return will be rather obvious. Eimi's changes are fast because she's not happy with how she is, so she embraces change.
Thanks for making it more clear. Well, I was more surprised by the fact it was the first try. Hard changes should come later from my point of view.
As for transformations, I play as a male so don't want to become a girl. And I don't want to hurt or being hurt due to the changes.

For content, there's no planned M/M content, it's not my thing. I don't have any F2M path planned either. Maybe I'll reconsider it at some point and do a lesbian F2M, but if I did then the MC would keep being into girls on that one.
I was expecting this but, from my point of view, you're lesbian so you stay attracted to the same sex but your choice is also valid (you like girls so you continue liking girls). Also, making Eimi lesbian was supposing she makes the MC gay for me.

I have already caught the name display errors which you mentioned in my current dev build, but thank you for mentioning them. I'll look into the random images showing without text and see what's causing it.
No problem. I think it's our duty as players to help the dev.

I'm really glad you took some time to explain better. I just shared my feelings and some ideas to make the game better, hoping to help the dev.


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017
I think I have addressed most of the placeholder complaints in today's version (, hopefully the replacement for the day transition is better.

* Removed most placeholder events
* Added quick animation for day transition
* Mike/Midori path continued (H event)
* Literature and games club introduced
* Tennis club content
* Release will include android version from now
* Merged many short lines.

Overall there should be less clicking per text displayed, around 400 extra lines of dialogue.

I'm working on finishing second time events for all clubs and introductions for characters that you don't meet in the clubs you joined. That will also allow me to enable a school festival event (only partly written) that ties into some of the romantic paths. Also there's an event for Ria that I really want to write now, so I might add that even if it doesn't tie yet fully in the story. Also the next event in the science club, where you choose whether to help Eimi or not and if you want to test on other people (probably only Mike as an option first).


Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

This new version was really better since it was more fluid and smooth. The icons preceding the sentences are a good find since we now know more easily if it's a dialog, a thought, a sms or the time that flies. The changes between days feels mechanical though the design is nice. You've corrected what I signaled so thank you.

I forgot to say it before but the music is nice.

The new content was also a nice addition. Eimi's sister was something. The tennis joke was amusing. You added a choice for the experiment with explanations and it's better that way (though refusing would be meaningless). There are some spellling errors in the new content, particularly with the sister Nozomi (with many or

Why characters that we already encountered seem to act like it's the first time (like Hajime and Ria in the athletics club when you already met them at the caferteria since they are the roomates of your friends or Chihiro at the flower arrangement club since we met at the gender equality club before).

I thought I was wrong but you changed Yuya model, the old one is used now for Atsushi from the games club. Although, why is Nessa present at the start when Chloe introduce herself if she doesn't join the club?

The scene with the animals cry made me think this time that : wouldn't the other club members come in from the noises they hear? Or did they already left?

After the club's party, there's a ton of portrait that subtly appear for a very short time at the bottom left or an avatar in the middle, like there should be a dialog but it was deleted and all that's left is the portrait or the avatar.
It's still the case for the portraits at the bottom left, though their numbers have decreased.

Good continuation.


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017

This new version was really better since it was more fluid and smooth. The icons preceding the sentences are a good find since we now know more easily if it's a dialog, a thought, a sms or the time that flies. The changes between days feels mechanical though the design is nice. You've corrected what I signaled so thank you.

I forgot to say it before but the music is nice.

The new content was also a nice addition. Eimi's sister was something. The tennis joke was amusing. You added a choice for the experiment with explanations and it's better that way (though refusing would be meaningless). There are some spellling errors in the new content, particularly with the sister Nozomi (with many or

Why characters that we already encountered seem to act like it's the first time (like Hajime and Ria in the athletics club when you already met them at the caferteria since they are the roomates of your friends or Chihiro at the flower arrangement club since we met at the gender equality club before).

I thought I was wrong but you changed Yuya model, the old one is used now for Atsushi from the games club. Although, why is Nessa present at the start when Chloe introduce herself if she doesn't join the club?

The scene with the animals cry made me think this time that : wouldn't the other club members come in from the noises they hear? Or did they already left?

It's still the case for the portraits at the bottom left, though their numbers have decreased.

Good continuation.
Again, thank you for the feedback.

Refusing the serum is not entirely meaningless, not being nice to Eimi too many times means she won't be nice to you either in terms, so it mostly affects what transformations you will get.

