- We did further theory crafting into how we want still scenes to look. The whole sketch theme like Kay writing in her journal with the player able to make decisions to advance the scenes we think looks and would feel pretty good. Obviously this is an early concept, more detail will be added to the 'book' itself.
- A lot of things being implemented and being made ready for implementation. We'll want to a significant amount of testing before we release it, and fix as much as we can. Hopefully the next major update is only just around the corner. We have clear goals for the following builds.
- Cenvir animation is animating! Progress continues despite some internal setbacks on finishing up the last of Cenvir's content needed for the big update
- Dirk has finished a new piece for the game in the form of combat music for a creature named the Akliath. It'll be very creepy.
- Additional functionality was added to our dialogue tool for use in unity, and more content was implemented for the next major patch.
- Cenvir animations continue, and are nearly finished. They'll need some touching up and polish, but overall they are coming out alright.
- Design for early enemies for testing and combat prototyping purposes is underway, have a look at a Viskin, a rather large alien canine!
- Our current plan is to soon do a test of Vanlen's changes, which we'll introduce to the praetorians for early testing should they wish. Then we'll merge that with our Cenvir changes when finished and do another round of testing before a release to the patron audience.
- As we are finishing up with Nara/Mjol's dialogue chains, we have also begun shifting focus to dialogue efforts on Inani once more, with plans to add her soon.
We've been looking at alien-ifying the Viskin. There will be a few different types based on region, and we've been looking at colors/identifying features for these regions.
- A number of scenes have been merged, including merging the deep jungle and crash site with the waterfall trail.
- Work is also being done on the Hermit and his assistant in ironing out how they will look.
- Kuja has finished the model for Mjol! The chef with attitude. He's a no nonsense man of alien spices, alien meats, and alien veggies. You'll be chopping and slicing for him, and maybe he'll show you his sausage.
- As combat continues to be worked on in the background, we're going to be making concept art for every enemy type planned in the game. Mostly for the purposes of Kuja's art and the animation aspects.
- Bug fixes are taking place with an alpha build soon ready to be sent to Praetorians for them to tear apart at their leisure. We're pretty close to a major release, and we already have a pretty clear path to the next major release which will feature Nara/Mjol.