Thank you for this review and feedback.
I'm glad you liked the game.
I take this opportunity to respond to your worries about the game:
- for my "Engrish", sorry, I discovered while posting the first release of the game that my English level was not as good as I hoped. But there are currently 2 players who have started a titanic work of correction (I don't think they will be finished by the next update because this work is so big). As I try to make the characters' speeches take into account the progress of the game, there are often several variations for each sentence in the game, so it's really a crazy job they've started. Thanks to them.
- As for the frustrating side of the unfinished scenes, all I can say is that French proverb that I already mentioned in this thread: "Paris wasn't built in a day". I'm working alone on the development of this game, and this is only the third release. I think it will take a lot more before the game is complete.
- For the grumpy side (if I understand correctly), I think it's due to the translation. In the french version, Lolita has a rather cinic humor and she handles irony a lot, and I'm not sure I managed to translate it into english. Hope the future correction will help
- and for the last point, the reactions of the NPCs are well planned according to Lolita's outfits (there are already several places that take this into account: the house, the bar, the brothel, the swimming pool) and there will also be afterwards some passers-by who will interact according to the outfits.
The next update will be about the school, because I find that this is the most repetitive and empty part of the game at the moment.
I'm currently preparing about 30 CGs (counting the variants) and I hope to be able to post it during the month of September.
You're quite welcome, keep up the great work!
I'm excited to see the next update and am glad to hear its going well.
The Engrish is quite understandable, like I said in the review. I'm glad you're getting assistance.
I understand the sudden drop off too, its a work in progress so entirely understandable. But I was really looking forward to the next scene with the lady in her apartment. But hey, you've made an amazing amount of content for only a third release. Keep up the great work!
I meant "grindy" as in, there seems to a bit too much of a grind to gaining money/gaining stats/etc. But I cheated (naughty naughty) to see some more of the scenes so it wasn't too much of a problem.
You're right, I forgot to mention that, I'm sorry; I specifically was thinking of the school in particular but glad to see its in the next update.
Again, keep up the great work my friend!