Ill check the missing call statements as well, sorry those are a bit hard to catch sometimes. The clubs were using some older flags (from the previous version where you could pick clubs) to check whether you know the characters, fixed in the next version.

I felt the model for Yuya matched better the personality for Atsushi, and the model I previously had for Atsushi is more for an asshole character (Ogane's boyfriend). There's not that many good pictures to pick from for male AV actors, so I had to switch them around...

Nessa is part of the tennis club, I'm not entirely sure which part you are referring to.

All the experiments happen after everyone left, due to Eimi wanting to keep it secret, I think it was mentioned the first time, but I'll make it more obvious.

I did find the cases where the random side images happen, seems to be when there's a IF switch after an image is displayed, but haven't found why it happens or a solution yet.
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Jan 8, 2018
Following this thread.

Curious what will be in 3 years or whenever the only route I am interested in
(MC = Regular Girl / Avi Love / Avi-lookalike)
will have content.


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017
Following this thread.

Curious what will be in 3 years or whenever the only route I am interested in
(MC = Regular Girl / Avi Love / Avi-lookalike)
will have content.
In case you haven't figured it out and are interested, the female MC is Gia Paige.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

Thanks for answering as always.

Nessa is part of the tennis club, I'm not entirely sure which part you are referring to.
Well, she appears when you talk to Chloe to introduce yourself. I've made a screenshot to show you (cf files).

All the experiments happen after everyone left, due to Eimi wanting to keep it secret, I think it was mentioned the first time, but I'll make it more obvious.
No, you're right. I've failed to notice the time jump, sorry.

I did find the cases where the random side images happen, seems to be when there's a IF switch after an image is displayed, but haven't found why it happens or a solution yet.
It wasn't a reproach, more a report to let you know that, even though you deleted most of them, there are still some left. So take your time, it doesn't hinder the progress of the story.


Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
I was planning to wait for more content, but I just had to wait an hour, so in the meantime I tried the game :) I find it very promising and nice, but at the same time somewhat boring. I'm not saying that the game is boring per se, but it falls into this category for me personally. My biggest problem with it is that there's not much for the player to do apart from reading text. The choices appear rarely and the passages of text between them are really long. I know it's a visual novel, but personally I prefer VNs with more choices and player's input.

Regarding choices, I don't really know what different choices are doing (I'm not saying it as a bad thing) apart from 2 that I'm sure: choosing gander and type (I chose nice man) and the choice that makes Eimi more dominant, which was really nice, and her change of attitude was interesting to see. I liked the barking scene too. I'm mostly trying to find and focus on femdom content so I hope this dom Eimi route will continue well into some deeper/harder femdom territory, but also that it'll exist without or with avoidable/optional feminisation/sissification. I'm curious about the choice of standing up for Eimi btw, how it influences her and Ogane (I chose to stand up for her). I'm definitely going to play next update to see where the game is heading; good luck.


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017

Thanks for answering as always.

Well, she appears when you talk to Chloe to introduce yourself. I've made a screenshot to show you (cf files).

No, you're right. I've failed to notice the time jump, sorry.

It wasn't a reproach, more a report to let you know that, even though you deleted most of them, there are still some left. So take your time, it doesn't hinder the progress of the story.
Ah, it was in the games club, I thought it was tennis. Yeah, those lines were supposed to be said by the MC, I'll fix them.

I don't take comments negatively, I try to use any feedback to improve the game as much as I can,

I was planning to wait for more content, but I just had to wait an hour, so in the meantime I tried the game :) I find it very promising and nice, but at the same time somewhat boring. I'm not saying that the game is boring per se, but it falls into this category for me personally. My biggest problem with it is that there's not much for the player to do apart from reading text. The choices appear rarely and the passages of text between them are really long. I know it's a visual novel, but personally I prefer VNs with more choices and player's input.

