Unity LOK: Rebirth [v0.1.8.0 Test] [The Tribe Devs]

1.60 star(s) 24 Votes


Dec 3, 2019
Hidey ho neighbors, I bring to you for your consideration another weekly progress report. Quite a number of things have been done, despite some people in the team that are sick and in unfortunate situations. So a lot of positives.
  • We've been going through the game from start to finish and writing everything down that we can alter to make better. A list of notes of things to improve. TONS of bugs have been being fixed overall.

  • New character dialogue art for Nara has been completed!

  • A number of new idle animations have been completed for various people throughout the village! You can see these here:
7 Carring Box Side.gif 8 Carring Box Fromt.gif 11 Carrying a basket Front.gif 6 Checking Box.gif
  • The hub has been altered, a new firepit has been installed! Have a look here:
View attachment 2024-06-24_21-21-47.mp4

  • The nursery area is getting a facelift by Compound, as is visible here: (File compressed)
View attachment 2cbcV5nnjJ (1).mp4

  • We are also adding the Nursery interior soon enough, whilst beautifying the surrounding areas.

  • Some of the new bugfixes in the changelog moving forward:
  • Hub Art & Collision update to fix the player walking on top of certain pieces
  • Fixed Vanlen's part of Mieri's bracelet quest
  • Fixed underwear showing while wearing other chest or leg items
  • Fixed toggled crouch and sprint not persisting when switching areas
  • Added Shift + click to loot containers which auto sends the item between inventory and the container

and more. To top it all off, we have some new music for combat against an undiscovered enemy for the near-ish future: Thank you for your support! Hope you guys have a good day! (Or night).


Hello friends, Romans, countrymen! Lend me your ear.
  • Fashion fashion fashion. We have recently had the idea of adding maybe a couple of outfits to the game for people to put on Kay. A tribal suit and some workout clothes, you can see the concept here:
image (1).png
We were discussing which variation of a tribal suit for Kay to add, something that fits and doesn't look too 'warrior' immediately. Something fun that players can get and walk around with. We might later add them to shops like Vanlen's which you would trade respect for to buy, once we have enough items to populate shops.
  • Ron is merging a number of fixes and builds, which does take some time, implementing dialogue.

  • We are implementing a number of tents that Kuja has made into the village which look a lot better. Kantir's tent will be making it into the game, along with a few others.

  • Animation is working on kitchen animations for the new character Nara, as well as rigging 2 space marines (heh) on the ship, so you can actually talk to them and get Sampson's content that is currently only available in memories. (With full dialogue)

  • Today we discussed in great detail about build prioritizing and timing. It is no secret that we take long periods of time between releases, often too long. The main reason for this is partly due to "We have other things nearly ready but this thing isn't ready if we wait a little longer these things will be ready" and often times it then turns into the gambler's addiction of "Well now they've waited so long we HAVE to finish this big thing so people are satisfied with the build!"
We really want to make focused smaller builds, the challenge is in figuring out the best way to do that. Smaller content focused builds that don't take nearly as long to do, getting ahead of the content curve instead of being behind it. So during our meeting we've highlighted a number of ways to try and remedy this issue. For one thing, instead of 'wait until this is done' we just release as is, but that may look somewhat incomplete sometimes. It's a delicate balance. If you have suggestions or would like to weigh in with your opinion, feel free to @ me in the appropriate channels. That's all for this week, hope you guys are having a wonderous day and we are eternally grateful for your continued support!


  • To continue on what was said prior, steps are being taken to make the village just look better in general. We're going through it (Noting and fixing bugs or issues as we see them and are able) and deciding on what might be good to put in places WITHOUT taking a ridiculous amount of effort. You can see these here:
Female_Communal_Tent_Notes.png Chieftain_Interior_Notes.png
  • Part of the work going into this is also to (without seeming unnatural) make the areas and boundaries smaller, so there is significantly less area to travel, and it's not just a constant walking simulator. With improvements in how we are making areas, with modular assets, this should vastly speed up how quickly we can create an environment, that also isn't horrendous to navigate. You can see these notes here:
Nursery_Notes.jpg Waterfall_Notes.jpg
  • We've been dabbling in shaders and Ron has been doing loads upon loads of fixes, as well as general tweaks and modifications to the game that may not be necessarily noticeable, but we feel will absolutely help in the overall feel of the game. Here, an item that shines!:
  • Nara's dialogue is being worked on, at a relatively fast pace. Here is a snippet of what is to come:
image (2).png

Overall, despite Freedom day, and a lot of IRL challenges, work upon the large update continues to move forward. Though we ideally want to do smaller updates for consistent content after this, and we as I have said in the prior posts, have plans for doing this. Thank you all for your continued support, that's all for now, have a great day!

(I'm not a developer. I'm just posting news.)
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Dec 3, 2019
Lets see if the Curse of Krystal will affect this.
If we put it in this wording, "Kursed" comes to mind, since that was the name she picked out in one of the endings in Star Fox: Command.
I think it would be fitting for this idiom.

In all seriousness, the "curse" is pretty much on the money with how many single entities or small groups try and try to make a game, and fail.
If we count the original, there were maybe two LoK games done to completion. The other done by GoRepete. There was also a side scrolling fighting one, with grapple mechanics. Not sure if that one was, "completed," but it sure was playable. though, that whole being 'complete' thing seems to urk people so much, they just sweep everything under a rug and call it a curse, something about memes being funny, or following an idea that is popular.

A couple success over a few dozen attempts seems to track across the board.
I'd say it's actually just the development of video games in general that is cursed.
If you bomb, you are screwed.
If you succeed, you might be screwed.
If you do succeed, there becomes demand. And with it, the ire of people that want, and want, and want. It is never good enough, and you get called names from strangers for trying your best.

It's hella demoralizing. I know why people do it. Because they love games. But the urge to create is destroyed by those that consume. It's rough.


Oct 11, 2023
If we put it in this wording, "Kursed" comes to mind, since that was the name she picked out in one of the endings in Star Fox: Command.
I think it would be fitting for this idiom.

In all seriousness, the "curse" is pretty much on the money with how many single entities or small groups try and try to make a game, and fail.
If we count the original, there were maybe two LoK games done to completion. The other done by GoRepete. There was also a side scrolling fighting one, with grapple mechanics. Not sure if that one was, "completed," but it sure was playable. though, that whole being 'complete' thing seems to urk people so much, they just sweep everything under a rug and call it a curse, something about memes being funny, or following an idea that is popular.

A couple success over a few dozen attempts seems to track across the board.
I'd say it's actually just the development of video games in general that is cursed.
If you bomb, you are screwed.
If you succeed, you might be screwed.
If you do succeed, there becomes demand. And with it, the ire of people that want, and want, and want. It is never good enough, and you get called names from strangers for trying your best.

It's hella demoralizing. I know why people do it. Because they love games. But the urge to create is destroyed by those that consume. It's rough.
I think that "Kursed" is a good new word. Thank you for your service now we got another word to spread and act superior compared to "Normal People".
1.60 star(s) 24 Votes