Regarding choices, I don't really know what different choices are doing (I'm not saying it as a bad thing) apart from 2 that I'm sure: choosing gander and type (I chose nice man) and the choice that makes Eimi more dominant, which was really nice, and her change of attitude was interesting to see. I liked the barking scene too. I'm mostly trying to find and focus on femdom content so I hope this dom Eimi route will continue well into some deeper/harder femdom territory, but also that it'll exist without or with avoidable/optional feminisation/sissification. I'm curious about the choice of standing up for Eimi btw, how it influences her and Ogane (I chose to stand up for her). I'm definitely going to play next update to see where the game is heading; good luck.
I appreciate the fact that you took the time to try the game and comment, unfortunately the gameplay aspect of the game is unlikely to change that much. It is intended to be a VN type of game and I don't really want to add too many choices just for the sake of having choices (e.g. choices that don't actually change anything). The choices in the game affect your relationship with the characters and how they will act towards you in the future. But just like in real life I don't want to make it always obvious how they impact the characters, you usually don't know when people like or hate your actions.

I did think about having things like displaying stat changes, but then I think it just becomes a min-maxing game for players, rather than trying to explore the story. In which case I think it can be frustrating to have to go through too many choices to find some random path which you might have missed. At least that's my logic behind the game design.

There's no sissification content planned for the game, or any M/M content, it's not my cup of tea. There is MTF gender change on some paths planned, but that is not dominance related. And there are some paths where the femdom can go rather far. Including a version where Eimi goes completely off the rails and turns evil, if the player is never nice nor supportive of her. I can't promise anything regarding how long it will take to add this content into the game however.


Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
I appreciate the fact that you took the time to try the game and comment, unfortunately the gameplay aspect of the game is unlikely to change that much. It is intended to be a VN type of game and I don't really want to add too many choices just for the sake of having choices (e.g. choices that don't actually change anything). The choices in the game affect your relationship with the characters and how they will act towards you in the future. But just like in real life I don't want to make it always obvious how they impact the characters, you usually don't know when people like or hate your actions.

I did think about having things like displaying stat changes, but then I think it just becomes a min-maxing game for players, rather than trying to explore the story. In which case I think it can be frustrating to have to go through too many choices to find some random path which you might have missed. At least that's my logic behind the game design.

There's no sissification content planned for the game, or any M/M content, it's not my cup of tea. There is MTF gender change on some paths planned, but that is not dominance related. And there are some paths where the femdom can go rather far. Including a version where Eimi goes completely off the rails and turns evil, if the player is never nice nor supportive of her. I can't promise anything regarding how long it will take to add this content into the game however.
Thank you for your answers. As I said, my comments were not about the fact if the way you structure your game is good or bad, I was only sharing my purely subjective view of what I find personally not to my liking. It's not my intention to try to persuade you tailor the game closer to my tastes, on the contrary I wish you all the luck with following your own vision.

Then it seems that it was a good decision that I've supported Eimi. While I want her go full femdom on MC, I wouldn't like her to become evil (at least on my main playthrough). It seems she will gradually be less shy, more assertive and finally more dominant, which sounds like a really interesting process to witness. I'm looking forward to see how this side of game, but also the game in general will evolve. BTW you have a typo in your signature; you're missing last 'a' in the title of your game :)


New Member
Dec 13, 2020
1 € = 133 Yen, cheap Bus tickets there :) I like the Game and the Filter too. Thanks for showing us your work, i'm looking forward to the TF content :)

Good Luck


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2017
Sorry, didn't really have time to reply. Work was rather busy and I used most of the free time to work on the game. Good news is that there's about 80 new images added to the next version, bad news is that it's probably going to be towards the end of November.
Then it seems that it was a good decision that I've supported Eimi. While I want her go full femdom on MC, I wouldn't like her to become evil (at least on my main playthrough). It seems she will gradually be less shy, more assertive and finally more dominant, which sounds like a really interesting process to witness. I'm looking forward to see how this side of game, but also the game in general will evolve. BTW you have a typo in your signature; you're missing last 'a' in the title of your game :)
A bit of clarification regarding the mentioned Eimi path, by evil it's not like she is going to be hurting people or stuff like that. More that she will decide that things would be better if everyone obeys her. I think this path will first be introduced as a sort of bad end, but it would get expanded later after other paths have been written.
1 € = 133 Yen, cheap Bus tickets there :) I like the Game and the Filter too. Thanks for showing us your work, i'm looking forward to the TF content :)

Good Luck
Prices for buses and trains vary greatly in Japan. The price for the one mentioned in the game is cheap because it goes to the university so there's lots of people ridding it to cover the cost. Generally depends on distance and how many people the line actually services. I think highest I ever paid on a local bus was around 900 yen.
3.20 star(s) 5 Votes